OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

Lone is at one of his home's talking trees with Jimmy!

*** Sleigh Ride with Santa ***
Click on the destination of your choice (red posters)
Santa's personal sleigh will be rezzed neaby
Sit in the sleigh and click the sleigh to ride. Enjoy!!

The station is located close to the Welcome Globe
Have a ride with Santa, there are two destinations offered
A nice way to immerse yourself in Holiday Ambiance

SkyRealm embraces Spacetime. A complex and fascinating subject, and it continues to be an area of active research. The insights that have been gained from relativity have revolutionized our understanding of the universe, and they continue to challenge our intuition.

Fred Beckhusen-Ferd Frederix Thank you, for lending a hand in this project. Fred took a model with over 800 parts then used Blender modifiers to clean edges, and a script that helped to reduce the level of detail. He made it six layers of over a hundred parts each then stacked it on top of the mountain. Without Fred's help and guidance, this would not have been possible. Sincerely thank you, Fred. Jamie Anna Wright thank you for contributing to the clock collection.

Jerralyn Franzic: Wow, nice to see you continually improving and adding to SkyRealm! I need to spend more time in Open Sim again lol... SL sales are crazy this time of year... need a break from that. :^) 2 months ago

Christmas Island is now open for all! Free holiday decorations! Sleigh Ride, Santa's flying Sleigh Ride, Santa's Castle, Ice Skating, and many other fun holiday items!!

📝 DreamGrid Update

I have pushed out a BETA zip file for 5.75 that is manually updatable by extracting the zip.

On June 25, 2022, we had the great honor of presenting an extraordinary artist as part of the Pangea Art and Culture Festival: Paul Stephen Dixon, known by his stage name Tryad Destiny. Under the theme "Creator of Dreams and Nightmares," he captivated us with his stunning artistry and visionary creativity, taking us on a journey through a world of emotions and imagination.
Today, on November 30, 2024, we are thrilled to reunite and host a special Revival Event in celebration of his remarkable work. Together with you, we will once again immerse ourselves in the magic and brilliance of his creations – set against the backdrop of an unforgettable evening filled with music and inspiration.
Providing the soundtrack for the night is the amazing DJ Loru Destiny, who will guide us through the evening with an electrifying mix of Blues, Rock, and Oldies. Let us come together to celebrate the artistry of Paul Stephen Dixon, dance, revel, and be inspired!
Join us for this extraordinary occasion – an evening that perfectly blends art and music into a harmonious experience.
We can’t wait to see you there! _ Revival Event – Eine Hommage an Paul Stephen Dixon alias Tryad Destiny
Am 25. Juni 2022 hatten wir die große Ehre, im Rahmen des Pangea Art and Culture Festival einen außergewöhnlichen Künstler zu präsentieren: Paul Stephen Dixon, bekannt unter seinem Künstlernamen Tryad Destiny. Unter dem Motto „Schöpfer von Träumen und Albträumen“ hat er uns mit seiner beeindruckenden Kunst und seinem kreativen Geist in eine Welt voller Emotionen und Visionen entführt.
Heute, am 30. November 2024, blicken wir voller Freude zurück und feiern ein besonderes Revival Event, das seiner Kunst gewidmet ist. Gemeinsam mit euch möchten wir die Magie und den Zauber seiner Werke erneut erleben – eingebettet in einen unvergesslichen Abend voller Musik und Inspiration.
Für die musikalische Begleitung sorgt niemand Geringeres als die wunderbare DJ Loru Destiny, die uns mit einer mitreißenden Mischung aus Blues, Rock und Oldies durch die Nacht führen wird. Lasst uns gemeinsam die Kunst von Paul Stephen Dixon feiern, tanzen, genießen und uns inspirieren lassen!
Seid dabei und werdet Teil dieses besonderen Moments – ein Abend, der Kunst und Musik in perfekter Harmonie vereint.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Bolas de paseo nupcial

Hola a todos. ¿Sabéis dónde se pueden encontrar las bolas para el paseo nupcial hasta el altar? Muchas gracias.

Christmas has arrived in The Shirls Hyper-grid Welcome Center!

Christmas as arrived at our Holiday Region! This is my re-creation of Santa's Village in Lapland, Finland. I hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Now offering 48 winter destinations to winter lovers
You'll find the Agency at Novale's Xmas Market

Ready For Some Freebies?

Venerdì 29 novembre alle 12.30 S.T.L.
Inaugurazione della nuova sim di Beverly Hills in NewLifeItaly,
Tanta musica e divertimento vi aspettano con
Dj Lala e Dj Lyzio
Friday, November 29 at 12:30 S.T.L.
Inauguration of the new Beverly Hills sim in NewLifeItaly,
Lots of music and fun await you with
Dj Lala and Dj Lyzio


Ruby Peace in the middle of the store "PBR" Jewelry at Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

Luna Lunaria: Nice work :-) 2 months ago
Join us at the Piazza at 3 pm grid time, for a couple of hours of fun and music while Rockin' Robert spins the tunes for us via his radio station Wax Radio.
The Piazza, where good friends and great music always come together. Lagoon
Our monthly OpenSim World’s Fair meeting is this Saturday, November 30th.  We hope you can make it and you have the opportunity to Win a Free Exhibit Parcel for the OpenSim World’s Fair. One is full sim sized 256x256 and the other is half sim size. The raffle and parcels are totally free.

The two free exhibit areas were generously donated by Wyldwood Bayou Grid and Ada Radius. 

So it’s as easy as 1 2 3

1. Leave your name and grid in the #raffle channel in the OpenSim World’s Fair Server.

2. Come to the meeting to see who won. Live drawing on Saturday, November 30th, 2024 12 noon PST @ The OSWF Dome.  

3. If you can't make the meeting in person you can watch it in the general voice channel on the OSWF Discord Channel.

Join the Discord Channel

Meeting LM: hop:// Worlds Fair/982/985/24

Learn more about the OpenSim Worlds Fair:

Ansjelagrid account needed ->
Want to visit us: Welcome

📝 My new Video

Text: Oh, how merry, oh, how merry, bomb-bringing Christmas time. Oh, how merry, oh, how merry, when will there be peace. Oh, how merry, oh, how merry, we want to be happy. Oh, you happy one, oh, ...

farm hud
where can i find a farm feeder hud above it is called ultimate cheat.
ultimate cheat farm feeder hud is what I called i been looking for one to use to feed my animals with. my plants keeps dying on me when I am not there i do not want to use no npc farmer.
OSG down

Did you ever eat a beaver tail ? No ! ???
How can you miss this exquisite Canadian specialty ? !!!

Community Meeting this Sunday at the Community Hub Region 11AM

hi guys

where is the satry farm system i now own land in OSgrid

PapaJohnson: Satyr farm hasn't been updated in a long time. 2 months ago

i want to know what to do with compostable ?

PapaJohnson: what version are you using? I know composting is good for fertilizing. 2 months ago

Come celebrate Thanksgiving Day at Speakeasy for our 12th Annual Thanksgiving Day Dance!!
8pm PST!

Live DJ - Walter Balazic

Delighted that my speaker proposal for the 12th annual OpenSimulator Community Conference 2024 (#OSCC24) was accepted!! 🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️
The presentation, "Amplifying Medical Laboratory Science; Public Health; CoWorking; and Special Interests Through Bi-directional Integration into 3D Immersive Virtual Worlds Communities within the #Metaverse... Real To Virtual; Virtual To Real (R2V2R)" is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 8th; 2:30 pm PT (5:30 pm ET).

The "all-ages, general community event" features two (2) days of presentations, workshops, spotlight sessions, and social events across the diverse Opensimulator community. The #OSCC organizers expect around 350 attendees at the virtual conference, as well as an even broader audience through the live and archived #conference streams.
#3D #VirtualWorlds #Opensimulator #Opensim #MedLab #laboratory #AmplifyingLabVoices #MedicalLabScience #PublicHealth #CoWorking #GenAIVisuals #generativeAI
Half Time
♬ WHO: DJ Baby
♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME


Rigged Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin Avatars, New Items, New Build...Why Would You Not Want To Come Shop? 3 Days Off to Add New Things and Add A New Download Board.

♬ WHO: DJ Baby
♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME

Venerdì 29 novembre alle 12.30 S.T.L.
Inaugurazione della nuova sim di Beverly Hills in NewLifeItaly,
Tanta musica e divertimento vi aspettano con
Dj Lala e Dj Lyzio
Friday, November 29 at 12:30 S.T.L.
Inauguration of the new Beverly Hills sim in NewLifeItaly,
Lots of music and fun await you with
Dj Lala and Dj Lyzio
Venerdì 29 novembre alle 12.30 S.T.L.
Inaugurazione della nuova sim di Beverly Hills in NewLifeItaly,
Tanta musica e divertimento vi aspettano con
Dj Lala e Dj Lyzio
Friday, November 29 at 12:30 S.T.L.
Inauguration of the new Beverly Hills sim in NewLifeItaly,
Lots of music and fun await you with
Dj Lala and Dj Lyzio

For anyone interested in creating their own grid, we’ve got you covered!
Check out these tutorials:
They’re free and accessible to everyone.

Am 28.11.2024, wie jeden Donnerstag, um 19 Uhr, starten wir auf der TimeBandit im ArtDestiny Grid zu Richi's MusicCall durch. Alle sind immer herzlich willkommen. Musikalisch geht es unter anderem um Rock und Pop und eine gute Zeit. Also gut hörbare Musikstücke die bestimmt wieder Erinnerungen hervorholen.

Streaming URL:
Freitag 29.11.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

Im ersten Teil gibt es
Jazz-Rock & Fusion
mit 3 Alben von Passport, Alphonso Johnson & Pierre Moerlen's Gong.

Der zweite Teil besteht dann aus einem
gefolgt von Musik von Roger Chapman & The Shortlist.

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht

Friday November 29th, 2024
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 p.m.

The first part features
jazz-rock & fusion
with 3 albums by Passport, Alphonso Johnson & Pierre Moerlen's Gong.

The second part then consists of a
calendar page
followed by music by Roger Chapman & The Shortlist.

Ends as always at midnight