Projects » SFPoser Animation Controller


SF Poser is a General-Purpose Animation Controller for up to 99 avatars. It can be used to create furniture from scratch and quickly without editing notecards at all. It allows on-the-fly adjustments of poses and change of animations, automatic timers, prop rezzing, NPC rezzing, RLV, expressions, and other built-in powerful utilities.
It uses the same notecard format of the wonderful PMAC system, which means that it works right away with existing PMAC furniture. 


You can get the SFposer package from the opensimworld region:
The package contains an empty SFposer Template.

- Rez the template and add your animations in its contents
- Click on it and select OPTIONS->New Menu to create a new poses menu. A new empty pose (Pose1) will automatically be added to the new menu
- Click OPTIONS -> EDIT POSE to adjust the pose. The positioning handles will appear. 
- Touch each handle to select an animation from inventory
- Move the handles to position the avatars
- When done, click Save Pose, and then Save Menu
Congratulations, you just created your first menu card and pose!

- To add more poses, click Options -> Edit Pose -> New Pose and repeat



- Remove all the existing scripts from the object
- Drop the ~positioner, the ~baseAnim and the ..SFposer script in the contents of the PMAC object. You will find those inside the SFposer Template object
- That's all!  If you need to convert existing PMAC plugin options to SFposer, use this converter


There is an online converter system that you can use to convert MLP and AVsitter cards to the SFposer/PMAC format:


A POSE is a set of avatars playing animations in specific positions. SFposer organizes the poses in MENUS (groups of poses), and each of  the menus is saved in a separate notecard inside the object. Each menu notecard line describes one POSE, and all the poses in the menu support the same maximum number of avatars. The notecards are automatically created and saved by SFposer, but you will need to edit the notecards to add Shortcodes, which provide additional functionality.


Shortcodes are strings of the form SHORTCODE{argument1; argument2} which are added to notecards to instruct SFposer to do something while playing an animation. They can also be invoked through add-on buttons in the OPTIONS  menu, from other scripts via llMessageLinked() and remotely from other objects using the SFposer dataserver-API. 

To add a shortcode to a pose, insert it in the specially reserved second column of the .menu notecards, right after the pose name. The column is usually occupied with "NO COM" or "NOCODE".  Replace those with your shortcode(s):

Dance Together2|NO COM|danceLeft2|...
Dance Together|EXPR{smile;3;smile;4} SAY{Hello!} SAY{Hello again}|danceLeft|...
Dance Together3|SHORTCODE_GOES_HERE|danceLeft3|...

You can add multiple shortcodes{} simply separating them with spaces

There is additionally a configuration notecard for SFposer named '.SFconfig' where you can also add shortcodes, one per line (more on this later)

A shortcode{} can be executed via a button in the OPTIONS  menu. To create a button, add a Button line in the .SFconfig notecard as follows:


After editing notecards, you need to stand up and sit again, to force the script to reset and reload them.


For each avatar participating in the pose, you can specify an expression animation to play and the time it takes to repeat the expression (in seconds -- if you dont want repeats , enter 0). The Expressions Shortcode is:

EXPR{expression1;repeatTime1;expression2;repeatTime2;expression3;repeatTime3 ... and so on for every avatar of the pose}

The expressions and repeatTimes can be left empty, but be sure to include the required ';' separators for all avatars in the pose.
For example, the following notecard line defines expressions for the pose "WatchMovie" which is for 3 avatars:

WatchMovie|EXPR{laugh_emote;4;open_mouth;3;frown;0}|chair_sit|<0.2112.... [the rest of the pose line]

In this case, avatar1 will play the animation express_laugh_emote every 4 seconds; avatar2 will play express_open_mouth every 3 seconds and avatar3 will play express_frown only once.
For brevity, the "express_" part of the animation name is omitted (so you only enter "frown" for animation "express_frown") . The full list of available expressions is:

open_mouth, surprise_emote, tongue_out,smile, toothsmile, wink_emote, cry_emote,kiss, laugh_emote,disdain, repulsed_emote, anger_emote, bored_emote,sad_emote, embarrassed_emote, frown,shrug_emote, afraid_emote, worry_emote

If you wish to use a custom expression animation (e.g. a bento animation called bentoanim), you need to add the animation inside the SFposer object and rename it to "express_bentoanim". You can then use it as: EXPR{bento_anim;3}  


"Props" are objects to be rezzed with specific poses or via a button. All props objects must contain the SFposer Prop script so that they can be deleted after use. Click here to get the script

After adding the script to the prop, drop it in the contens of the object and rename it to "MyProp".

Add the following Shortcode to a pose to rez the prop:


This will rez MyProp at position <1,1,1> and rotation <0,0,0,1> relative to the object. You do not need to edit the position and rotation manually instead you can position the props correctly by editing the pose (read below).

If you need to rez multiple props, add multiple PROP{} shortcodes, separating them by space: PROP{Prop1... } PROP{Prop2...} PROP{Prop3...} ....

Sit and re-sit on the SFposer to reload the notecards, and then select the pose again. The prop should rez in the position <1,1,1>, as instructed. 

Now, edit the prop to position it to its final position, and then select  Options -> Edit Pose -> Save Pose. The system will save the new PROP{} positions and also print them out in local chat.

Additional shortcodes for props are supported. You can use them to create Buttons that rez/derez props:


When the button is pressed, it rezzes the prop, when pressed again, it deletes it.


Deletes the prop

For example, you can  define a rez/unrez button in the .SFconfig notecard as follows:


(remember to re-sit in order to reload the card)

Attachment Props: You can use the "SFposer attachment prop script" (get it here) to create props that auto-attach to a user (for example, a gym bench could use them to attach dumbbells to the sitter's hands). Use the following procedure to create attachment prop shortcodes:

- Wear the attachment, adjust it to its final position and add the "SFposer Attachment Prop script" inside it. 
- RESET THE SCRIPTS in the attachment to record its position
- Detach the attachment,  add it in the contents of the SFposer object, make it full permissions, and give it a name (e.g. MyProp)

Add the following shortcode to a pose to rez the prop and requests to attach to avatar sitting at position 0 (first avatar)


When you select that pose, the attachment prop will be rezzed and will request to attach to avatar at position 0 (the first avatar).

If instead you wish to attach the prop to the avatar that is currently using the menu, use the PROP{} shortcode: 


Attachment props are not detached when switching positions, they will detach when you stand up. 

Note that Attachment props are temporary and cannot be detached by right clicking, instead the user will have to click on them to detach.


SFPoser has built-in support for RLV and uses shortcodes to implement it.

Add the following lines to your .SFconfig notecard to create an "RLV Capture" and  an "RLV Release" button:

Button=RLV Capture=RLVCAPTURE{20}
Button=RLV Release=RLVRELEASE{}

RLVCAPTURE{20} indicates that 20 is the maximum distance  (in meters) within which to search for avatars to capture.

RLVRELEASE{} does not have any arguments 

You can send RLV commands at specific poses with the RLV{} shortcode: 

RLV{avatarNumber; @rlvCommand1 ; @rlvCommand2; @rlvCommand3 ... }

avatarNumber is the position of the avatar (0 is the first avatar). You can send multiple RLV commands with a single RLV{} shortcode, but remember to separate them with ';'

RLV support works with osCollar 7. You can read more about the RLV protocol here.


To give an object from inventory to the user who is currently using the system, create a Button in the .SFconfig notecard with the GIVE{} shortcode as shown below:

Button=Get Popcorn=GIVE{Popcorn}

The button "Get Popcorn" will be added to the Main menu's OPTIONS  screen. Make sure the Popcorn object is inside the contents of the SFposer object and that it has copy permissions or else the command will fail silently


You can add NPCs to SFposer by adding NPC appearance notecards inside the object. Each NPC appearance notecard must be renamed as follows (same as PMAC):

.NPC00A Firstname Lastname

Appearance Notecards that have been created for PMAC should work right away. 

Add the NPC notecards and reset the object by re-sitting. The NPCs submenu should appear in the OPTIONS menu

You can use the shortcode ADDNPC{firstname lastname} in .SFconfig to rez NPCs during startup or after region restart.

You can also use the shortcodes ADDNPC{..} and DELNPC{..} in poses. 

SFposer supports LockGuard V2 cuffs for chains and ropes. In order to add lockguard to a pose, use the LG{} Shortcode:


This sends a lockguard command to the cuffs worn by the avatar sitting at position 0 (the first position) to link to the child prim named "rightHook". It sends the lockguard command "rightwrist" which is understood by the wrist cuff. You can add more lockguard options to the same "rightwrist" command , such as "rightwrist gravity 4 life 1.5 color 1 0 0", but DO NOT INCLUDE the "link" and "unlink" commands. These are added automatically by the system. You can read more about the LockGuard protocol options here.

You can add multiple LG{} Shortcodes for multiple cuffs. An example notecard line is:

UseCableMachine| LG{0;rightwrist life 1;righthook} LG{0;leftwrist life 1;lefthook} |cables|<1.3282,1.8789,0.8556>|<0.0001,-0.0002,0,1.>

Chains are unlinked automatically when someone stands.


You can use the ANIM{} and STOPANIM{} shortcodes to create Buttons that run animations ON TOP OF the currently playing animations of the pose.

For example, the following line can be added to the .SFconfig notecard to create a Button that plays the 'express_laugh' animation on the first 3 avatars of the pose:

Button=All Laugh=ANIM{express_laugh;express_laugh;express_laugh}

to stop those animations, use the STOPANIM Shortcode:

Button=Stop Laugh=STOPANIM{express_laugh;express_laugh;express_laugh}

Note that, unlike the EXPR{} shortcode, you have to give the full name of the animation here, and there is no repeat-time 


SFposer supports an auto-timer that switches to the next pose every X seconds. The menu TIMER is under OPTIONS.
You can specify the default auto timer duration (in seconds) for all menus in the .SFconfig notecard


You can change the auto-timer for individual poses with the shortcode TIMER{50}, which will set the animation timer every 50 seconds.Use TIMER{0}  to stop the auto-timer.


Shortcodes like GIVE{... }, can be added to pose lines in the .menu notecards, and they can also be invoked from "Button" lines in .SFconfig (Buttons are added to the OPTIONS  menu).

Multiple shortcodes can be added to a pose in the .menu notecard . Just separate the shortcodes with a space.

For example, the following shortcode commands will rez the prop MyProp, and run the animation 'clap' when added to a pose line:

PROP{MyProp;<1,0,0>;<0,0,0,1>} ANIM{clap;clap;clap;clap}

The same Shortcodes can be invoked via a Button. The button is added via a line in .SFconfig notecard as follows:

Button=MyButtonLabel=PROP{MyProp;<1,0,0>;<0,0,0,1>} ANIM{clap;clap;clap;clap}


In addition to the Shortcodes described so far, the following Shortcodes are supported:

MSGPROP{MyProp;Hello, prop} Sends the dataserver message "Hello, prop" to the already-rezzed prop MyProp using osMessageObject()

MSGATT{0;Hello, avatar1 attachment;19,4} Sends the dataserver message "Hello, avatar1 attachment" to the attachments attached on attach points 19 or 4 of the avatar sitting on position 0 of the pose (first position) using osMessageAttachments(). You can read more on the documentation of osMessageAttachment online . You have to use the numeric codes for the attachment points. Click here to view the full list of attachment point numbers.

MSGOBJ{<object-uuid>;Hello object} Sends the dataserver message "Hello object" to the object with UUID <object-uuid> using osMessageObject(). This can be used to send shortcodes to another SFposer, however you will have to replace the '{' and '}' characters with '[' and ']' in the shortcodes for this to work. For example, to change the pose in another sfposer object:

MSGOBJ{<target-object-uuid>; SAY[Changing pose] SWITCHTOPOSE[MyPose]}

MSGLINK{4;Hello link number 4} Uses osMessageObject to send the dataserver message "Hello link number 4" to the linked prim at link number 4

SAYCH{21;Hello, channel 21} Uses llSay() to say the string "Hello, channel 21" to the local chat channel 21. The string can contain the special codes %USER00, %USER01, %USER02 etc which are replaced witht the name of the avatar sitting at position 1, position 2 etc. An example: SAYCH{0; The user %USER00 is sitting with %USER01} 

SAY{Hello public channel} Same as SAYCH, but for the local chat (channel 0)

REGIONSAY{21; Hello channel 21 in the whole region} Like SAYCH, but region-wide

USAY{Hello dialog user} Say something to the user currently using the dialog

LINKMSG{-1;99;Hello, all prims} Invokes llMessageLinked(-1,99, "Hello, all prims" , <list-of-avatarIds> ) to send a link message. Note that LINK_SET = -1, LINK_THIS=-4

TRIGGERSND{My sound} Play the sound "My sound" using llTriggerSound

PLAYSND{My sound} Play the sound "My sound" with llPlaySound 

LOOPSND{My sound} Start playing a sound loop with sound "my sound"

STOPSND{} Stop playing sounds

SLEEP{0.5} Add a delay (sleep) for 0.5 seconds

Changing linked prim  properties on the fly

SHOW{MyChildPrim; <1 or 0>} Show or hide the child prim named MyChildPrim (1 = show). This changes the child prim's opacity

SETPRIM{MyPrimName; <specially-encoded-list> }

This shortcode can be used to change the properties of the linked prim(s) named "MyPrimName"  using the list of prim properties as in llSetPrimitiveParams(). It is essentially a way to call llSetLinkPrimitiveParams() without adding another script in the object. To use this shortcode, you must encode the list of parameters to llSetLinkPrimitiveParams() in a special format that can be pasted into the notecard. Use the script "SFposer encoder for SETPRIM" (link at the end of this page) to generate the shortcode. 

Example: Changing the color of a child prim named MyPrim and making it transparent

The LSL list for llSetPrimitiveParams() would be [PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1,1,1>, 0.0]. Using the shortcode encoder script, it prints out in local chat the SETPRIM shortcode containing the encoded version of this list:

SETPRIM{MyPrim; I;18;I;-1;V;<1,1,1>;F;0.0}

Creating particle effects

Similar to SETPRIM, SETPARTICLES{} is used to set the particle system in any named prim in the link set.

SETPARTICLES{MyPrimName; <specially-encoded-list> }

The parameters list to be passed to llLinkParticleSystem() must be a specially-encoded encoded with the same script as above, but remember to replace SETPRIM with SETPARTICLES in the output of the script.

Presets of  shortcodes

Presets are shortcodes that are shortcuts (macros) to execute multiple other shortcodes. Presets are defined in .SFconfig. The syntax for defining a Preset is:

Preset = MyPreset = SHOW{myPriml;1} TRIGGERSND{bang}  This defines the preset  "MyCommand"  as the series of shortcodes SHOW and TRIGGERSND

To use a Preset, invoke the PRESET{} shortcode in a pose line or a Button line:


Presets can be used to group together shortcodes that are shared by multiple poses. For example, a Shower object may contain poses that with water running and and others that don't. The two preset states (WaterOn and WaterOff) could be defined in .SFconfig as follows:

Preset = WaterOn = LOOPSND{watersound} SETPARTICLES{ShowerHead; <encoded list>}

Preset = WaterOff = STOPSND{} SETPARTICLES{ShowerHead;;}

Individual poses could be configured to use the presets as follows:

Pre Shower| PRESET{WaterOff} |<1,2,3>.... 
Shower| PRESET{WaterOn} |<1,2,3>.... 
AfterShower| PRESET{WaterOff} |<1,2,3>.... 

When switching between poses that use the same preset, the preset will not be restarted, instead it will continue running. If you explicitly want a preset to be restarted, add another, empty PRESET{} code before:


Creating Sequences

Using shortcodes and timers, it is possible to play animations in a menu as a sequence of poses. Use the TIMER{} code to set  the duration of each pose, and use Shortcodes or Presets to add effects such as props, sounds etc. to each pose. To prevent looping the whole sequence, use TIMER{0} at the last pose.

This example menu notecard contains a sequence for a boxing match:

Warmup| TIMER{30} SAY{%USER00 is preparing to fight %USER01} | prepare1| <0.012....
Fight | TIMER{30} PRESET{Fighting} SAY{Fight!} | fight1 | <0.012....
Victory| TIMER{0} TRIGGERSND{victory} SAY{%USER00 won! }  | victory1 | <0.012....

Creating OPTIONS Buttons with shortcodes

Any shortcode can be added to an add-on button in the OPTIONS menu with the Button option in .SFconfig: 

Button=My Button=SAYCH{0; Hello,world}

Running shortcodes on every script reset in .SFconfig

You can execute shortcodes in .SFconfig which will be executed every time SFposer is reset (whenever everyone stands up). Add the shortcode on a single line by itself . This can be used for example to change the properties of prims when the system is reset using SETPRIM{}, to rez NPCs etc.


The API allows you to trigger most of the Shortcodes described above in the SFposer object through link messages and through dataserver messages. 

To send commands from another script through link_messages use :

llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -1, "SHORTCODE{...}", NULL_KEY);

To send through dataserver messages, use: 

osMessageObject("<SFposer object UUID>", "SHORTCODE{...}");

In order to enable dataserver messages, the allowRemote option needs to be set in the .SFconfig notecard. This option determines how the SFposer can be accessed by avatars and dataserver messages, and takes the following values: 

allowRemote=0  Only sitting avatars can use the menus, the object does not  accept dataserver commands

allowRemote=1  All avatars, sitting or not, can touch the object to use the menus, the object does not  accept dataserver commands

allowRemote=2  Only sitting avatars can use the menus, and the object accepts dataserver commands

allowRemote=3  All avatars, sitting or not, can use the menus, and the object accepts dataserver commands

allowRemote=4  Disable all menu dialogs, and the object accepts dataserver commands. Use this in case you want to control SFposer remotely-only, in which case SFposer will not generate any dialog when touched. This is useful if you want to host SFposer and another menu-driven script in the same root prim. 

In order to allow changing poses and animation menus remotely, the following shortcodes are available for remote operation:

SWITCHTOMENU{My Menu} Switches to the animation menu "My Menu"

SWITCHTOPOSE{My Posename} Switches to the pose "My Posename" which must be in the currently selected animation menu.

UNSIT{<avatarNumber>} Unsits the avatar in position <avatarNumber> (first position is 0)

ADDNPC{firstname lastname} Adds an NPC from the inventory

DELNPC{firstname lastname} Deletes the NPC

SWAP{pos1; pos2} Swaps the users in pos1 and pos2 (first position is 0)

It is possible to use the API to add Buttons  to the OPTIONS menu. In this case, instead of a shortcode, the message sent to SFposer has the same format as the .SFconfig configuration line for creating a button:

osMessageObject("<object-uuid>", "Button=Say Hi=SAY{Hello, world}" );

For deleting a button from the OPTIONS menu, there is the shortcode DELBUTTON{}:


e.g. osMessageObject("<object-uuid>", "DELBUTTON{Say Hi}" );

Buttons with arbitrary-string codes can also be created. This is meant to be used for sending messages to other scripts. The syntax is: 

Button = Send code = MyCodeIsHere

When pressed, the button will send a link_message as follows:

llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 0, "MyCodeIsHere|<current-user-uuid>", "<uuid1>|<uuid2>|...");

The API command  GETSTATUS can be used to retrieve the current state of the SFposer object. Send the string GETSTATUS through dataserver or link_message to retrieve the status (Note this is not a shortcode so {}  are not added):  

llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT, -1, "GETSTATUS", "");   or  osMessageObject("<sfposer-uuid>" , "GETSTATUS");

SFposer will respond a link_message or dataserver message respectively, with a string containing the current state of sfposer:

osMessageObject("<sender-uuid>", "SFSTATUS|<current-menu-user-uuid>|<current-menu-name>|<current-pose-name>|<auto-timer>|<internal status>|<current-pose-shortcodes>|<user1-uuid>,<user2-uuid>,<user3-uuid>...");


SFposer sends link_message notifications to the root prim for any significant event. You can listen to those events by creating addon scripts. The names of the link_message events are the same as the ones used by PMAC. 

This is the list of events that are sent: 


Look into the source code to see the arguments sent with each event. The events are sent via llMessageLinked() to LINK_THIS (the root object), with numeric Value=0. The 'key' argument is replaced with a concatenated list of the currently sitting avatar uuids (Just like PMAC). An example of the event messages sent out is: 

llMessageLinked( LINK_THIS, 0, "GLOBAL_USER_SAT|0|1111-111-111", "111-111-111|000-000-000|000-000-000" );

Triggering Shortcodes with Event Filters

You can define Shortcodes that will be triggered automatically when an event matches a pattern using OnEvent configuration lines. 

The Event filters are defined in the .SFconfig notecard as follows:

OnEvent = <Event filter> = SHORTCODE{} SHORTCODE2{} ...

<Event filter> is replaced with the part of the of the event string that is to be matched.

Example: When the first user sits on the object , SFposer emits the event "GLOBAL_USER_SAT|0|<user-uuid>" 

The following OnEvent filter matches the substring "GLOBAL_USER_SAT|0", and triggers the shortcode SAYCH:

OnEvent = GLOBAL_USER_SAT|0 = SAYCH{0; Hello, first user}

The different events contain different kinds of information in their event strings. It is possible for example, to use the the event string to trigger a shortcode when a specific avatar position is being filled or emptied. It is also possible to trigger a shortcode when a specific user-id sits on the object. Examples:

OnEvent = GLOBAL_USER_STOOD|3 = SAYCH{0; Goodbye, user 3}

OnEvent = GLOBAL_USER_SAT|0|2ae39a9c-13  = SAY{Hello, %USER00, i recognized you sitting in first position}

OnEvent = GLOBAL_SYSTEM_GOING_DORMANT = SAY{Thanks for using me}


The following configuration options are supported in the .SFconfig notecard:

allowRemote= 0  or 1, 2,3,4 . Controls who can access the menus. See above for details

autoTimer=90   Set the auto-timer (seconds)

defaultGroup=Sit  Name of the default menu when a user first sits in the object

adjusterStep=0.03   Set the adjustment step (in meters) for the ADJUST menu (X-, X+ etc)

mainMenuTitle=Hello users    Set a custom message to show in the MENUS dialog instead of the default

autoSwitchGroup=1   Automagically switch to a bigger or smaller size animation menu  when more people sit on the object or when they stand up. The system will switch to the first available animation menu that can accomodate the number of sitters

autoSwitchGroup=2   Same as above, except that when an avatar stands up, SFposer will NOT switch to a smaller menu.

showDialogOnSit=1  Automatically show the menu dialog as soon as the first user sits

showMenusOnStart=1  When first showing the dialog, show the list of Menus first, rather than the list of poses

showOptionsAgain=1  Show the Options dialog again after selecting an option from the Options menu instead of dismissing it. The user will have to click ignore to dismiss

allowSoloNpc=0  This forces the system to remove the rezzed NPCs when all humans have stood up (default is 1)

offsetPos = <x,y,z>  Move all poses by the vector <x,y,z> , i.e. add a global position offset to all positions

offsetRot = <x,y,z>  Rotate all the poses by the euler vector <x,y,z> (in *degrees*), i.e. add a global rotation to all positions

lockMenus=A Unlocked menus to all users (the default). Other options:

lockMenus=O Lock all menus to owner  only

lockMenus=G Lock all menus to users who have activated the same group as the object

lockMenus=S Lock all menus until the owner has seated

lockSit=A Everyone can sit (the default). Other options:

lockSit=O Only the owner can sit

lockSit=G Only members of the same group can sit

lockSit=S The owner must sit first before other users can sit

Preset=Dumbbell=PROP{dumbbell;<0,0,0>;<0,0,0,1>}   Creates a preset (shortcut to a series of shortcodes) that can be used in poses (See above)

Button=Hello=SAY{Hello} SAY{Hello again}   Creates a button in the OPTIONS menu that executes shortcodes (See above)

OnEvent=GLOBAL_SYSTEM_GOING_DORMANT=SAY{Bye}  Creates an event filter (See above)

In addition any number of shortcodes can be added to the .SFconfig notecard , one at a line. They will be executed every time the script is reset


If you already have PMAC in your region, then you have already enabled all the functions that SFposer requires to operate

In case you need to update your .ini files here are some recommended settings. Depending on the opensim version, these need to be added either in config-include/osslEnable.ini or config-include/osslDefaultEnable.ini . 

Allow_osGetNotecard = true
Allow_osMessageObject = true


- The .SFposer script
- The ~positioner handle object
- The ~baseAnim hip-fix animation
- The .SFconfig configuration notecard (optional)


SFposer uses the same notecard format as PMAC. Each set of animations (menu) goes in its own notecard which is named with the following convention:

.menu0005A Dance Together


.menu : All pose notecards must begin with .menu
00: Used for ordering of menus. Can be between 00-99
05: Means this menu notecard contains poses for 5 avatars
A: Menu is for use by (A)ll. Can also be (G)roup or (O)owner, or (S) in which case the owner must sit first before the menu can be accessed by other users
Dance Together: The label shown in the button is "Dance Together"

You do not need to create your own notecards , as they are created for you automatically via the menus. 

- Despite the name, SF poser is a generic animation controller and is not specific to SatyrFarm, i.e. it can be used for anything.

- Thanks to Aaack Aardvark @ osgrid for beta testing

(c) 2020 Satyr Aeon

Licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later

Added by: OpenSimWorld
Last Update: 9 months ago
Project Category: Pose Control
👍 10 like


File name Added By Last Updated Actions
1. SFposer MAIN SCRIPT v 0.91112 OpenSimWorld 9 months ago View
2. SFposer Prop Script OpenSimWorld 4 years ago View
3. SFposer Attachment Prop script OpenSimWorld 4 years ago View
4. SFposer encoder for SETPRIM shortcodes OpenSimWorld 3 years ago View
5.1 Copy Missing Animations - TARGET object OpenSimWorld 9 months ago View
6. Remove unused animations OpenSimWorld 4 years ago View
7. Auto-Upgrader for SFposer OpenSimWorld 4 years ago View
8. Example HUD script OpenSimWorld 2 years ago View
9. Example Appearance Clone script OpenSimWorld 9 months ago View


Is there a chance to have a reduced version of this wonderful tool in lsl (maybe renouncing to the NPC functions) It would be great to develop stuff working in both metaversese OpenSim and sl? Thanks so mmuch
Update V0.91112. Set autoSwitchGroup=2 to retain the older behavior of autoSwitchGroup: When you stand up, sfposer will not auto-switch to a smaller group
Good thing I haven't upgraded all my furniture boxes yet.
I have been using sfPoser a long time.
V 0.91111: Fixed the behavior when 'autoSwitchGroup' is 1, so that when a user stands up it switches back to another menu
Does anyone have a 'howto' for SFPoser? I'm obviously missing something very simple and fundamental!
I can create a new menu, and edit 'pose1' then save it and it all looks good, but I can't figure out how to add extra poses that I've copied into the template...
I've tried editing the .menu file that's created, but all that happens is I end up with 2 'pose1' poses..
It's confusing me, which isn't a surprise 'cos I'm old ;). Any help would be gratefully received!
You can click options->Edit Pose at any time, and then click "New Pose".

If you add poses manually to the .menu notecards, make sure you give a different name to each one
I really love SFposer, it is the easiest and most powerful system I have used, thank you Satyr for this.
Is there a way to use animesh characters instead of NPCs with this (comparable to the "Sex Doll" implementation made with AVSitter)?
I assume you can rez an animesh object as a prop object
This is a great tool! I do have a question... Is there any way to make a sub-menu (sub-buttons) under a parent button? I poked around a lot and couldn't find a way to do this. I would like a button to change the color of a child prim but would like multiple color options instead of just one (and without having multiple top-level buttons under the options menu for each color). I was able to accomplish this by creating a pose menu instead of a button, and since I'm only using one animation, it works Nicely. However, this approach does not work when using multiple animations. Also, I haven't tested using a texture instead of a color, but assuming that should also be possible(?).

One feature request I have would be to add the ability to save the camera position.
If you convert from MLP to SFposer, and you've got trouble adjusting the angles of props, that may be because MLP uses Euler angles, and SFposer users quaternion rotation.

This can help you convert your angles: At least it did for me. (Expect SFposer'd Clutterfly bathtubs at some point in the future.)

Also, feature request for one of the next versions: How about different default menus/poses for male and female avatars? This is the one feature from AVsitter that SFposer really lacks IMHO.
the SFposer should work with both Euler or Quaternions as rotations (but not in degrees if the euler is in degrees)
this is one time I think you may be overthinking the setup of props. as for the gender specific seating menus, I find it's best to use a neutral sit on the first menu and let the user select which ones after that.
Has anyone got the expressions to work yet?
Yes, works fine. If using Bento, you need to add and call the appropriate animation.
Would I be able to use this on furniture with no animations or is this just for furniture with PMAC only?
You can start with a completely empty object , yes. But since this is an animation controller you will probably want to add some animations in the inventory. Then you can right click to touch it and follow the instructions to create the menus.
Thank you. Where do I go to pick this up so I can start playing with it?
Opensimworld region
Update: Changed menu structure, ADJUST has been moved into OPTIONS, added global offsetPos / offsetRot to all poses
- New PROPATT{} command for attachment props: PROPATT{MyAttProp;1} attaches prop MyAttProp to avatar sitting at position 1 (second avatar)

- new MSGOBJ command: the command sends dataserver-messages to other objects: MSGOBJ{<uuid>;Hello object}. This can be used to send shortcodes{} to other sfposer objects, HOWEVER, the characters { and } must be replaced with [ and ] for this to work: MSGOBJ{<uuid>; SAY[Hi] SWITCHTOPOSE[otherObjectPose] }

- Now Menus can also have the S permission: ".menu0102S MyMenu" means that MyMenu is only available to other users if the owner has sat first

- Added a working lockMenus=A (OGS) option as well as lockSit= A(OGS)

- Backwards-compatible change: Starting from 0.90306 , props rotations will no longer be saved in Euler rotations but in plain rotation (quat) format. SFposer will still work with existing euler-based notecards , so there is no need to change any notecards
New SFposer out: version v0.90226

- Added new .SFconfig option showMenusOnStart=1 (shows the list of menus instead of the list of poses on start)

- Added option showDialogOnSit=1 (pops up the menu dialog as soon as the user sits)

- Added option allowSoloNpc=0 (if 0, it deletes npcs when all humans stand up. default is 1)

- New Shortcode REGIONSAY{}

- Added new automatic upgrade mechanism. From this version on all objects can be auto-upgraded from an Auto-upgrader box (script is in this page)

- Added 2 new utilities to copy the missing animations from another object (script is in this page)

- Changes in the menu layouts for all options

- Fixes various issues

- The structure of the menus has changed. The ACTIONS menu has been renamed to OPTIONS, and they are now accessible at all levels. Some options like QUIT, SWAP, AUTO have changed places.

- The animation and poses menu appear in normal order now, counting from top to bottom

- Added autoSwitchGroup option for .SFconfig. This instructs SFposer to automatically switch to a larger animation menu if there are not enough available positions for people who sit. It will also automatically switch to a smaller menu when people stand up. It is disabled by default, add autoSwitchGroup=1 to your .SFconfig to enable it

- Fixed various annoyances in the menus, such as re-showing the NPC menu after rezzing an npc

- SFposer now saves the PROP{} shortcodes directly in the notecard without needing copy/pasting

- Added some clarifications and remarks to the documentation , and a summary of .SFposer configuration options
Is there a chance that project is getting community driven with a shared hosting like github or gitlab?
Not at this time. It is still under development, although rather stable now. Are you looking for some specific feature?
It was Just to check the perenity and openness of the project (ideas, feedbacks, contributions, etc..). That looks like PMAC on steroids, which is good. So to adopt a sitting engine, I prefer to be sure it will survive whatever happens to the project initiator or web site. A decentralized project storage is one good way to ensure it.