OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Pack with many options (different light position and angles of rotation).
Perfect for ur Event/GIG
Available for FREE and FULLPERM at PARTY SECTOR.

Enjoy :)

Anybody got any real animal avatars? Not furry, but like realistic animals. Like bear, wolf, dog, fox, etc.

Jupiter Rowland: There's a cat avatar at the old 3rd Rock Grid newbie-outfitting store at Sirocco, in case you can still enter ZetaWorlds. Untested, just mentioning it. 1 month ago
Join us at 5 pm grid time for an hour of great fun with a live performance from Steven Strikker.
The Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Drop this link into your map; Lagoon
DJ Alex comes on fire, guys at 3 pm grid time! with the hottest tunes for everyone to set the mood. Yes! because it's always time to party. What's the reason for it? Well... we are PARTY PEOPLE!
Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together. Drop this link into your map; Lagoon
Mesh Racing Outfits for Men and Women
- 5 sizes
- suitable for Mesh and Standard Avatars
- incl. Helmet & Sneakers (Athena & Gianni rigged)
( available in yellow "Costume Rental" building AND in middle of the sim left hand)
* * * * *
Mesh Racing Outfits für Damen und Herren
- 5 Größen
- für Mesh- und Standard-Avatare geeignet
- inkl. Helm & Sneakers (Athena & Gianni geriggt)
(erhältlich im gelben "Kostümverleih"-Gebäude UND in der Mitte der Sim links)
Infoabend erfolgreich Absolviert. Vorab einen Riesen Dank an die Organisatoren vom Pangea Grid. Mit viel Aufwand wurde eine echt starke Go Kart Strecke erschaffen die Spaß macht und viel Action bietet. Das fängt bei der Streckenführung an bis hin zur Boxengasse. Time Boards zeigen jedem an wie schnell die Runden absolviert werden. Bei diesem heutigen Infoabend wurde nochmals genau der Ablauf des Rennens welches am 13 Oktober statt findet erklärt. Anmeldungen zum Kart Event müssen bis zum 15.September erfolgen. Ab dem 15.September finden dann die Qualifikationen statt die gleichzeitig zur Startaufstellung erfahren werden können. Wer noch Interresse hat Teilzunehmen kann dies gerne in der Boxengasse machen. Jedes GRID kann 2 Fahrer Anmelden !!!!

Information evening successfully completed. First of all, a huge thank you to the organizers of the Pangea Grid. A lot of effort has been put into creating a really great go-kart track that is fun and offers a lot of action. This starts with the route and goes all the way to the pit lane. Time boards show everyone how quickly the laps are completed. At today's information evening, the exact sequence of the race, which takes place on October 13th, was explained again. Registrations for the kart event must be made by September 15th. Qualifications will then take place from September 15th and can be found out at the same time as the starting grid. Anyone who is still interested in taking part can do so in the pit lane. Each GRID can register 2 drivers!!!!

KarinBecker: Freu mich auf das rennen 1 month ago

Heute Abend wird der Beach zum Ballermann mit bester Musik, die schönsten Frauen und Männer im Beachoutfit und dazu jede Menge Spaß Nova Beach Resort

KarinBecker: es wird spannend 1 month ago

New objects available for you, come and visit us and feel at home :)

Hey @everyone See you at 11 AM Grid Time, today, Saturday, August 10, for my show at EVENT PLAZA

DORIAN DRAGON will play live!
Aug 10, 11 AM Grid Time at EVENT PLAZA
hop:// Plaza/375/330/26

I will sing and play electric guitar live for 1 hour doing Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Blues and Alternative. Expect a real live rock show on the Grid.

See you all there

Parchessi Game Day

Now you know, I was Cleopatra.*lol

Dorena Verne: This picture also gave me an idea for a new video. :-) 1 month ago

📝 "No politics in OpenSim?" A statement from me

Just to be clear, no, I am not a friend of Donald Trump. Nevertheless, I find some of the reactions to my last post completely exaggerated and almost ridiculous. In America, the opposing parties insu...

In the name of love, stop the madness before it's too late!!

Dorena Verne: For the very last time!!! You can write as often as you want that I shouldn't post about political topics, but I will NOT stop!! Even if I don't change anything in politics, my posts seem to polarize ... 1 month ago

I would like to thank Lavia Lavine from genesis-roleplay grid for the teleporter to her new how to region. Now new members will be able to learn how to use the viewer as well as opensim.

LaviaLavine: The GRPG Welcome Center Tutorial region is the brain child of Metal Tango (my IRL daughter) who felt we needed something like this for people who are totally new to Open Sim and the virtual life. It ... 1 month ago
*MAGABAGA MALL* SCI FI ALIEN FREEBIES* is now at ground area, closed to INTERSIM pyramid station. Access can be done by walking from TP station or rezzing the interphasic magabaga bubble. Also, CHEZ WATTO has new location.
Enjoy :)

Impromptu Party at Club Equinox
I will spin a mix of tunes that I have. Probably until 8 pm SLT. Club Equinox

Especially for our exalted political friends, I went all out and made an exclusive Belly-dance outfit.

LeonitasLionheart: well done! how many other dirty old men will you have all over you? 1 month ago
Join us at the Piazza at 3 pm grid time, for a couple of hours of fun and music while Rockin' Robert spins the tunes for us via his radio station Wax Radio.
Today he'll drop some synthpop and new wave from the late 70s to now, on us.
The Piazza, where good friends and great music always come together. Lagoon
Hello Virtual Folks!

I seem to find it hard to find a nice Gay locations, NOPE! I don't want to hear about secondlife been there, that place is Drama! Anyways, I'm creating a region that is going to be Gay friendly also its friendly for those who just want to be friends and not discriminate! I'll add the region soon, I'm still working on it. My friend gave me some gay stuff, so I'll be adding those too.

Now, I don't want hate in my post, so please if you're not supportive of Gays thats ok! Its you're right just please move on.

You don't have to be gay to visit, just don't hate.

If you have a gay region you can add it to my post and I'll visit.

Thanks for reading! HUGS

Kal: The Lagniappe Grid warmly welcomes the LGBTQ+ community. Just like the real New Orleans, it’s a place where everyone is safe to be themselves.... 1 month ago

my favorite bear

The Hawpanyu, or healer, in Na'vi culture is a highly respected role due to their deep connection with nature and their essential role in maintaining the well-being of the clan. The training focuses on ecotherapy, herbal medicine, and the unique skill of energy healing known as "The Flow of Healing." I have a RP kit for the Hawpanyu (Na'vi Healer)
it consists of various items to enhance your pandoran Roleplay. If you would like a kit it is at the landing here. It would also work with other Roleplays as the kit has items and info that you might find useful.

Ankhsenaton: I ti so nice to be able to create all that :-) I love you plants, thank you ! (I was not able to take the female avatar) 1 month ago



I am adding scripts to the furniture that will allow you to store your items like clothing, shoes, jewelry and just about anything you want for your role play enjoyment, but you don't have to use this furniture for immersive RP you can use it as a secondary storage for your favorite outfits and other things you need quick access to without searching forever in your inventory for them. You can find the set in the "Bedrooms" department of the Furniture section. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Ankhsenaton: Thank you Lavia, it is always nice to try a new way to organize this...... inventory (I was about to write another thing ... ;-) 1 month ago

The volume of publishing here easily makes visitors miss things...
so, here it is again, including a peek preview of my ratz:)

Ankhsenaton: I find many things nice, tank you Peter ! 1 month ago

Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Sound City -
Littlefield Grid! Come join me, request a few tunes
and have some fun!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴2:00pm OST/5:PM EST ∵∴ ❈
» Шhere: ✫SOUNDCITY✫
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: hop://
» Date: ❈ ∵∴ WEEKLY on FRIDAYS
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴10:00am (1000h) ∵∴ ❈ ROGUE GALAXY
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴CASUAL CHIC∵∴ ❈

Save the Date

When you are in the dark forest and you get the feeling that something dark and evil is standing right behind you...

Wenn dich im finsteren Wald das Gefühl beschleicht, dass was finsteres Böses direkt hinter dir steht..

Mona725: The question is, is it necessary, or useful to mingle with politics in the virtual world, unless you love to ruffle feathers. Many of us builders, and users, use virtual reality to escape the mundane... 1 month ago
We are in Opensim to step away from the real-life grid for a bit, not to have it tossed in our faces soon as we open OSW. Opensim is an escape, and while I am here, I could care two fucks who you voted for or where you live. We are from Opensim. Leave your RL hate in the RL world, where it belongs. 

Dorena Verne: If everyone who reacts and writes like crazy to my posts created a topic about OpenSim instead, my posts would be drowned in this flood.*lol 1 month ago
Starting at eight o'clock this morning like no other Fashion Show on Opensim, check out the latest trendy outfits created by the FUNSIZE Dinkies.
Outfits after the show will be available for purchase in the Dinkie Marketplace and some even up for grabs for free!

Bring your Biggies and Friends on over to enjoy the show at Dinkies

(Anyone can come over to watch the show, but the clothing is strickly Dinkie sizes only)
Starting at eight o'clock this morning like no other Fashion Show on Opensim, check out the latest trendy outfits created by the FUNSIZE Dinkies.
Outfits after the show will be available for purchase in the Dinkie Marketplace and some even up for grabs for free!

Bring your Biggies and Friends on over to enjoy the show at Dinkies

(Anyone can come over to watch the show, but the clothing is strickly Dinkie sizes only)

Shop New department, DJ console

Dj Dave At Club Paradise Taking your Request
Where: Club_Paradise
When: Now till whenever
Come Join Us and Chill to Some good music