ETA: Spax Orion mentioned something to me in the comments section of his recent post... I likely will need permission from a OSgrid region operator... in that case... I'll probably rebuild things slowly instead. As it is I have lots of photos of my favorite outfits from OSgrid (and Kitely), much more than whatever I have posted online. I'll be okay with this, not a problem. I can always pick three or four looks and redo them quickly enough. Not hard really. I'll just keep looking at a few more sims and see which one would suit me. Any sim that has a Suitcase in the inventory and is good about backups, griefer issues, customer support and fault tolerance should do.
Well, here I go... I'll have to see if I can pull off a IAR (inventory backup) run in OSgrid... need to read more documentation and maybe the OSgrid forums before attempting.
Here's the current version from the OS archives if you're curious:
I plan on importing as much as I can of my OSGrid identity somewhere else. My first choice is Alternate Metaverse, DigiWorldz is my second; I'm looking at a few more sims before I settle on my next, official second account. I won't send it to Kitely as I want to keep that account as lean and mean as I can, even though I've chosen it now as my main Open Sim account.
I may be overthinking my actions here, but I'm sick and tired of the file corruption issues I put up with when TPing with my OSgrid account. That account won't go away. I'll keep it around for testing purposes.
Okay, enough talk, time for me to eat dinner then I'll see what can be done. Carry on!