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Added by :
Sunshine Szavanna
Created :
1 years ago
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A place to meditate, there is yoga, tai chi. Turn on stream for a relaxing mix from India. Visit the MettaCafe for a very unique world music playlist. Enjoy :)

Namaste and Happy Diwali from Shanti's music garden :)

To celebrate the Festival of Lights - I worked a bit on Shanti's music garden. There is a TP board to the garden from Shanti's welcome area or use the TP pad and choose "Music garden". Once there, turn on stream for the latest Sunvibes India playlist or click the images on the wall to watch a music video.

You will also find fun particle effects/typers that you can use during the festival of Holi and Diwali.

_/\_ May this Diwali bring peace and happiness to all _/\_
Visit Sumanta's island to see some his beautiful photos taken in India. While there, turn on stream to hear a fun selection of Indian tunes.

Next to his island, you will find Shenn's photo island with more wonderful images telling stories of Indian life. On Shenn's island - you will see a big TP gate to his magical sim called Tonglen. I highly recommend visiting it, Shenn is a master builder with many years of experience in creating artful spaces.

Visit the meditation room at the Ashram to spend a little quiet time. The stream plays relaxing tunes.

Visit the Ashram on Shanti - to relax, do some tai chi, yoga, meditation while listening to Indian classical ragas.

Or listen to the raga online ( playing on the Ashram's stream that always plays relaxing music ) : http://us.ishout.net:8514

You are always welcome on Shanti, a place dedicated to relaxation, meditation and the exploration of Indian cultures.

Click here to listen to the Ashram song : https://suno.com/song/0d0707db-215f-4fe2-a471-8d687db858bd

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