Talia Stargarden @TaliaStargarden

Wolf Territories Grid Offline

A 28 year old trans woman and furry with a love of exploration. Owner of the Oni Isle Region, and Proprietress of The Thirsty Oni Club on Wolf Territories Grid.

Joined 11 months ago

About Myself


My Interests

Explore, Window Shop, and DJ.

Music I Like

House, Happy Hardcore, EDM.

Viewer Version



Ryzen 9 5900x
RTX 3070
32GB G.Skill Ripjaws 3600mhz Ram.
EVGA 850w Gold PSU

My Regions

Oni Isle
4 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Oni Isle 0 Users
Home to The Island Of The Oni Queen, The Fuzzy Den Consignment Thrift Shop, and the Erotic Furry Club, The Thirsty Oni! (Currently under construction.) Furries, Demons, and Humans more than welcome! No Child Avatars or Feral Avatars allowed! LGBTQ+ Friendly! Free Pre-Furnished Residences are av...
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Hello Folks of Opensim! I'm looking for Mesh creators who are decent with making anthropomorphic or furry forms! I'm currently looking for someone to make an Open Sourced Mesh Furry Head for me. I would be paying of course! If anyone is willing, please send me a message on here!

Marianna: Hello Talia, Art Station has many resources, this is a furry creator you might reach out and see if they would create something you have in mind https://www.artstation.com/artwork/qeBlXR Ask about th... 7 months ago
Couldn’t help but say something about one of my most favorite creators on here! Luna Lunaria! Some of the most beautiful buildings, statues, and furniture that I’ve seen! They truly are an absolute gem of a creator here on Opensim! Native creators here on Opensim are absolute treasures. Whenever you can, always try to get your things from native Opensim Creators! Feel free to share your favorite Opensim Native Creators, and tell me what you love about them, and what they make!

HarperHeld: Marianna Monentes is a powerhouse of creativity, as well as being a publisher and a pillar of support for outworldz. Jamie Wright is one of the most good-hearted and creative builders I've had the... 11 months ago
It's my pleasure to announce the Grand Opening of my humble little furry thrift shop, comprised of all of the free full perm furry finds and resources that I came across over my many hours and days exploring the many grids of Opensim! The Fuzzy Den Consignment Thrift Store! If you've had trouble finding what you need to make your Furry Avi, then you've come to the right place! If you can't find what you need here, then make sure to check out the landmark boards in-store for other lovely destinations to scratch your furry and fashion itch! Don't be afraid to stop by, and embrace your furry side! hop://grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/Oni%20Isle/357/632/50
Do you make Furry Heads, Furry Skins, and Furry Bodies and Apparel? Then do I have a message for you! All store spaces are open for Furry creators here at Oni Isle! If interested in having your store here for free, don't be shy and drop me a message! I'd love to hear from you! (It can be extremely difficult, if near impossible for Furries starting out here on Opensim, and I'd love to have a space where furries can reliably find what they need.) grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Oni Isle

IndigoQueen King: I started reading your post and I was thinking, "oh I have to tell Talia about this place," ...LOL then I realized that this was your post. Congrats hun on opening up your region. :) Yay!!! 11 months ago

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My Reviews

Daykitten Zoo

An absolutely phenomenal variety of Furry Avatars! I would honestly say that this is the Golden Oasis for Furries in Opensim! If you need a Mesh Furry Avi, as well as clothes to go with them, this is the place to go!

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