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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Central station
From here you get fast to Park Avenue/Central Park and old town red light district. Subway is still fake. Have to dig 4 km before a subway can run from Congress center over Park Avenue Plaza, Central station and Airport (perhaps expo center too) I should have done this first. Now it is more complicated with all the buildings.But ok.
hello everyone. This is my version of area 51. It's not ready, I'm still working on it. and there are still many things to be done. I would really like you to visit my region. as well as visiting other regions. just to see my work and give your opinion about it
NEWS!!! 41 EYES DEFORMERS (UNISEX) These deformers were created to be for LeLutka heads, they are unisex.
Experiment with the different versions so that you can find the perfect match for your desired look. hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/120/118/3827
It seems like people crave a balance between connection and autonomy.
Belonging to a community offers support, camaraderie, and shared experiences, but having personal space and privacy is important for self-expression and maintaining individuality.

Friends grid

* limited complimentary parcels with 10,000 prims are available to people who want to make this their main home and become a part of this growing community. Contact @zuzubahro or @safinemahoe2 for details.


#outfit #avatarfull #kingmancity

Public service announcement. :)

Wendie Blackthorn: https://youtu.be/DtmS7oLNwjw?si=CI3kJubu4HcUfcDI 1 month ago
This is my contribution to the OpenSim Film Festival by @lorudestiny1554.
You get a little insight into the idea behind Fort Sand.
A fictional town in the Wild West in the years 1860 - 1880,
in which ideally everyone gets along peacefully.
What would the world be without dreams?! ;)
I'm open to criticism, praise and/or suggestions.
Feel free to use the comments section or contact me inworld in the Moonrose Grid.
Have fun watching.
Yours, Chris!


Marianna : I really enjoyed watching this very well created video, nice work! I adore your western town! 1 month ago
**Reid Hairbase & Beard Set for EvoX**
Matching the Reid Skin fatpack, out now as well this set:
- Includes hairbase in 10 different colours for EvoX
- Beard in 10 different colours, matching the hairbases, for EvoX

**Uber:** hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Starchild%20Shoppe/...
The Opensim Worlds Fair is coming up for the month of March, and it's huge! In addition to my regular display, I was asked to create a PBR basics tutorial on their Tech area. And this pic was taken on low graphics settings to show that you don't need to have it on ultra for it to look good. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Fair :-)

For more info go to: https://www.opensimworldsfair.com/

Milly Money: Really beautiful Luna!! :) 1 month ago
Hello all
Perhaps it is not known for most people here. I would like to introduce something new that is more known or even common for player in new games.
We all know the problem with mesh hair and that flexi hair is not perfect too. If we would have flexi mesh hair then complexity would increase to mio. Much too much. The hair problem is not solved in many games. Even in VRchat the hair problem is not perfectly solved but right now the best solution. For clothes especially coats etc it is the same problem.
But we can also have other solution for clothes. It is not flexi but we could have animesh clothes. It looks almost realistic. Roland Francis created some animesh clothes and here you can see it in video. You get it on his Neiferleaf sim in shop at landing point. Here in this video you can see. It was not meant for showing of animesh clothes, but doesn't matter. Good job Roland!

SilviaFrey: Hola. Donde puedo conseguir este hud de caminar por favor? Gracias. 1 month ago
The 3.9 earthquake in New Hampshire this morning was my fault. i was manifesting. :D I started working on Hobomock the giant last night. He is a deity in Algonquin legend that causes earthquakes and changes the course of rivers. I must have woken him up. :)

RemmyRavenhurst: EEEk Hyacinth! What have ya unleashed! 1 month ago

NEW Release SN Niko Shorts

- Athletic
- Legacy
- Gianni

Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

=Zion Hairbase for EvoX OUT NOW=
Another one (more one to come today!) matching the Zion skin look.
Comes in 9 different colours.
Uber: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Starchild%20Shoppe/...


Nuovo outofit per il Guerriero rosso striato

It is already 9 months old, but here on this Website never promoted in this way. You get couple walk for opensim created by Sergio Rodriguez. As single script to walk with your real avi partner (AI Bot) or you can even use it with an NPC Companion. You can even walk stairs with couple walk.
Here my promo video for couple walk with different cam adjustments. It is already scripted for smooth cam you can change easily.
Valerie NatureInSim has built Couple Walk in her NPC Companion since her 3.0 Version and you can even build in a script to use AI to make your companion intelligent. Just put the script in the hud and it works automatically. There are many possibilities to create your own AI NPC with different LLMs. (Not to confuse with a Bot as own Avi Account.) You can have a Companion as NPC you can talk with and also can walk as couple at the same time. It is not working for hypergridding as if you would use an AI Bot with own Avi account, but for playing around on your grid it is enough.
If you want to make movies you have to make a lot of compromises, because for fluent changes you need the hud. If Firestorm would support Quicktime of apple it would be no problem and we could record from Firestorm itself like snapshots. So there is only solution to hide huds. The couple walk hud can be removed completely and it still works. If you use couple walk with your NPC Companion then you have to size it very small to have a big screen without hud.
Thanks to Valerie for building couple walk in her NPC companion. This is opensim for open source teamwork. Sharing is caring.

Born to be wild. :-)

OK I wanted to share these two outside the dumps and the crap group too as I did a dump run to share new and old crap. I saw the old fashioned desk on the left first and it got me thinking about how much things have changed in terms of what a desk is and how we use it. So I put together and built some stuff to make the modern desk on the right.

Apologies that there is no sit pose in the old fashioned desk chair. But on the modern desk you can get all the separates in the contents including a wearable headset.

They are both available along with many many funs things you can find from many amazing creators at two glorious dumps:
groovyverse.com:8002:Dingleberry Dump


three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Gracie and Dexter's Community Dump

HarperHeld: I've needed those for so, so long it's not funny! TYSM, @JamieWright! :) 2 months ago

NEWS!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/120/115/3827

Hello, come to my new shop in Nabila world. I have some clothes for the legacy body :-)

DJane Sylvia heizt Euch ein mit einem wilden Mix
Ab sofort jeden 3.ten Dienstag im Monat

DJane Sylvia heats you up with a wild mix
From now on every 3rd Tuesday of the month

Taxi: moonrose-grid.de:8002:Moonrose Club

Tailor Nova: Schöne Location....nette Gäste....super Stimmung 2 months ago

Wolf Workspace has now become our Welcome area with offices and shops free to residents of Wolf Territories Grid, our plan is to grow this into a multi-region citiy

Ludo: I have to visit this place 2 months ago


News!! Full Avatar hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/221/270/23

Aurora Starchild: OY OY OY Arturito. MELOFO :P 2 months ago
When you are sitting alone on your sim and you are not in mood for building stuff, it can be boring. Just waiting that someone visits you? Not really. To go on Lbsa, Darkhearts Plaza or AMV Welcome for socializing? Maybe if people are not afk and just parking their avi there. The 3 places are right now the most visited in opensim but no guarantee to have conversations. I like it to talk with Petula at the beach cafe drinking coffee. Right now on Big City Life the UFO over little New Jersey is theme for everyone in the big city. You can even see from the Park Avenue the UFO from far. So no wonder that we talk about it. But Petula seems not really trained for Ufos. lol Our talk here:
[09:42] Cheryl Furse: what do you know about ufos?
[09:42] Petula: Check back later and see if I learn the answer to that one.
[09:42] Cheryl Furse: Are ufos existing?
[09:42] Petula: I really couldn't say for sure.
The talk was over. Just short small talk and the bus arrived. lol

HarperHeld: Firestorm+Opensim is a LOT of overhead. If I want to talk to ai bots then I skip all of that and run my own SillyTavern instance or chat on venus.chub.ai Now, if you had the capability for the bot ... 2 months ago



Frank Hurt: Fantastic! I will need to stop by and pick this one up. :) 2 months ago
Just added a new Japanese Main Gate to Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid. Click the Japanese teleport board in the lobby to get to the display area, or you can take the bridge directly across.

Included with the main gate are one straight wall section, one corner wall section, and a corner wall tower that are modify and copy so that you can create a perimeter wall of any size for your build. All parts have both pbr and standard textures for use with any viewer.

This is part of an ongoing full reconstruction of my Japanese area. Next on the list are revisions of my older tea houses and pavilions, a new temple, a larger more opulent home, and a castle.

I am not as good as Ellen at writing long and pretty sentences.
but all our thoughts go to you. Courage Verna.

Hicks: who is verna ? https://www.flickr.com/photos/verna_avril/ 2 months ago
Are you using a 4K monitor ? Are you looking to upgrade ?

I publish here some benchmark in the hope it might help those who are looking to up part their performances using Firestorm. I was myself looking to find those information before i upgraded.

This will allow you to see what performance you could get with a similar hardware. I chose Intel, but AMD is also a very good choice, so for comparison it would need to be an AMD with similar performance to get similar result, the same for the video card.

Please note, these benchmark are with Firestorm with everything enabled Ultra Detail and Distance view set to 864. With a 4k Monitor (3840x2160)

To See the Benckmark : https://vallands.ca/187-2/

Thank you for your generous donations.

Arielle: So what was the condensed version for those of whose eyes roll back in our heads from too many numbers!? 2 months ago
News!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/91/127/3827
ATTENTION only Legacy-----This garment contains an auto-alpha script that will hide parts of the body that may clip automatically! If you'd like to adjust this alpha, you can do so via your body HUD.
**** Legacy bodies by SciattisiGrid ****

Men's store #kingmancity

We are out at Kitty Hawk trying out my new girl flyer. You can ride your friend through the air like an airplane. I'll put it in the shop soon in case anyone wants it.

Hicks: do it work with ex wives ? .... i joke 2 months ago

la garden of miracle .
all full perm .
from opensim creators .
have fun

snik snoodle: I dumped a copy of my Robert the Robot dancing animesh avatar (you can wear him as an avatar too) there, earlier :) 2 months ago
here we are. another collaborative project that opensim allows.
starting from a fact that could pass for a joke we have a group and a region.
to participate it's simple. you must be the creator of the object and give it full perm.
the region is provided to us by hyacinthe admin of https://groovyverse.com/.
you need the group to rez.
the osw group : https://opensimworld.com/groups/1078
there is no desire for competition or even provocation.
let's say that it is the product of amateur creators but in a less standardized way

SheaButter: Sadly I get no regions found with that hop ;( 2 months ago
Some *might* have noticed that these words have been in every one of the four store builds since I started a year ago. Therefore:
'...let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you...'

#men's #shop

bonne année à tous .happy new year to all.

Emma Lewis: Bonne et heureuse année à toi ! Que tous tes rêves se réalisent 2 months ago

For all new things :) visit:
hop://hg.ansjelagrid.com:28002/Ansjelagrid Shopping/644/648/23

Georgia: Happy New Year!!! 2 months ago

Vi augura uno straordinario e felicissimo anno nuovo, ci vedremo nel 2025 con tanto entusiasmo e tante nuove iniziative....