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Catronian Archipelago has a new judge and major in its new city hall. . Please read below in case you need defense: ========================

Article 1
Dwagons are now offishully recognized as "Honorable Residents" and not as pirates and privateers as previously rumored. Snoots Dwagon shall be known as "His Honor" unless specific activities obviously indicate otherwise.

Article 2
Judge Snoots Dwagon's authority and judgment is conferred upon him for as long as he is willing to take the Honorable task of being Judge and Major of Catronian Archipelago. No other person shall take this role without The Honorable Dwagon's consent. This is a Title for Life. (Note that Dwagons are immortal, so that's a long time.)

Article 3
No Judge shall take a bribe of any kind from any entity, be it Navy, Seaman, Merchant or otherwise. However, donations are gladly accepted to the Orphaned Dwagons Fund for the protection of this rare and valuable species.

Article 4
The judge's judgment stands as given. No appeal is possible. However reconsideration of sentence may be possible upon donations to the aforementioned Orphaned Dwagons Fund.

Article 5
All witnesses on all cases are obliged to give him their honest stories whether true or not, swearing to say nothing but the truth by their hand (or paw) on the book of Catronian law, which doesn't currently exist but still the thought counts. Any law which is deemed to not exist at the time of Court and Judgment may be made up on the spot by the Honorable Judge.

Article 6
Accused ones can be defended by so called lawyers, attorneys and shysters, especially if they are too drunk to present their own defense or the evidence too clear and excessive for them to otherwise defend themselves.

Article 7
Judgment may be debated, discussed and cursed so long as members of the court bring enough rum for other participants participate equally. However the wisdom of Dwagon Judgment shall not be challenged nor doubted as Dwagons have two brains and the Judge has already thoroughly discussed the matter with himself.

Article 8
Any participant of court who proves unruly shall be removed forcibly from the courtroom, upon which they may pay the Judge to re-enter the court should they so desire.

Article 9
Punishments will be related to the deed of the crime, worse if the Honorable Judge is in a bad mood. Rumors that judgments may be tempered or lessened with bribes of gold, rum or cookies are emphatically denied.

Article 10
The Judge is allowed during his session of the court to use all fluid drinks that make his speech more sharply and his judgments more colorful.

Article 11
Captain Snoots Dwagon is permitted to change articles of the book of law on his own authority, and will announce any changes in Catronian Groups notices when he gets around to doing so. Any announcements not made shall be stated during or following a trial and shall be retroactive in nature.

Article 12
Law and order shall be the rule of the day. This applies to Navy, Pirates, Privateers, Captains, Gunners, Seamen, Merchants, Wenches, Swashbucklers and Scallywags regardless of race, creed or species.

Participants in the court are encouraged to wear flame-retardant materials.

-- This concludes the Catronian Book of Court Proceedure --

This document was written by educated professionals to be the core of Catronian Law and has not been at all influenced by Dwagons in any way.

To find the city hall and contact the Major: please use the TP to Port of Morgan, at the end of the docks you find Honorable Snoots Dwagon's residence.
Welcome to the fabulous world of your tummy and beyond! 🌍🍔

Did you know that inside you there's a daily party of breaking down, absorbing, and rebuilding? That's right! We're talking about your amazing digestive system, that magic factory that turns a yummy pizza into energy to dance the night away. 🍕💃

A journey inside! 🎢

Imagine this: Every bite you take starts an exciting journey. First, your teeth and saliva are like the bouncers at a club, prepping the guests (the food) for the big party in the stomach. Once inside, acids and enzymes (the system's DJs) mix and break everything down, grooving to digestive beats. Next up, in the intestines, nutrients act like VIPs slipping out the back door to be warmly welcomed into your body, providing us with energy, repair mechanisms, and growth. Voilà! What's left gets tossed. Simple, yet fascinating!

Take care of the party! 🎉

Want this wonder to work in full swing? Here are some tips!

Stay hydrated: Water's like the party's punch. It ensures everything goes smoothly. Drink up!
Fiber, fiber, and more fiber: Think of it as the party's MC, keeping things moving. Find it in fruits, veggies, and whole grains.
Get moving! A good dance helps move those snacks down the dance floor. Translation? Exercising helps your digestion too!
Avoid saturated fats: Think of them as those uninvited guests who sometimes crash the party. Don't let them steal the spotlight.
Probiotics and prebiotics: They're the VIPs of the party. Found in foods like yogurt, kefir, and certain veggies. Make them part of your diet!

Remember, every time you sit down to eat, you're kickstarting an indoor rave. Make it fun, tasty, and healthy!

Cheers to your digestive system and let the party never stop! 🥳🎶

¡Bienvenidos al fabuloso mundo de tu tripita y más allá! 🌍🍔

¿Sabías que dentro de ti sucede una fiesta diaria de descomposición, absorción y reconstrucción? ¡Exacto! Estamos hablando de tu alucinante sistema digestivo, esa fábrica mágica que transforma una deliciosa pizza en energía para bailar toda la noche. 🍕💃

¡Un viaje por tu interior! 🎢

Imagínalo así: Cada bocado que das comienza un emocionante viaje. Primero, tus dientes y saliva son como los bouncers de una discoteca, preparando a los invitados (los alimentos) para la gran fiesta en el estómago. Una vez allí, los ácidos y enzimas (los DJ's del sistema) mezclan y rompen todo, al ritmo de las digestivas melodías. Luego, en el intestino, los nutrientes son como los VIPs que se escabullen por la puerta trasera para ser recibidos con los brazos abiertos por tu cuerpo, que los usa para darnos energía, repararse y crecer. ¡Voilà! Lo que queda, se desecha. Sencillo, pero a la vez ¡fascinante!

¡Cuida la fiesta! 🎉

¿Quieres que esta maravilla funcione a todo trapo? ¡Aquí van unos consejitos!

Hidrátate: El agua es como el refresco de la fiesta. Facilita que todo fluya suavemente. ¡Mantente hidratado!
Fibras, fibras y más fibras: Son como los animadores de la fiesta, mantienen las cosas moviéndose. Encuéntralas en frutas, verduras y granos enteros.
¡En movimiento! Un buen baile ayuda a mover esos bocadillos a través de la pista. ¿Traducción? ¡Hacer ejercicio también beneficia tu digestión!
Evita las grasas saturadas: Piensa en ellas como esos invitados no deseados que a veces arruinan la fiesta. No les des el protagonismo.
Probióticos y prebióticos: Son los VIP de la fiesta. Están en alimentos como yogur, kéfir, y ciertas verduras. ¡Inclúyelos en tu dieta!

Recuerda, cada vez que te sientas a comer, estás dando inicio a una rave party en tu interior. ¡Hazlo divertido, sabroso y saludable!

¡Salud a tu sistema digestivo y que la fiesta no pare! 🥳🎶

Monterey Bay Region: GroovyVerse ( Lilly Sparks )

How do you give your gold coins to another user here?

Please, can anyone answer this? Thank you

KatKakoola: thirded... 3rd'd ... thur... ME TOO! 1 years ago

Take a break, visit Africa :)

Today on stream : the music of Mali - African blues/ desert blues and more.

sample music here :

Happy weekend :)

Kashi Takeshi: Lovely place and great music :) 1 years ago
Come join us at Xnet Events for the debut
of our bi-weekly event - Fabulous Fridays!
10:am - Rice Tyler
11:am - Djembe Dragonfire
12:pm - Rogue Galaxy

MAP: Events

Wiener Schnitzel: Es geht los :-) 1 years ago

📝 Opensim Fest 2023

Please consider being an exhibitor or merchant for Opensim Fest 2023!

Due to tech issues, DJ Alex comes on fire at the Piazza tonight guys at 4 pm grid time! with the hottest tunes for everyone to set the mood. Yes! because it's always time to party. What's the reason for it? Well... we are PARTY PEOPLE!
Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Greetings, since I have the SSL/TLS connection setup on my regions with an extra Cert on WinAcme, it renews the Certs every few months, and then I have to import the private key it into the Windows Store, then export the PFX Cert again. Which is what the regions utilize for the SSL/TLS connection.

So you may not be able to teleport to my regions till I complete that. Will try to get that done soon, though you can still listen to my SHOUTcast stream from any region/parcel that you own or are renting, and/or listen to it through your favorite media player on your computer or mobile device which supports Stream URL's. Plus it is possible to listen to it on your web browser, though that is not ideal. If you use Brave on your mobile device, it has a setting now that can enable it to keep playing media when you switch to another app, but keep Brave open in the background. or

Edward Ashford: Teleporting to my regions is now possible again. Thank you. 1 years ago
Calling it out...
From Grace Mondo:
"how did he kiss your ass to get you to write these reviews? did he show you to be a victim like he does with everyone? Do you know how much bullshit he tells? But in my opinion you deserve to surround yourself with shit, I have found out who he really is and the shit he tells not to mention his paranoia and his almighty narcissism , get exploited meanwhile I enjoy watching you get ripped off"
I haven't replied - this is my reply - I make reviews when I visit places that I like and I say what I see. If I visit places that I think are poor then I usually don't post but let the owner know what I think wasn't good. In all cases what I see is what you get. I have no idea who Grace is, I wish her a happier life. As for what she wrote, none of it was my experience for any of the reviews so the fact that she doesn't say which one doesn't really matter. Love to all

Fotos vom Blue Monday aus dem KlaJaKlu.
Wie immer, einfach auf den Link klicken, um zur Diashow zu gelangen. ;)

Martins Beach, Halfmoon Bay. Nor-Cal Region

Fun dancing with a ... bot ... Cranked out some upbeat, vintage Tribal Tech tuneage from Youtube. That hair though... haha, I need that in my life! XD

We barely got all the maintenance done and now there is a hurricane coming!

Please be aware we are on the West Coast and E grid may shut down during the weather alert.

Stay safe out there!

Jerralyn Franzic: Stay safe, already called a few RL relatives from the area to make sure they're OK. 1 years ago

An Ancient Portuguese Fortress

Danger Lytton: When Azi and I spent a few weeks together in Portugal, we visited this ruined fortress. After reviewing our photos and watching many videos, we decided to do a restoration project. We hope this rendit... 1 years ago
Once again a fun creation that you can blame on my sweet tooth. The Ice Cream Sunday Pavilion! You may need some diabetic medicine just looking at it, it's a delicious little build that you can have a lot of fun with especially if you have a fantasy region. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Happy Friday! Event Plaza welcomes you all ... and yes now 😊 so TP ASAP ❤️

Symphony: Super! 1 years ago
The E Grid is back up fully!

Tenants and Guests, you should be able to access now. and thank you for your patience!

We had just a couple things to update further and test out, but all systems seem go

Here you can see the hacker tries again using the heartbleed attack to attempt to get into my webserver.

Misty_Falls: Why is it some F@ 1 years ago

Lillysparks: Cute! 1 years ago

Tropical island

How to make simple and working sales box for store
1. Build a cube on land
2. Go to content tab and drag/drop inside content all items what will sale. Items, not boxes!
3. Now go to General tab and set Name and Comment
4. Mark "For Sale:" checkbox
5. Select "Content" with popup menu on right
6. Set price 0$ Zero
7. Check Access right checkboxes down. (All without "Move"!!! Or anyone will move box!)
8. You may add photo from "Texture" tab

This is all.
Peoples will receive folder named in #3 with content of your box and no need to use sandboxes, restart etc...
DJ Kith's "80's Flashback" Tonight at Hot Daddy's! 6:00PM!
Region: Hot Daddys on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
DJ Kith is rockin’ the Dock tonight with his "80’s Flashback!". DJ Kith is diving deep into his rabbit hole of tunes so come prepared to dance to some awesome rock tunes!! Pop, glam, alternative, hard rock—he’ll have it all! Gather your friends and fly on over to Hot Daddy’s for a night of great music and good friends! Party on dudes!! Wyldwood Bayou Hot Daddys

First one at Darkadia 2... not much of a BDSM fan, but it's nicely built. I do like gyms though, so I may become jacked here LOL (JK, not really but I do some powerlifting... :) )

Jerralyn Franzic: *yawn* it's that time of the day for me.. RL bedtime... goodnight from the USA! *Z* 1 years ago

Come join some onice people listening to the Classic ROck of DJ TC at the Fetish Factor

Dj Flash had to cancel for RL .
see you Monday for Dj Alex 3-5 At the Barn

One of Opensimulator's Longest continually running Dance Parties! 10 years and counting!! LIVE DJ and Dancing!! Music from the 60's to current day!

Tonight at 8pm Pacific!

what do you think is the "standard" height for an avatar? I've noticed that in SL the basic avatars, the ones they give you when you first register, are about 1.75 meters tall or a little taller or a little shorter.

Even the Shapes of the various body and head creators provide shapes of about 1.90 maximum if I remember correctly.

Many users raise their avatars even beyond 2 meters in height reaching even up to 2.40 meters which is really a lot.

Tall avatars, always look slimmer and more defined, but they are often "bulky," not properly seated for example on a chair because they pierce the coffee table for example, or even in vehicles a foot comes out of the helicopter another example.

so what is the average and correct height for a vatar, regardless of what you may like personally, because then rightly everyone makes the shape as they prefer, but the standard heights the ones that should be corect, in your opinion what are they?

KatKakoola: I Just wanted to mention Lock Martin who played Gort in the 1950s SciFi classic The day the earth stood still - No, not the Keano one :) Lock was 7 feet 7 inches tall! Wikipedia if you want... Go Gort... 1 years ago
DJ Alex comes on fire, guys at 3 pm grid time! with the hottest tunes for everyone to set the mood. Yes! because it's always time to party. What's the reason for it? Well... we are PARTY PEOPLE!
Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together. Drop this link into your map; Lagoon

Dress Giana

Comes with Color Hud -Athena Body-


Come join us at the best dressed ballroom in Opensim, with the best dressed people

Angels, are there? Summer Tunes on Thursday 10 August 12 to 14 with DJ Angelic at Angels Club.

All 18+ AVs welcome. Ask Jeanne if not sure. It's not size but impression.

Huge beautiful friendly exciting and safe party region and adult playground. Soft love and BDSM. Homes islands hideaways for Adults from all grids. LGBTQ+.

Create Caribou Avatar if you wish at

Come build Caribou with us. Seeking region, events and rental managers, events hosting, DJs. Everyone can, IM Jeanne.

Love you !
Hello everyone
I have some exciting news to share. this is not complete.....but you will get a sneak preview. Our tech team decided they wanted to give us a present.....and so they made us a really cool web page!
this site will help new people learn about friends grid...and residents can log in and see more.
(if you have admin powers ....please do not go clicking in the admin area yet until we have it figured out.)

the about us page needs to be written as do a few other places....but this is a super cool website!

this is a mini video that Josh made to show the technology behind friends-grid

You will see more on this web page very soon.....I just have to figure it all out!

At the top of the web page you will see menu buttons:
How to connect - teaches people how to add the grid to firestorm
Gallery - will be pics
News- changes
Support - all the legal info I needed
Map- super cool

Serina Gee: Logged in easily and from my I have all my friends in my pocket...ooooh....someone is tickling that you??? 1 years ago

hg.welcome 2 live events

---- NEW OUTFITS ----

La mia casa stregata!

Hello friends
I decided to make a change sooner than I had planned. I want to improve user experience….. so friends-grid now has dual servers.

I am also putting together a schedule of when I will be restarting every region on a weekly basis and I will post it here.