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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Announcing a new hud... "Wizardry". It is a magical hud with many more powers than all the other huds combined. It was created by a great Wizard at the College of Scripting Magic in the FreeMagic region. He left it there just waiting for the right one to discover it. The right one is NOT priscilla kleenex. When you arrive at FreeMagic on your journey to find this great magic, you must take your time... Amble across the long rope bridge, do not fly or even attempt to. If you attempt to fly you will be kicked, if you are kicked 3 times you will forevermore be banned from the land of Magic. Slowly walk across the long rope bridge from the FreeMagic store to the Wizard's castle, then go around back and walk up the long bridge from the Wizard's castle to the College of Scripting Magic. Inside is a test for those who are worthy to receive the hud. But if you flew or attempted to fly, you will not be able to take the Hud. So Mote it Be! You are forwarned! Now a word to the wise young traveller.... "In the Play of Bright And Dark, of Day and Knight, The Magic Starts. Thus Heed Ye Well This Worded Art, Let Clever Play Reflections Part!"...