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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

The FORMAL GROUP ACCESS ONLY Ballroom requires attendees to join the group and wear formal attire. Individuals who fail to comply with these rules are not my responsibility. I ask that you refrain from reviewing me based on your lack of understanding regarding the event's access and dress code requirements.

JamieWright: You get to choose. We create our worlds and their parameters and themes. If you made a Star Trek role play and people showed up as Hobbits you could show them the door. If people read and don't follow... 10 days ago
Okay, not sure which version of chatGPT is this one, but it worked PRETTY GOOD. The script to play animations on attach/detach is pretty simple, but in this one the right and left hand had to play different animations on a rigged object, some at the same time (the bottle filling the glass) and some NOT at the same time (drinking from the glass vs the bottle), and it got it right at the first try. :O

Aurora Starchild: Ps. I know sh*te about scripting. Just trial and error, and by looking at enough now I can tell if chatGPT is hallucinating. But it can do some useful basic things! 11 days ago

soon at 10.00 pm New Year's Eve waltz, men's and women's clothes are available, we are waiting for you

Hi folks, you will start seeing a bit more of this around. Long story short: a bunch of as OS contributors have come together to align and improve with our shared brains!
=The Gilded Accord=

The Gilded Accord is a collective of active OpenSim contributors who came together to align and coordinate their efforts.
Its raison the etre is to align the existing efforts and labour of love of the top OpenSim contributors, fostering sharing of best practices, and cross-pollination: because the result of the sum of some part can sometimes be bigger, be the exponential improvement that is born out of many creative minds working together!
Its vision is an OpenSim hyper-world that enjoys free, quality items.

The aims of the Accord are to:
1. Offer a forum for active creators from different grid to coordinate themselves.
2. Foster sharing of best practices.
3. Drive standardisation on standard items, nomenclature and approach that enable further development of dependant items (i.e. appliers, auto-alpha...)
4. Maximise the each members effort by aligning on contributions roadmap.
5. Freely sharing core items (scripts, and similar) that both standarise and improve items
6. Share and align best practices
7. Weave a network of trusted, quality stores across the hypergrid.

The standards of Accord member are:
1. Respecting other people's contributions, while also encouraging consensual sharing of items across stores (particularly 'core' items like body skins, bodies, heads...that are always handy to have in different grids).
2. Standarising the use of [at least!] MOD+COPY format for items
3. Championing the use of normal and specular layers - especially for new items.
4. Making a reasonable use of physics (prioritising bounding box) and reasonable levels of LOD, ensuring a smoother loading on hypergrid.
5. Leverage standardised nomenclature (i.e. use the same names for body and head faces, so other people can create appliers for them).
6. Focus on items for adult avis.
7. Promotion and champion of other members work.

This sounds nice - but what does it look like?
For Accord member: A private discord server section where we can align and share. 'Hey I'm focusing on contributing X', 'Oh, then I'm going to focus on Y which complements X'.
For overall OS members: A trusted networks of stores that meet same standards, as well as regular updates on them from our discord!

Hicks: good initiative, it's one more tool in the toolbox. I wish you success 11 days ago

New Outfits For Legacy- Classic_Perky_Bombshell_Pregnancy_
Out Now!!


Ihr Lieben,

ich wünsche euch ein frohes neues Jahr und nur das Beste ....

Das neue Jahr fängt an und auch der Stil hat sich geändert. Wir laden euch herzlichst auf unsere Baustelle ein um schon einmal reinzuschnuppern.

Wenn es die Zeit zulässt wollen wir vor dem 6.1. noch eine schöne Poolparty machen. Derzeit werkel ich an der Shop Area wo wir euch mit neuer Kleidung, Scripten (evtl. das Tanzsystem *grins*) und mehr beglücken werden ....

Die Region hat eine Größe von 8x8 Sims und wird täglich weiter bebaut also immer mal reinschauen.

Aus Zeitgründen werde ich nicht doppelt texturieren sprich die Texturen sind primär PBR-lastig (ein alter Viewer sieht viel weiss xD).

Gruß Wiener

We wish you all a Happy New Year

New Area Shop


May 2025 bring you endless joy, success, and cherished moments with loved ones.
A new year is like a blank canvas. Paint it with bold colors, bright ideas and your beautiful imagination.
Happy New Year!
Cheers from C&C

Happy 2025 From Us to You

It's suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the New Year, to stop and reflect on the year that has passed. Remember our triumphs and our missteps - our promises made, and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures - or closed ourselves down, for fear of getting hurt. Because that's what New Year's is all about: getting another chance. A chance to forgive, do better, do more, give more, love more. And stop worrying about 'what if' and start embracing what would be. So when that ball drops at midnight - and it will drop - let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight but all year long

Happy New Year to you All.

Happy New Calendar Year 2025!
Wishing you all peace, joy, love and perpetual happines. Bright Blessings, The Starchilds

Josy Abbot: Happy New Year!! 11 days ago

Lone Velociraptor against a blazing primeval sky. Where are his mates?

... they soon showed up and I got out of there in a hurry :)

The beautiful reception area at the Land That Time Forgot.

Some civilization in the midst of the Saurians ...

#men's #shop

2025...Richi's Music Call
Am 02.01.2025, wie jeden Donnerstag, um 19 Uhr, starten wir auf der TimeBandit im ArtDestiny Grid zu Richi's MusicCall durch. Alle sind immer herzlich willkommen. Musikalisch geht es unter anderem um Rock und Pop und eine gute Zeit. Also gut hörbare Musikstücke die bestimmt wieder Erinnerungen hervorholen.

Stream: https://laut.fm/radiorockt
Streaming URL: https://stream.laut.fm/radiorockt
Taxi: artdestiny.de:8002:MusicCallBay

bonne année à tous .happy new year to all.

Emma Lewis: Bonne et heureuse année à toi ! Que tous tes rêves se réalisent 11 days ago

Bonne Année 2025.

Emma Lewis: Bonne année à tous ! 11 days ago

from Adani, the residents of trianon world, and myself.. I want to wish you a happy and healthy New Years. May 2025 bring you the best year yet.

Djtombeur: tanti auguri per un felice anno Essensual & Adani 11 days ago
Asking for a friend: in times when R.Lion is offline or for whatever reason inaccessible for days or weeks at a time, where can we find Lelutka heads with a HUD? I can find other heads but all the Lel heads I have with HUDs come from R.Lion and are no transfer & she needs her head HUD to complete her new avie!

Gentle Dragonheart: Sciattisgrid https://opensimworld.com/hop/93159 has a few of the Lelutka heads out in a 4.0 version with HUD and some options the R.Lion heads don't have. It's a work in progress, they say they are wo... 11 days ago

Hippy Nude Year!

Auch in 2025: Jeden Mittwoch 15.00-17.00 Uhr.
So auch heute: 01.01.25

Also in 2025: Every Wednesday 6:00 am - 8:00 am

alternatemetaverse.com:8002:AMV Welcome

Party is just starting!! Stop by and dance the old year out and the new year in!!

Don't miss Opensimulator's HOTTEST New Years Eve Party!!
Tonight!! 9pm PST!! Littlefield Grid's - New Years Island!!

Come on down and ring in the New Year at Littlefield Grid's 12th Annual New Years Eve Formal Dance Party!!!
Free party favors (sparklers, hats, tiaras, horns, balloons), Live DJ, Ball Drop and Fireworks every hour
on the hour starting at Midnight EST!! We also have a Formalwear shop at the region with free Tuxedos and Gowns for all!!

Starts at 9pm PST ends at 2am PST!!

lfgrid.com:8002:New Years Island

An update here: Ms Niki from Zetaworlds helped me to find the scripts by Edison Rex! All sorted now. Thanks Niki!

Nico Kalani: Edison Rex is one of the fine folks in the Sharing Is Caring family. Another is Felix Mafia, who does a lot of work to get bodies and heads to function in OS. 11 days ago
@JustCurious wants a link to the discord group for this group. I did make a related group "What I Found on OS." It's been inactive for about 8 months now.

Anybody can check it out and revive it if you like
I am thrilled and honored to be ringing in the New Year at the Wolf Pack @ Wolf Territories!

Come on out and share yourselves! Have an experience of family!

And most of all, have an amazing New Year's wherever you may be!

8 PM - 10 PM


grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/Wolf Pack/437/539/27
If anyone is looking to collaborate with people with skillz, the "What Are You Looking For" group is the place to ask.

So, there may or may not be people who want to work together like the Gilded Accord do. (Form a Builders Guild perhaps?).

The fine folks in the Sharing is Caring family have this all sorted out I think. They are some of the original importers and likely had a way to coordinate their efforts. @ChilliBean. Felix Mafia does a great amount of work with getting bodies and heads to work in OS. Last I checked, he's also part of the Sharing is Caring family.
There are quite a few New Years Parties across the Hypergrid tonight. I will be DJing for five hours, bringing in the New Year for each time zone across the continental United states: Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific.
Beginning at 8pm until 1am grid time.

I will be spinning a mix of genres, from rock to pop to dance and some in between.
equinoxgrid.com:8002:EQG Club Equinox
This is an Adult party, Child Avatars are NOT permitted.

Sunrise on the first day of the year 2025 at Sky Tower 1123, Porticus DSG.

Happy New Year to all

Hicks: bonne année eva :p 11 days ago
Don't miss Opensimulator's HOTTEST New Years Eve Party!!
Tonight!! 9pm PST!! Littlefield Grid's - New Years Island!!

Come on down and ring in the New Year at Littlefield Grid's 12th Annual New Years Eve Formal Dance Party!!!
Free party favors (sparklers, hats, tiaras, horns, balloons), Live DJ, Ball Drop and Fireworks every hour
on the hour starting at Midnight EST!! We also have a Formalwear shop at the region with free Tuxedos and Gowns for all!!

Starts at 9pm PST ends at 2am PST!!

lfgrid.com:8002:New Years Island

@LaylaHart42 is "looking for poses and Backdrops where can i fine them plz and thank you"

Nico Kalani: Hey, funny you should ask. :) There are plenty of places with poses, but I don't know anyplace but R. Lion's with both. And he has lots and lots of them. I don't have the link to his place at the mom... 11 days ago

Happy New Year! at Eternity Night Club such a great venue.

New Years Eve at The Almost Islands

Our regular Tuesday event, today, falls on the biggest party day of the year.

10:00 AM Danger Lytton djing
11:00 AM Lucky Chiung singing LIVE
13:00 (1PM) Evan Willaims LIVE
14:30 (2:30PM) Charice Singer LIVE
16:00 (4 PM) Putri SoloSinger LIVE

Join us at: The Almost Islands

Danger Lytton: Our day here at The Almost Islands must come to an end in a few minutes. We have been here since 10 this morning helping to bring in the New Year. Putri, Adriana, Elmo and Deana will take the show ov... 11 days ago

Celebrating together the new year eve with friends
Bonne Année 2025 à tous les danseurs de bonne volonté !

JamieWright: That looks like a good old fashioned kitchen party:) Happy New Year to you! 11 days ago

Tierra de Volcanes wishes you an excellent new year, see you in 2025!!!!

VLive -Social Network Managment : Happy New Year 11 days ago

VLive -Social Network Managment : Happy New Year 11 days ago

For all new things :) visit:
hop://hg.ansjelagrid.com:28002/Ansjelagrid Shopping/644/648/23

Georgia: Happy New Year!!! 11 days ago
Zoree Jupiter Live
New Years Eve Party
2-3:00pm SL Time
Club Fire
Gentle Fire Grid
Semi Casual attire