OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

Gute Luft hier draußen.:-)
Good air out here. :-)

GeoPerez: Nice Beautiful photo and has beautiful essence thank you. 2 years ago
The Christmas Market @ Winterfest, Alternate Metaverse Grid

Visit one of OpenSim's best ever Christmas Markets for all your Decorating and Gift Giving Needs! 22 Market stalls filled with goodness from edibles to Dinkie wear to Christmas animeshes, decorations, Trees & so much more! Open now - All content is free! While there explore the region, go ice fishing, skating, skiing or peek in on Santa at his workshop!
Part of Winterfest- Alternate Metaverse Grid. What do YOUR Christmas fantasies look like? Market

Kelso.Uxlay: Well done! 2 years ago

Gregory_sweather_ with shirt
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

all Regions are back online

Cloudshead Worldheart will continue its story 2023. The elves have been busy and Cloudshead Worldheart 2 will join them then.

News at Camballa
Moon Diva Dress in 5 Colors
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

Was nun...??
What now...??

*** Zwei - Jahre - Pangeagrid ***

ab 20.30 Uhr "Vorglühen" mit DJ Marlon

1. Katia Portugal live
2. DJ Marlon rockt die Plattenteller

Taxi: Northpole

Something is wrong with the world

Kashi Takeshi: I took both trip dude! 2 years ago

Time to stop! Time to think! who the fuc are we, Intelligent maybe, Just some are more animal than human. What makes that ant think he can move that rubber tree plant.

User Name: a world without war will be a world without suffering and questions. a world where everyone is equal in power and rights will be a world without emotion and motivation and meaning. war brings motiva... 2 years ago
Alright, I have an update about how some grids can teleport into my grid and some cannot. We had a rebranding of the grid, and some grid's DNS cache is still showing the old continuum address. A clearing of the grid DNS cache should help clear up those failed teleports. I have tested with many grids and it works flawlessly to and from said grids. There are just a couple whose residents cannot teleport into our grid, after all the research it isn't our end. We have no bans on any avatar or grid. If you are at a grid and cannot teleport into VHG maybe try teleporting to Osgrid and then into VHG cause there are no issues with Osgrid to VHG. Thank you, everyone, for reaching out to me and letting me know you would like to visit, it isn't VHG end this time.

Jerralyn Franzic: Thanks! My OSgrid avatar can enter your grid with zero issues. Haven't tried it with my Kitely one yet. 2 years ago

Kleiner Spaziergang zur Waldhütte.
Short walk to the forest hut.

Our new Wedding shop opened rightnow.
It is also at the skymall.
Just take a walk around and see our new stuff!
BTW you need warm clothes, its snowing at our Welcome ;)
Winterclothes are also at the Welcome !
I have Good News and Bad News first the Bad News which really isn't so bad. You see, after remodeling and rezzing the new store which just had holiday jewelry, I had several contact me asking me to please bring back the original Monentes Store with all the jewelry regardless of the store being completely full and disorganized. They wanted more choices the mess did not matter. Alrighty then!! Let's go with stocked full and messy !! The original store has been restored! I will get the holiday jewelry placed today! Thank you for reaching out I liked the original store too~

Jamie Wright: I'm glad all the choices are back. You make the best jewelry ever! 2 years ago
Immersion Island is presenting a whimsical Metaverse virtual "Tribute" production celebrating the best holiday season of any year with a tribute to the time-honored "macy's " Thanksgiving day Parade.
You are ALL invited! Thursday, November 24 10:30 am Pacific time.
Anvil Island

Kylie Brimmer: i try to get there but i get pop up message saying "Teleport failed - The parcel is restricted, and you not on the access list" 2 years ago

Details matter

What's new on Camballa
3 beautiful evening dresses with which you
all eyes on you
have fun with it and have a good time
your Karin Becker


**** Christmas Gnome Outfit ****

Now Available in the New RRD Christmas Shop

A new Sim only for Viking Event

Come join the Hypergrid Safari as they visit and tour Mill Run - the replica of the famous Fallingwater house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Meticulously designed by Camryn Darkstone and Walter Balazic, this display was recreated from actual RL photos from Camryn's visit to Mill Run PA.

12:00pm Pacific Time
Wednesday 11/16/2022
Opening Party Titty Twister
Vielen Dank! Die Stimmung war heiss, die Leute toll, der DJ CRAZY weltklasse ----- DAUMEN HOCH BEIDE! Ihr Alle habt uns (BAD und Siwas) glücklich gemacht! DANKE! ----- Thanks a lot! The atmosphere was hot, the people great, the DJ CRAZY world class ----- THUMBS UP BOTH! You all made us (BAD and Siwas) happy! THANK YOU!

KarinBecker: Ein wundervoller Abend nochmal danke an alle kisses 2 years ago

The harvest continues.
Our reserves of grain, fruits and veggies are almost completed.
Clock is ticking... Novale's Autumn Season is closing tomorrow, Nov. 12th !

Jamie Wright: I was happy I got to visit the Autumn Novale and looking so forward to your winter build. Beautiful and immersive as always:) 2 years ago
Opening 11-11-22 / 11 - 11 PST/20UHR at Pangea Art & Cultural Festival.
Dear friends of art and culture. in the context of our Pangea art and culture festival we present to you on November 11, 2022, a very special artist, many of you already know him, Nyx Breen.
An incredibly fascinating art installation is waiting for you, which is called Suenos de Muertos - Dreams of the Dead.
A 4x4 space filled with the largest immersive piece he has ever have created.

Musically we will be accompanied by Joao Frazao and DJ Marlon Wayne through the evening. Please dress to impress be part of the art. Looking forward to seeing you all.
There's a new Holiday display area at the Emporium on Wolf territories Grid. There you'll find ice to skate on and free skates in multiple colors with a skating AO built in (sorry, I know they're rollerblades. Haven't had time to bring the ice skates in yet). Click the Seasonal sign in the lobby to get there.

HG Address is: Emporium - Main Store

11 - 11 - 22 Opening

Pretty, Pink, Punched and Pierced
Well, well,well. What do we have here? The Iris pink Plastic mini skirt and top. Booties (tinted pink by moi) from the R2 KOHARU Dress silver outfit. The R. Lion-Bebe Hair fat pack, part of a huge collection available soon on the CopyKat Grid. Also, jewelry.

But the coolest of that is the PUNCH _ Starry Night _ Collarbone piercing. I found it about three years ago at some shop I've now forgotten. I haven't seen this piercing in any shop since. Dare I say it? This is a rare object and, as far as I can tell, now only available at oh HELLO.

oh HELLO: Outfits with Options

Luna Lunaria: Love the pink outfit. Might have to check this one out :-) 2 years ago
DreamGrid's exclusive OAR-Barrier Reef by @Joe Builder one of his Lost World sims is released for DreamGrid owners-check your Free OARs list. Beautifully landscaped reef, rays of light emitting through the sea, such a beautiful effect created by Joe. Abundant sea plants decorate the seafloor too. Vibrant textures, this is really lovely. Thank you Joe, thank you Fred!

#oar #oars #dreamgrid #joebuilder #fredbeckhusen #outworldz #BarrierReef

This is licensed as Exclusive for use with DreamGrid Software-Copyright: CC BY-NC-SA

Hugabug: Amazing pics this is a must see great detail in this build ! 2 years ago

News News News have Fun and all a good Time here

''The 11 Caves Hunt'' in Novale
At landing, click the little wood boat
You then call a boat for a ride to the Hunt site
Infos on the hunt are in books ...

Dabici132: We had intermittent issues with the books. They are working now. Sometimes though you may have to click 2 or 3 time to flip the first page. The pages must be heavy :) The book content : info about ... 2 years ago

Don't look UP (!)

The Trianon Complex presents a Special Event. Day of the Dead Masquerade Ball
Clan and the band at 12:00pm Noon DJ Essensual 1:00pm November 1st

Double buns are at their height of popularity right now, and there’s no end in sight! That's according to the Hyberbolie About Hairsyles website. And it’s really no wonder why this adorable hairstyle has garnered such admiration, appreciation, esteem, awe, fear, reverence, fame, glory, renown, and repute in the hair-styling world!

(I really need to stop paying my ghost writers by the word)

oh HELLO: Outfits with Hair, Fatpacks and other Stuff. Whoohooo!
The Hobbiton Collection will be the first destination the Hypergrid Safari visits this Wednesday at 12 PM SL Time. This includes Hobbiton, Beorns-House, Bree and Buckland, Edoras-Rohan, Myrkwood, and Rivendell to mark the October 19th anniversary of the publication of the final part of the trilogy, The Return of the King, 20 October 1955.

Marianna : I love seeing Outworldz and Hobbiton promoted!! For those of you who have not yet seen Hobbiton please take the time to explore and follow the Thirza and the HGSafari! 2 years ago

CyberGlo CyberStar: i went here and looked around. great place for women. tons of beautifully designed italian dresses. 2 years ago


Quite a dish! The sailing dress outfit is sweet. This outfit is spicy. Together, they are like Honey Jalapeño Bacon. Hmmmm. Bacon.

By the way, the top and shorts (fatpack) have silver studs. I made a copy of the green ones and recolored the studs to better match the rest of the outfit.

Outfits with Options

360 taken in the Haunted Valley

Luna Lunaria: This is the skull of Enceladus, the giant who fought with the Greek gods of Olympus. In mythology, this is written about him: Enceladus (like other vanquished monsters, thought to be buried under vol... 2 years ago

We Kick The Weekend Club


3 members

Society 3D

1 members

OpenSim Scripters

60 members

Dj Pompom

2 members

Wolf Territories Grid

5 members


1 members


2 members

Club Equinox

2 members

Blender Group

35 members
