
Added by :
CyberGlo CyberStar
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A place to pick up free magical items to use in your worlds. Have fun! Remember, YOU are MAGIC!!!

Uhmmm I made a thing that detects greifers in sandboxes and kicks and bans them. Check this out. It's also a 3d radar, and shows people flying around and moving around on the sim. Get yours at cyberdatastorm.com:8002:FreeMagic

Panthera Mayor: oh sound good :) 3 years ago
Sometimes a few greifers come to your sim and they use a trick to crash your sim or create lag. They do it by wearing a device which runs many scripts, and each script is created to do intense math calculations which take a lot of cpu time.
Wouldn't it be great if you had x-ray vision and could see who these people are? Now you can. Just wear my "person lag detector" and it will show you how many scripts a person has running, how much memory their scripts are using on your sim (some are designed to eat up all your sims memory), and how much time they are using of your cpu (some are designed to use up all your cpu with calculations). Get it free, now at Wizardry! :) All you do is attach the device to hud center or center2.

Jupiter Rowland: Must-have for party sim owners, me thinks, to find out who really causes all the lag. 2 years ago
I found the cutest tiny birds by Jian. They were broken and unanimated, so of course, i fixed them! If you would like some tiny animated birds to put out on your sim come by cyberdatastorm.com:8002:FreeMagic and help yourself! :) As always they are for sale for 0$ The detail in these birds is amazing! I can't believe they were lost and unworking for so long! How beautiful!

Thirza Ember: you really are magic. 3 years ago

Overwatch Sentry has been upgraded to Version 21 - Thanks to improvements suggested by PrinceOfAmor. These upgrades make the device faster to respond to changes to the internal lists.

How about a classy chair, you can take with you and sit in anywhere? This beautiful golden elven chair can be rezzed and sat in, or attached and sat in, making it possible for you to sit anywhere in style. Get it now at Wizardry!
Typhaine Artez, whom many of you may know, as a wonderful lady, and genius scripter, has provided us all with a redo of DJ PHIL's osvisitor web based system. It allows you to store your visitor list without storing sensitive data like ip addresses, but not having to rely on inworld objects - which often get reset. This project allows you to sort by visitors to a specific region, or a grid, or sort visitors by day, week or month. It relies on a free website for the free api call to process the data. What an amazing gift to the community! https://github.com/typhartez?tab=repositories

JoshBoam: Hello Great Product... The Readme does not have much information.. Although setup is straight forward.. Some without any tech skills will find this hard to setup.. I suggest that a better how to ins... 3 years ago
What on earth? Or maybe not earth... I found this little robot drone like thing. It's eyes are lit up, it has a rotating radar antenna on top, it has flashing lights, and a jet blue exhaust.
It also plays many different robot sounds. I thought wouldn't this be cool if people could rez it at their welcome centers and it flew around. So I made it fly around using another script i found.
Oh, did I mention the lasers? It shoots blue lasers... Get it at Free Magic on cyberdatastorm.com. :)

Lone Wolf: Love it! 3 years ago
So many people wanted a fairy magic hud... Well wish granted!
This amazing hud has many powers and hopefully will leave you spellbound.
Cast Magic Spells, Ride a Leaf Chariot, or even Meditate on the Magic Mushroom Circle.
As always DON'T SELL IT. Other than that, enjoy!
Note: click twice to open hud, click once to close it, and erase all magic.
Note2: You can put the magic into any necklace you like, if you don't know how just hunt me down, and i'll do it for you. :)
Sometimes people spy on you.
They use a simple script like this one and put it in any object.
key gkyOwner;

gkyOwner = llGetOwner();
listenHandle = llListen(0, "", "", "");

listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
llInstantMessage(gkyOwner,name + ": " +message);
This script then reports back to them everything you say in local chat - EVEN ON ANOTHER GRID. How can you find these hidden bugs? They could be inside that vase of roses, or even in your wedding band ! Well now you can. The Xray Spy Device will let you see scripted items all around you. It's up to you to God mode them, and read the script inside to see if it's a spy script. Ask yourself a simple question. Does that rock my friend gave me really need a script?
Come get your Xray Spy Device today at cyberdatastorm.com:8002/Wizardry

CyberGlo CyberStar: i totally agree, however i've tested it out and the spy script works very well. 2 years ago
Do you like magic? Now you can have magic in osgrid! I've created these AMAZING and NEW magic huds that let you have special powers in osgrid. Powers include: invisibility, teleport to anyone in your sim, observe anyone in your sim from far away, instantly ban a greifer, rez an orb to help you find lost items, and MUCH MUCH MORE!!! Many additional magical spells in the huds turn you into a witch, fairy, elf, or vampire! Now you can live the magical life YOU were meant to live! Experience the JOY of MAGIC!

Thirza Ember: Keep it coming merlin the magnificent 3 years ago
TELEPORT HUD - This is the most advanced teleport hud you will ever see in any of the grids. It can be used to teleport to a grid, then a region, then a location in that region. It uses DialogPlus which means you can have pages of places saved in it. Also I got it to save all the locations to a notecard, so in case you reset it, you won't lose all your locations. Additionally, you can edit the notecard and add new locations manually if you like, then save notecard. Then click the hud, and click load. All the new locations you manually entered will be loaded into the hud. --
Now... Some grids will not let you get access to the gateway information via osGetGridGateway... So in other words, it's going to break on some sims, but you can always reset it, and just know that it's ok to tp to those grids, just don't try to tp around once you get there, you can always use ctrl-shift-h to get home if you have a home location set. So why a TP hud? We had these in sL and they make life easier, if you are smart enough to know how to use one. It's just better, that's why.
Keep in mind, that it is purposefully designed so that when you tp to a grid ONLY those regions in that grid will appear under the [Regions] button. Once you select a region it will tp you to that region. Then you click [Locations] and only the locations that are IN THAT SIM will be displayed. This is done on purpose to avoid being confused about what locations are in what sim on what grid. It's intelligently designed to make it as easy as possible to navigate around the hypergrids.

Thirza Ember: will there (please) also be a manual explaining the manual? 3 years ago
TELEPORT HUD - This is the most advanced teleport hud you will ever see in any of the grids. It can be used to teleport to a grid, then a region, then a location in that region. It uses DialogPlus which means you can have pages of places saved in it. Also I got it to save all the locations to a notecard, so in case you reset it, you won't lose all your locations. Additionally, you can edit the notecard and add new locations manually if you like, then save notecard. Then click the hud, and click load. All the new locations you manually entered will be loaded into the hud. --
Now... Some grids will not let you get access to the gateway information via osGetGridGateway... So in other words, it's going to break on some sims, but you can always reset it, and just know that it's ok to tp to those grids, just don't try to tp around once you get there, you can always use ctrl-shift-h to get home if you have a home location set. So why a TP hud? We had these in sL and they make life easier, if you are smart enough to know how to use one. It's just better, that's why.
Keep in mind, that it is purposefully designed so that when you tp to a grid ONLY those regions in that grid will appear under the [Regions] button. Once you select a region it will tp you to that region. Then you click [Locations] and only the locations that are IN THAT SIM will be displayed. This is done on purpose to avoid being confused about what locations are in what sim on what grid. It's intelligently designed to make it as easy as possible to navigate around the hypergrids.

After a thorough investigation, the identity of priscilla kleenex has been revealed.

Kashi Takeshi: Damn....wanna date this girl ! 3 years ago
Thank you for helping us track the notorious and very dangerous PRISCILLA KLEENEX. Here at the special grids investigation center in langley, virginia, we've set up a special team to help find this MOST WANTED criminal! Our computer command center runs non stop 24/7/365 supplying leads to Local Enforcement Officers in the grids to eviscerate this highly obnoxious and extremely mischievous individual. The G.I.S. plans to put an end to this monkey business once and for all! God Bless America!
What do the magic huds look like?
NOTE: you MUST have OSSL enabled in your sim.

Well depending on which magic hud you got they can be very different.

The witches hud has purple buttons that turn blue when you click them to cast a magic spell.

The vampires hud has red glassy buttons.

The fae hud has light green buttons.

Remember, to end all spells simply close the HUD menu button. This retracts all the buttons and ends all the spells. :)

Each hud has a part you have to wear as an attachment. The vampire hud requires the vampires magic ring to be on your finger to work, the witches hud requires you to wear the witches heart, and the fairy hud requires you to wear the fairies necklace.

Of course you may GOD MODE these and take the guts out and put the magic into any ring, necklace, or object you prefer.

These huds tend to work best for people that own a dream grid, or own their own region setup with npc support. I did go back as a special favor and make the vampire hud runnable on osgrid. Changing some of the original spells so they would work there.

Please note: If you go to my region, go with no scripts, and as plain an avatar as possible. This is because there is a device there now that will kick you if you are wearing too much stuff, if your avatar is too new, or too small. This device has become a necessary evil, due to a few talentless people who insist on editing the things I've made and destroying them so no one can get a copy. Currently they have found a way to delete textures inside my unlocked objects, and they can kill scripts. So if you get something that is not working, just ask me, and I'll give you a full working version. This also helps to let me know when the talentless jealous b/c they can't make anything, people, have been back to my sim damaging my creations.

Thirza Ember: Magical! 3 years ago
Are you searching for love but can't find it? Do you long for someone to hold and enjoy a passionate romance with? I've taken satyr aeon's opensim npc framework and stuffed it in a genie jar just for you. What? in english. I've made a genie jar you touch, and select men or women. There are about 10 in the genie jar, and they are very very beautiful. You can command them to do anything you wish, as long as you have the ability to rez npc's, and you can allow scripts and object entry. Example: Cindy follow me, and cindy will follow you until you say Cindy stop. Cindy use ~ball0 and Cindy will use whatever bed, chair, or other that you can imagine. What's more is you can use it with her. For the ladies, the men do the same things. There are many commands, please feel free to contact me for a list. You can say Cindy seen all and she will list all the people she has seen on your sim. Cindy light and cindy will turn on a light for you. Cindy movetovr and cindy moves to that location. Cindy flywith me. Cindy come. and Cindy will come to you anywhere in the sim (as long as you don't have teleport routing set)(( you may also have to region shout in order to be heard). You can also control the men's parts. Contact me for the list of commands. The possibilities are endless... Come to Free Magic and get your impossibly perfect love today. Your better half is waiting...

CyberGlo CyberStar: Thank you to all the many many people coming to get this item. I never expected such a huge turnout. Wow. Now if you would be so kind as to upvote my region please. :) 3 years ago
Someone gave me a bow & arrow. I think it was Moto. Anyway, I decided to script it so it would really shoot the arrows. I had to fix the rotations, so the arrows always shoot the direction you are aiming, and the local rotations so that the arrow head is always going away from you. I combined it in a package with my shootable target. You just rez the target. Then wear (ADD) the bow & arrow to your current costume. Next just go into mouselook mode, and click the left mouse button. Your arrow will soar through the air, and hopefully you are a good enough aim to hit the target. You know elves... We love our bows! :)

My New Hud! :)

Safinemahoe2: I would love that! Can I pick up a copy at your cool Free Magic store? 3 years ago
The Magic Wand... This wand you can point at a greifer on your sim and fire it, and it will blow them off your land with a bolt of light shot out of it. You can also use it in magic roleplay. So it is both a personal defense weapon and a magical artifact, and it works.
Now how to use it? Just add it and it should appear in your right hand. Then go into mouse look mode and there is a tiny cross hair in the middle of your screen. Press the left mouse button and a bolt of white light comes out the end of the wand and strikes the crosshairs, so whoever you are looking at gets blown off the sim.
You can also use this magic wand with my magic targets, and do target practice. The targets change to show where the magic bullet hit them. Then you can reset the targets back to normal when you are done shooting just by clicking the red button.

Thirza Ember: is there a Social Media Edition yet? 3 years ago
o.0 AMAZING NEW WITCHES HUD for all you would be witches! :) Totally free! Summon the goddess to eject someone from your land, rez a secret arcane practice center! Create your own relaxing witchy space!!! Cast spells! Find answers! :) Play with Salem the familiar!!! You should have many questions, well I have many answers. :) Please don't hesitate to contact me for help. I am very pleased to offer you this gift to enjoy your magical fantasy!
Note: please like my region, as your votes let me know I'm appreciated :) hehehe
Commands of the familiar: Salem followme, Salem follow cindy.resident, Salem seen (lists all people he has seen), Salem teleport teleports to center of sim. Salem has many many commands, for the list contact me.
Get YOUR free copy today! @ Free Magic. \/^^^\/
The Vampires Magic Hud & Ring
List of Powers:
[Teleport] tp you to any person in your sim you select.
[Shields] rez a shield around you for protection.
[Weapons] toss swords, tombstones, stakes, coffins, and crosses at a target. (go into mouselook and left click to fire weapons.)
[Flight] super fast fly mode.
[Speed] walk, jump, and run super fast.
[Cryo] rez a snow storm around you.
[Flaming Skull] toss a flaming skull at a frenemy.
[Bat's Eye] zoom in on anybody in your region.
[Vampire Teeth] rez a disk to bite someone.
[Red Star] rez a device to find nearby items.
[Security Shield] kick,ban,eject, tp home a griefer fast.
[Invisible Man] become invisible!

Elven Castle Royal Dining

TELEPORT HUD - This is the most advanced teleport hud you will ever see in any of the grids. It can be used to teleport to a grid, then a region, then a location in that region. It uses DialogPlus which means you can have pages of places saved in it. Also I got it to save all the locations to a notecard, so in case you reset it, you won't lose all your locations. Additionally, you can edit the notecard and add new locations manually if you like, then save notecard. Then click the hud, and click load. All the new locations you manually entered will be loaded into the hud. -- Now... Some grids will not let you get access to the gateway information via osGetGridGateway... So in other words, it's going to break on some sims, but you can always reset it, and just know that it's ok to tp to those grids, just don't try to tp around once you get there, you can always use ctrl-shift-h to get home if you have a home location set. So why a TP hud? We had these in sL and they make life easier, if you are smart enough to know how to use one. It's just better, that's why.
Keep in mind, that it is purposefully designed so that when you tp to a grid ONLY those regions in that grid will appear under the [Regions] button. Once you select a region it will tp you to that region. Then you click [Locations] and only the locations that are IN THAT SIM will be displayed. This is done on purpose to avoid being confused about what locations are in what sim on what grid. It's intelligently designed to make it as easy as possible to navigate around the hypergrids.

CyberGlo CyberStar: Yes, now that it works, I will try to make a new version that gets around osGetGridGateway, but for now it's great for dreamgrid, i don't know about other grids (depends if the owner lets you use that... 3 years ago
Npc Greeter? Why not? I have made a single prim npc greeter. It greets the person and sends them a group invite to your group. Just remember to change the group on the object that you want them to be invited to. Also edit the script and change the wording to say what you want it to say. You can put any npc card in the yellow circle prim and that npc will show up (as long as it is the only one in there) If you need any help at all just ask me! I almost forgot. Here is the script im working on to stop greifers: - https://opensimworld.com/library?view=97 It is very advanced - like a swiss watch - so be careful and know what you are doing.

Thirza Ember: So I guess it's true. You are wonderful. 3 years ago

The Elven Magic Hud is here. For elves everywhere in the grids, come get your copy today. If you find a bug let me know, and i'll fix it. :)

Thirza Ember: I found a bug, it's eating my roses. Let me know when you're dropping by to fix this. 3 years ago
The Vampires Magic Ring. This hud allows you to tp to a person in your sim. kick, ban, eject. toss flaming skulls, swords, coffins, stakes, tombstones, crosses. go invisible, zoom in on anyone in your land, cause a blizzard, and much much more. Open source so anyone can improve it.

Elven Castle Great Hall

I have made a throne that you can sit on, out of prims, so it won't disappear when you walk away. I think it's sort of elven. I have also made a scroll as a region teleporter for my grid. You have to edit it yourself, but You can put your different regions on the scroll, and when guests click the name they are teleported to that region instantly, as long as it is in the same grid.
The Secrets of DragonFyre:
DragonFyre castle has many many secrets, and since some people are not aware of all the secrets I thought I would share them here. Dragonfyre has many secret passages.
1) Behind the red couch between the deer heads in the entrance to the castle. Click the wall to find a set of stairs. Go down the stairs and follow the path to a trap door. Open this trap door, and follow the path to another trap door. Open the second trap door, and go down the stairs to the hidden wine cellar. In the corner of the wine cellar is a wine registry bookcase. Click the bookcase and a secret staircase appears. Go down the secret staircase to an iron door. Open the iron door and go down the hall to another bookcase on the right. Click this bookcase and it opens into the chef's office.

2) Behind the chef's office is the chef's bedroom. If you go into the chef's bedroom and click the wall paneling to the right, a hidden room is revealed full of magic.
3) In the rust room the bookcase leads to a small hidden room.
4) if you open the dungeon door just off the kitchen, click the floor to reveal a staircase which leads down to the dungeon. In the huge castle dungeon, there is a vampires room encased in stone.

The Secrets of DragonFyre: There are 2 caves on dragonfyre sim. One is hidden very well in the woods and has luminous blue water running down the sides. The other cave is a large cave beneath the 2nd bridge that you can reach by boat. There is a sign that rezzes boats in the lake.
Once you go into this cave under the bridge you find a dragon and a gold treasure. Just past the treasure, you will see a white dragon egg nestled in the rocks. Click the egg and a saddle appears. Sit on the saddle and a dragon npc rezzes. You may also let a friend ride the dragon with you. However it is not easy to fly dragons out of the cave. pgUp key and pgDown key control the inclination of the dragon, and arrow keys control the direction you travel. If you fly the dragon out of the cave and over the pond and fly up through the trees you can soar into the air with the other dragons flying around the castle.
There is a hidden church on the land not far from the tiny gazebo.
Mysteriously... The gate which worked fine last night, didn't work today. Also I found that all the prims and scripts had been changed. (Someone is either a super hacker or a voodoo witch doctor, and im not sure which...) Anyway after being visited by the jealous talentless people once again... I've repaired it to full working order. We will call this version 5. So... here we go...
New! Amazing! Pegasus stargate that actually rotates and dials other sims and grids!!! PLUS this one has a working DHD, the dialer device in front of the gate in the photo that talks to the gate and actually will dial the place for you!!! NOW FREE AT cyberdatastorm.com:8002:Free Magic COME GET YOURS TODAY!!!

Luna Lunaria: I couldn't get mine to work either :-( I'll try to come back later 3 years ago
o.0 AMAZING NEW WITCHES HUD for all you would be witches! :) Totally free! Summon the goddess to eject someone from your land, rez a secret arcane practice center! Create your own relaxing witchy space!!! Cast spells! Find answers! :) Play with Salem the familiar!!! You should have many questions, well I have many answers. :) Please don't hesitate to contact me for help. I am very pleased to offer you this gift to enjoy your magical fantasy!

Note: please like my region, as your votes let me know I'm appreciated :) hehehe
Commands of the familiar: Salem followme, Salem follow cindy.resident, Salem seen (lists all people he has seen), Salem teleport x,y,z teleports to location you specify, and can listen in on conversations and tell you what is being said even if you are in another sim! Salem that little spy. hehehe

NOTE: This hud is built for dreamgrid users. It needs osnpc capability, scripts running, rez rights, and so you pretty much have to own your land. Some functions will not work in grids or sims where you do not have rights and privileges.
Free New Device!!! Terraformer! It helps you get better control over terraforming your land. Make more nicer roads, and terraform small spots. It has 9 commands, just rez the terraformer over the area you want to change. Set the size to either small, medium, or large (2x2,4x4, 8x8 respectively). Then type raise, lower, level, rough, revert, or smooth to change the land. ENJOY!!!!
How about some target practice ??? I have made a target you can shot with a arrows, guns, or magic wands and the target will show the area hit. When you are ready click the red box on the side and the target gets reset to new! Have shooting matches! Practice your aim! Yes you can god mode it, make it your own, squish it into a ball and bounce it off the wall, whatever you want to do with it... :)


Spax Orion: Don't FEED the TROLLS! You know better, Cyber! 3 years ago
A word to the wise... Please use extreme caution if you choose to execute the console command "fcache clear". When I discovered this command I thought it was wonderful because it would unblock the ability to tp to another grid when it became blocked because you'd just been there earlier, and the map would report "region not found". Here is the reason. While fcache clear does a great job clearing the fcache, it has some other side effects. In my case it caused a discrepancy between my mariadb database, and my rezzed world, which resulted in the items in the cache i cleared being deleted in my database. I wasn't even aware until about a week later. To make matters worse I advised a friend to use fcache clear, and it destroyed his grid. We realized what was happening and stopped using it, and the problems went away, though he was quite angry with me for some time. So if you do use it, just be aware that problems may be down the road to show up yet, including many items missing textures from your database when you have to restore it for whatever reason. So I apologize to anyone I recommended to use this function. Don't do it. It's for your own good.

CyberGlo CyberStar: prior to july 15th 2022, that sounds right. so it has been fixed now? yes i was using fsassets. so this was very very recently fixed? im glad to hear it. 3 years ago
The Elven Hud is here. For all the elves out there like me, who wanted a hud for their very own. Special thanks to Cataplexia Numbers for her beautiful elven tower I used in the hud as the sanctuary.
o.0 AMAZING NEW WITCHES HUD for all you would be witches! :) Totally free! Summon the goddess to eject someone from your land, rez a secret arcane practice center! Create your own relaxing witchy space!!! Cast spells! Find answers! :) Play with Salem the familiar!!! You should have many questions, well I have many answers. :) Please don't hesitate to contact me for help. I am very pleased to offer you this gift to enjoy your magical fantasy!
Note: please like my region, as your votes let me know I'm appreciated :) hehehe
Commands of the familiar: Salem followme, Salem follow cindy.resident, Salem seen (lists all people he has seen), Salem teleport x,y,z teleports to location you specify, and can listen in on conversations and tell you what is being said even if you are in another sim! Salem that little spy. hehehe
Announcing a new hud... "Wizardry". It is a magical hud with many more powers than all the other huds combined. It was created by a great Wizard in the kingdom of FreeMagic. The Wizard left it, where worthy young apprentices might find it, and use it for good, just waiting for the right one to discover it. The right one is NOT priscilla kleenex. When you arrive at FreeMagic on your journey to find this great power, you must take your time... Amble across the long rope bridge, do not fly or even attempt to. If you attempt to fly the dragon will push you out of the land, if you are pushed out 3 times you will be banned from the land of Magic. Slowly walk across the long rope bridge from the FreeMagic store to the Wizard's castle, then go around back and walk up the long bridge from the Wizard's castle to the College of Scripting Magic. Inside is a test for those who are worthy to receive the hud. But if you flew or attempted to fly, you will not be able to take the Hud. So Be IT as written! You are forwarned! Now a word to the wise young traveller.... The night is your friend.
Announcing a new hud... "Wizardry". It is a magical hud with many more powers than all the other huds combined. It was created by a great Wizard in the kingdom of FreeMagic. The Wizard left it, where worthy young apprentices might find it, and use it for good, just waiting for the right one to discover it. The right one is NOT priscilla kleenex. When you arrive at FreeMagic on your journey to find this great power, you must take your time... Amble across the long rope bridge, do not fly or even attempt to. If you attempt to fly the dragon will push you out of the land, if you are pushed out 3 times you will be banned from the land of Magic. Slowly walk across the long rope bridge from the FreeMagic store to the Wizard's castle, then go around back and walk up the long bridge from the Wizard's castle to the College of Scripting Magic. Inside is a test for those who are worthy to receive the hud. But if you flew or attempted to fly, you will not be able to take the Hud. So Be IT as written! You are forwarned! Now a word to the wise young traveller.... The night is your friend.
Announcing a new hud... "Wizardry". It is a magical hud with many more powers than all the other huds combined. It was created by a great Wizard at the College of Scripting Magic in the FreeMagic region. He left it there just waiting for the right one to discover it. The right one is NOT priscilla kleenex. When you arrive at FreeMagic on your journey to find this great magic, you must take your time... Amble across the long rope bridge, do not fly or even attempt to. If you attempt to fly you will be kicked, if you are kicked 3 times you will forevermore be banned from the land of Magic. Slowly walk across the long rope bridge from the FreeMagic store to the Wizard's castle, then go around back and walk up the long bridge from the Wizard's castle to the College of Scripting Magic. Inside is a test for those who are worthy to receive the hud. But if you flew or attempted to fly, you will not be able to take the Hud. So Mote it Be! You are forwarned! Now a word to the wise young traveller.... "In the Play of Bright And Dark, of Day and Knight, The Magic Starts. Thus Heed Ye Well This Worded Art, Let Clever Play Reflections Part!"...

CyberGlo CyberStar: it have been opened for you Ludo. You were blocked previously for selling mustard on the corner of the building. 3 years ago

A tribute to ElvenHome on the cybercity grid...

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Reviews (13)
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Safinemahoe2 I want to take the time to share a story about Free Magic….. and how the owner corrected it. Free magic is a pretty cool store, lots of wizardry type props and huds. To be truthful, Harry Potter prob shops at Free Magic! This last week I tried to visit again and could not get in. After ...
Roland Francis Thank you for the guided tour at Free Magic and at the Elven Island. There are many many great wizardry items to grab and to learn from. Highly recommended.
VENDETTAGRID.LIFE. Love it!! So magic and beautiful shop. Ty Cyber for making all this magic stuff for us and your kindness =) 5 stars from me

Region Comments

what a wonderful place! truly a magic corner!
this store is a pity it is going to close, it is everything I could imagine from a magic store, very well done, how much talent to create these hud, thank you for all the fabulous items you share!
This place is spectacular. Also it was a pleasure to meet CyberGlo CyberStar in Wizardry who gave me an awesome tour. He is very talented!!!
thank you very much Cyberglow to show me your great mystical castle and how to use the NPCs machine :)
Cyberglo is a HIGHLY talented (dare I say genius?) scripter and purveyer of awesome scripts! He is SUPER nice, generous, and a GREAT instructor! (Did I mention super talented and smart?) Definitely give his grid a visit and load up on great stuff!
Thanks for the tour of that large castle. It was really well furnished and full of unique items.
Thanks for the tour, I am sorry, I crashed ! Love the house and the Magic Store as well
This sounds awesome! I will visit asap!