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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

A word to the wise... Please use extreme caution if you choose to execute the console command "fcache clear". When I discovered this command I thought it was wonderful because it would unblock the ability to tp to another grid when it became blocked because you'd just been there earlier, and the map would report "region not found". Here is the reason. While fcache clear does a great job clearing the fcache, it has some other side effects. In my case it caused a discrepancy between my mariadb database, and my rezzed world, which resulted in the items in the cache i cleared being deleted in my database. I wasn't even aware until about a week later. To make matters worse I advised a friend to use fcache clear, and it destroyed his grid. We realized what was happening and stopped using it, and the problems went away, though he was quite angry with me for some time. So if you do use it, just be aware that problems may be down the road to show up yet, including many items missing textures from your database when you have to restore it for whatever reason. So I apologize to anyone I recommended to use this function. Don't do it. It's for your own good.