OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

New Gnomes for the fall to add to your yards... If you are ever looking for something ask us we may be able to make it have fun, everyone :)

We have created a new sidewalk and made the textures for it, as fall claims us. 6 different textures and leaves as well, and a board to make your signs in your path. We have added some streetlights our not our
creations. They are 3 pieces sidewalk/90 degree/bridge

OpenSimUser: You might want to actually add the grid address so people can visit. 5 months ago
We have created a new sidewalk and made the textures for it, as fall claims us. 6 different textures and leaves as well, and a board to make your signs in your path. We have added some streetlights for our creations. All mesh.

Jared Seda: Love love love it! 5 months ago
Dj dave At Club Paradise Lets Get a Party Going

WHO: DJ Dave
WHEN: now to when ever
Clothing Optional Beach Club
I've been working on this turn of the century "Store House" which is a Store and a House. Back in the 19th century and early 20th century, and in fact some places still today, are designed so that folks can run their business from the first floor of their home which was generally kept separate from the living quarters of the house. This house is designed with walnut floors, sponge plaster ceilings, acacia wood trim and lattice (semi Tudor) windows. It has three chimneys which service all three floors. There was little to no indoor plumbing back then and the type of heat we have today did not exist so they had either a fireplace or coal or wood stove on each floor to provide adequate heat. Some homes did have hand pumps for water in them but most water was carried in buckets from a well nearby and heated on the coal or wood stoves to use for cooking, cleaning, laundry and bathing. If you happen to be working on a western or midwestern town setting, this build would be perfect for you. A little piece of history always adds a authentic touch to any region. It is full perm, however, it is total mesh so removing parts is not advisable, however you may re texture it, just understand that even back then, when they found wallpaper (most folks only had wood or plaster) they used the same wallpaper in every room, so if you re texture the entire inside of the build will be that texture. The walls are two faced in that you can put one texture on the outside of the building and a different one on the inside and all of the baseboards are a different texture. You may copy it and or transfer it or share it to others. Just have fun with it...Blessings and much love, Lavia
Lynnestra Parker and On The Rocks present "Heavy Metal"

Sunday Sep 8th 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific

DJ Maldrul will be playing a curated collection of heavy metal Rock songs along with his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETLY DIFFERENT!

Come check out Rocky Shores where you can dance, surf, play Greedy, hang out and explore!


Would you like a balloon? There's a whole circus down there that was washed underground.

TrishiaOConnell: I hate clowns 5 months ago

...Match the details.

Aurora Starchild: Another great look - well done 5 months ago
Back to the carefree time .
Let's shout it out to the world
“Love, Peace and Happiness”
❤ WHO: DJ Nasti
❤ WHAT: ♪ 60's, 70's,
❤ WHEN: 10 SLT !!!!

♫ ♬ ♪♫ ♬ ♪ ♥ ♡ If you′re going to Tosca
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to Tosca
You′re gonna meet some gentle people there

For those who come to Tosca
Summertime will be a love-in there
In the streets of Tosca
Gentle people with flowers in their hair. ♫ ♬ ♪♫ ♬ ♪ ♥ ♡


We look forward to seeing you

Alex Salamander: Wie immer war eine super Stimmung :-) 5 months ago
Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon
Sunday Brunch Blues with DJ Kith on the Bayou Belle every Sunday Morn at 9:00AM (SLT)!!
Region: Bayou Belle at Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2024-09-08 09:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk✦
Get up, grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle to chill with DJ Kith & The Tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but he's a fabulous blues DJ! He's got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week, put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and some chill blues! See you there!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
I know I have mentioned it before, but I can't begin to explain the amount of work @valerieluv0 's amazing system has saved me. With around 400 rentals to manage, this is a god send. Please check her store and do donate if you can:


If you find my work valuable and want to contribute and help me keep working on, please send your donations or come rent a few weeks in Glossy Island.
Thank you for your generous donations."

We are up and open and ready for visitors!
I am seeking a DJ for a grand opening ball. I need someone who will dress Medi-fantasy and play a variety of romantic music and dance tunes.

=OUT NOW: Llewellyn Set=
This 6-piece set comes with :
- 2 tables (side and coffee) with different textures
- An scripted clock with several texture options
- Light-scripted lamp
- Silver Tea set with a tea cup dispenser (dispensed tea is scripted with steam on-click)

Uber: hop://
=OUT NOW: Rue Chabot Sewing Table & Chair=
- Chair comes with PG animations and scissors prop.
The piece of cloth on the table can be made 100% transparent while not working on it!

Uber: hop://
=OUT NOW: Retro-electro set=
A few items today, so expect some spam!
This retro-electro set includes:
- Telephone table with PG animations
- Telephone
- Vacuum cleaner
All with several texture options on Texture HUD

Uber: hop://
Ahoy captains and all ship owners! We organize a " DECORATE YOUR SHIP IN HALLOWEEN THEME" contest. All ships of all builders from all grids will be allowed to join the contest and the most creative and scary ship will win a prize in KC's. We would to like to do a cruise with the ships so the jury can make a decision ( date of the event will be announced). Your ship will be displayed at websites and a video production as well. When you want to join with your ship, please register with Trouble Ahead in Kitely.
Looking forward to see your creation! Show us your ghost ship, zombie crew, or whatever idea you will bring in!
The Opensimulator package on the website is outdated. I recommend grabbing the one from OSgrid and using that. It will take a little more work to configure (especially if you want to host your own grid), but you will get all the latest features as a reward for your effort (without having to compile from source).
The Complete Rental System 4.0 is now out
Come grab your copy.
Now with Reporting, notifications and Auto Ejection.

. Two types of lands renting:
Rent Owner : Renter own the land
Rent Group : Renter get group privileges
. Multiple Tenants per parcel
. Management team : Multiple admins
. Restrict user from your Grid (or not)
. 3 ways of calculating pricing:
$Sqm, $Prim, $Fixed
. Price set on server and or Rental Box
. OS$ Money system ( $G Gloebit / PODEX)
. Paypal Payment (with or without IPN)
. Rental unit settings:
4- or 8-weeks mode
. Display Rentals with Cards
. Automatic group Invite (or not, as you wish)
. TOS Distribution
. Output Statistics on Notecard or MySql DB API
(MySql :query currently rented parcels, etc..)
. Reporting : Configs, Rentals and Exceptions
. Notification of Exception : Prim Exceeded, Rental expired and Required presence
. Auto Ejection
Complete sytem comprised of:
. Rental Box
. Rental Server
. Kiosk Browser
. Map Kiosk
. Rental System Updater


If you find my work valuable and want to contribute and help me keep working on, please send your donations or come rent a few weeks in Glossy Island.

Thank you for your generous donations.

IndigoQueen King: WOW!!! Perfect timing Valerie. You are so talented!! Thank you!! Will be picking up this one later today. The older version I had was so incredibly helpful looking forward to using this one. 5 months ago

Looking for a lifeguard tower as well as any smaller Moroccan/Arabic homes/buildings. Any idea where to look?

Meleah Skydancer: I think HG R.Lion has a lifeguard tower 5 months ago
Please thank our most recent helpers. Visit their regions and grids. Go to their events if you like. Why? Because they are great folks!

• Chelsea Louloudi: Co-creator of Pepperland and Pepperland II based on the 1968 ground breaking animated cartoon, Beatles 'Yellow Submarine'. Find it on the Littlefield Grid.

• FallenAngel Absent: Owner of Circus (
“In virtual worlds since 2007”

• harthelie: Also a member of the Francophones group.\

• Jupiter Rowland: Dorenas World dweller, Hypergrid traveller, synth geek. Spreads the word of Ruth2 and Roth2

• Lillysparks: Owner of Grid Tumbler ( Tumbler) & Aquarius (
In her profile, Lilly says “that she is looking for “Scripting wizards, like-minded artists, cool folks, and great animations. I really want to meet people that have time in world to hang out and do fun things.

• Lynne Lundquist: Owner of the Seahaven Beach region Beach

• Mistressdalgato: Owner of My Virtual Beach Grid.
“A lifestyle Mistress of 9 years in real life as well as online”.

• Racci: Owner of The Garth region Garth
“Inventor and virtual adventurer.”

• Rhowin Blackwell: Owner of the Brotown Region
“A spot for guys who are into guys.”

• Star Ravenhurst: Owner of the new Tenth Dimension Grid. Get ready for an exhibit in her Creative Vision Society region, with a build by Cherry Manga and a soundscape by me.

Want to see your name on the next "Recent Helper" post? Just help somebody find something they are looking for. Oh so easy!
What is the “What Are You Looking For” group about? Come see:

People post about items they are, well, looking for, like outfits, builds, shops, services, skills, and so on. With 119 members, it is the largest, and most active group on OSW.

Here's how it works.
• Post your request in the group.
• If you like, use group chat to provide the link to the post to immediately alert people about it.
• Please do not post requests or answer them in chat. We are an alternative to making a request in the Front Page Box. Like there, group chat text will disappear, while posts, and the replies, will persist, providing on-going help to people browsing the posts.
• And please, consider being a helper, and visiting regularly to do that.

Thanks to all helping this group help people find what they are looking for. And a welcome in advance to all who decide to join us.

Nico Kalani: If you join the group and help someone, expect a post like this with your name in it: 5 months ago
Live from Rockin' The Blues! It's Saturday Night with DJ Kith! 7:30PM-9PM!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2024-09-07 19:30 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk✦
Blues man DJ Kith takes over our Saturday Night Blues Party!! DJ Kith is gonna ROCK OUR HOUSE with the most exciting blues anywhere!! Kith's sets are guaranteed to be fresh and full of surprises, so if you like your blues with an edge... Grab a friend and hop the first gator down to Rockin' the Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid! This party will be full of fun, friendship and awesome blues tunes! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

The rides are fun at the E ticket but the food is even better :D :D ok time to go and TP somewhere else :)

Here is a round up of chat requests from the last 20 days.

Request: Hello, I will need 3D numbers figures to make signs please.
Helper: FallenAngel Absent “I have a bunch. contact me in OsGrid please :-)”

Request: I am looking for [newer and better] swimming animations.
Helper: Esti Mation “have you been to LF grid? they seemed to have”

Request: Is there any place where I can find body deformers? Deformers specifically target body parts, like shoulders, butt or breasts.
Helper: No-one yet.

Request: anyone have animesh doctor, and a few other female bussiness dressed like animesh avatars?
Helper: No-one yet.

Request: anyone have a mesh lifeguard swinsuit?
Helper: No-one yet.

Please help with these requests if you can. Note that posts and replies for the past 10 months are still available in the group. Chat requests are available for only the past 20 days, don’t seem to get many helpful replies, and will disappear in time.

Verdict: Once more, post requests in group, and use chat to provide the link to help drive traffic to your post, where it will last forever and be available to archeologists from the 25th Century to study to help benefit all of human-kind! Be noble! Use the group for requests.

The Verdict About Group Chat In The What Are You Looking For Group
All: Please post your requests in the group, not in chat. Then, if you like, notify people via chat that there is a new post, and include the URL for it. That should drive more traffic to the post requests, which seems to have been lacking

Helpers: Please reply to the post in the group, freeing the chat from information that, like the front page box, will disappear in a short time.

This will preserve the purpose and usefulness of the group while helping people know that there are new post to check out.

Background: Some people say that making a request for help via chat gets a faster response. That's the result of people not visiting the group often enough to see if there are any new posts. A post and a chat notice of same will get more attention for the posts and help keep the group alive and lively, and also alive. (Did I mention alive? I guess I did).

Whomever put these up... haha, nice! Might be gone soon, fellas. Pick 'em up if you need some starter clothes. Ok, gotta run now!

DJ Riker's Saturday Blues Showcase at Rockin' the Blues tonight at 6:00PM!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2024-09-07 18:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk✦
Calling all blues lovers! Get ready for a night of smokin' hot blues with DJ Riker at Rockin' the Blues! Riker is a master of the blues, with a deep knowledge of the genre and a knack for keeping the dance floor packed! He'll be spinning your favorite blues from classics to contemporary! Rockin' the Blues is the perfect place to soak up the atmosphere of the blues! Come on down! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

Ⓩ░░░ ( ¯:¯)░乙ƠƦЄЄ░JUPƖƬЄƦ
Ⓞ░░(¯`·.\ /.·´¯)░Osgrid Events Plaza
Ⓡ░ (¯ `·. ❀.·´¯)░2:00 - 3:00pm
Ⓔ░░(_.·´/ \`·._)░ Casual Fun! Come Join us!
Ⓔ░░░ (_.:._)░Pop,love,disco,fado,rock,country,etc
♥𝕋𝕒𝕩𝕚↘ Plaza

Hey everyone, have you heard the buzz about Kindroid and wasnt sure where to start, I have it available for you on the 3rd floor.

It comes with the script, how to notecard and npc generator. If using it with animesh must find your own.

Mistressdalgato: Issues with copying Kindroid have been resolved, region has been restarted. no one should have issues. if you cant copy it, send me a message in world. 5 months ago

News!!! Elf Ears with Gauged S Black Tunnel plus 17 Skintones (Velour) so you can customize to your skin ------> hop://

News!!! Elf Ears with Gauged S Black Tunnel plus 17 Skintones (Velour) so you can customize to your skin ------> hop://

Join us at 5 pm grid time for an hour of great fun with a live performance from Steven Strikker.
The Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Drop this link into your map; Lagoon

...added a hairbase too :)


Sodasullivan: You have been so busy Aurora! The hair bases you have been offering are top quality. Come on boys! Get out there and take your look to the next level! 5 months ago
=OUT NOW: Omar Skin Megapack for EON EvoX=
Out now, this skin megapack in 8 darker tones, for EON EvoX head.
Includes ears for skin tones (neck fades can be found with the body skins).

Uber: hop://

All Arizona rentals currently taken.

Currently available : Arizona theme with gorgeous desert hills and real water streams, and working complimentary Kayaks! Paddles always on the grass in front of the kayaks. Just add, and go! Touch the kayak on it's end, thats out of the water. When you arrive on these themed lands you may be on a precipice, just jump down. (just how it's made)


Free full regions in E Grid. 10000 Prims limit.

Just come get the Residents Group tag and rent from the rental box, always found in one corner of the parcel. All parcels set to Moderate.

*** Paste in your world map as shown.
=OUT NOW: Wickman Farmhouse Kitchen Set=
Happy weekend everyone. Available at the Odds&Decor store is this 8-piece set.
- Includes material layers and a Texture HUD with 4 metallic options.
- Cup stand and Coffee Maker dispense coffee mugs with animations and on-click steam.
- Stand mixer has the whisker animated on click ON/OFF.
- Microwave door scripted.

Uber: hop://

AnaKathy: OMG ich liebe es, vielen lieben Dank ❣️ 5 months ago