Genesis Estates Realty

Genesis Estates Realty
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The real estate place for you to get land with the Genesis Roleplay Grid (Though you do not need to be a role player at all.)

One of the sweetest dreams in virtual world is to own your on parcel, sim, region or grid. We're here to help you do just that and with reasonable prices. Genesis Roleplay Grid, hosted by Masala Estates, is a stable, strong and growing grid and we welcome you to join us and go beyond your dreams. You do not have to be a role player nor do you have to be a builder, while either or are appreciated. Let us help you see your dream come true. Come see us about a deal for you. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
One of the sweetest dreams in the virtual world is to own your own region where you can do as you please without anybody interfering, it is a way of finding a whole new life and the satisfaction gained from building your region according to your dreams is priceless. Here at the Genesis Roleplay Grid you can go beyond that dream and bring it to life so that your dream becomes a whole new story. Our land prices are very reasonable and our Grid Owners are friendly, kind and accommodating. Stop by our Real Estate office and review the Land Promos designed with YOU, and affordability in mind because owning your own region shouldn't break the bank.

A great grid with a good reputation and reliable, reputable friendly service.

See us for your land needs, because it's not "just any grid", it's your home!

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