OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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near the tower....

in the tower Eden Sea Tower rides

HEXEN-Ambiente W I T C H Y Vibes on Greenworld Seasons and Greenworld Startpunkt (neighbour Sim) - several places, treehouse, magic cave, market und the new shop "Bell, Book & Candle" with broom parking. All freebies.
Veröffentlichung im Auftrag für Smaili Me, als Mitglied unserer Peaceisland Gruppe

Einige Mitglieder des Soul Grid sind wohl Gehirnlos und agieren beleidigend, sie können nicht eine Meinung gegenüber einer Auseinandersetzung oder einem Streit unterscheiden. Liebe Nasti eine Streitverursachung ist dies was du letztes Jahr gemacht hast, du weißt wo (Phil Collins Live) hier hast du eine hinterlästige Aufhetzung gegenüber Personen betrieben, was ich nun im Nachhinein erfahren habe, nachdem der Tommy und Crazy nicht mehr zur Party von Sylvia ins GWG gehen wollten.
Letztes Jahr wiederum, bei einer Party von Genie (Offworld) hast du Nasti und Karin als Sylvia zur Party kam und noch nicht einmal gerezzt war, Sylvia entwürdigt und angegriffen, das sie sofort weg ging und dies öffentlich, hier hat sich keiner eingemischt obwohl das unter aller Würde war, wenn ihr euch nicht mehr daran erinnert kann ich mit Offenlegung nachhelfen.

Und was ich am vergangenen Freitag am 23.Februar 2024 bei der Party vom Genie (Offworld) wo ich sachlich der AnaKathy.Rosenburg meine Meinung geäussert hatte
und hierzu über das Verhalten von sich einmischenden anwesenden Soul Mitgliedern und speziell über Karin feststellen musste in ihrer IM Nachricht dazu an mich, das diese Person weder eine Erziehung noch ein Ausbildung genossen haben kann, sie schreibt mir unter anderem im Wortlaut: du dreckige du kannst doch nicht unsere Souler die Ana angreifen
Jetzt verstehe ich auch liebe Nasti warum du nie alleine zu einer Party gehst und deine gehirnlosen Bodyguards dabei sein müssen.

Ich würde mich riesig über eine Äusserung von euch freuen, aber ich würde vorschlagen uns an neutralem Platz am besten nicht in Schriftform sondern zum Reden zu treffen mit Chill entspannender Musik im Hintergrund damit euere Gehirnzellen vielleicht beruhigt werden und wenn euer Still wieder auf assoziale Sprüche überschlägt und die Leute die euch noch nicht kennen kann man dies ja mit härterem Musiktönen übertönen und danach PARTYTIME !
Dieser neutrale Ort kann in Sandbox oder auch bei Micky im GWG sein, nicht zu vergessen, wozu er vorher befragt werden muss.

Noch etwas zu Ana Kathy, liebe Ana du weißt ab und an nicht was du redest und von dir gibst, ich will dir nicht zu nahe treten aber der Anschein erweckt es wie wenn du Persönlichkeitsstörungen hättest, ich kann dir einen Ratschlag geben, lass dir helfen.

Noch eine Bemerkung von mir Tommy und Crazy mischen sich in meine Belange nicht ein, sie verhalten sich nicht wie Souler. Ich bezahle auch kein Schutzgeld für mein virtuelles Dasein und Zuhause.

Ich schenke euch ein schönes Lächeln, was ich vorläufig in mein Profil real als Bild eingestellt habe, es ist zwar nicht mein wunderschönes Lächeln aber für die Souler reicht dies aus.

Smaili Me :)))))

P.S. ich bedanke mich recht herzlich bei dir Crazy das ich dies hier auf diesem Forum einstellen durfte.

Published on behalf of Smaili Me, as a member of our Peaceisland group

Some members of the Soul Grid appear to be brainless and abusive, unable to distinguish an opinion from an argument or argument.
Dear Nasti, what caused an argument is what you did last year, you know where (Phil Collins Live) here you were insidiously inciting people, which I now found out afterwards after Tommy and Crazy stopped going to Sylvia's party wanted to go to the GWG.

Last year again, at a Genie (Offworld) party, when Sylvia came to the party and wasn't even rezzed, you degraded and attacked Sylvia, so she immediately left and did so publicly. Nobody interfered here, even though that was the case was beneath all dignity, if you don't remember it, I can help by disclosing it.

And what I said last Friday on February 23, 2024 at the Genie (Offworld) party, where I objectively expressed my opinion to AnaKathy.Rosenburg and about the behavior of soul members present who were interfering and especially about Karin, she had to realize in her IM message to me that this person could not have had any upbringing or training. Among other things, she wrote to me verbatim: you dirty, you can´t attack our Soulers, here the Ana.

Now I understand, dear Nasti, why you never go to a party alone and your mindless bodyguards have to be there.

I would be very happy to hear from you, but I would suggest meeting in a neutral place, ideally not in writing form but in talking, with chill, relaxing music in the background so that your brain cells might be calmed down and if your silence turns back to anti-social sayings and the people who don't know you yet, you can drown this out with harder music and then PARTYTIME!

This neutral location can be in Sandbox or with Mickey in the GWG, not forgetting what he needs to be asked about beforehand.

One more thing about Ana Kathy, dear Ana, you sometimes don't know what you're saying and what you're saying, I don't want to offend you, but it seems like you have personality disorders, I can give you some advice, let me help you .

Another comment from me Tommy and Crazy don't interfere in my concerns, they don't behave like Soulers.
I also don't pay protection money for my virtual existence and home.

I'll give you a beautiful smile, which I've temporarily put up as a picture in my profile. It's not my most beautiful smile, but it's enough for the Soulers.

Smaili Me :)))))

P.S. I would like to thank you very much, Crazy, for allowing me to post this here on this forum.

Smaili Me: Marty das was du als Mist definierst wollte ich privat abklären aber war nicht machbar um die Sache abschliessen zu können. Ein Disput war nie mein Ziel. 8 months ago
Today I would like to talk to you about Hypergrid Games in AvatarLife.

Many times there has been talk of grids that have been improperly and unjustifiably advertised on Opensimworld in a misleading way, I don't understand how AvatarLife is still present here.

First of all, they don't have an open grid to Hypergrid; AvatarLife users, just like what happened in the past with Avitron, do not accept HG connections, neither outgoing nor incoming, yet they are FULL of things coming from Opensimulator (probably their team can go out for shopping...), from bodies to clothes to much more.

Furthermore, the region that is being advertised here is totally inappropriate, not only because it is unreachable for users, but also because it shows as reachable and instead requires registration (this can be read in the comments of the region).

To activate an account to purchase virtual currency, you also have to provide them with a document (something that not even Second Life requires unless in particular cases where it is really necessary).

No respect for privacy on the website, disregarding international laws.

There are plenty of Opensimulator grids that offer casinos where you can play safely and legally; one of these is for example Wolf Territories Grid, but there are others as well, while AvatarLife seems to have very little in terms of legitimacy, there are no official licenses for the use of currency in line with European laws, and some time ago there was a rather suspicious document regarding the validity of their RNG (Random Number Generator), which usually applies to European Video Lotteries and has little to do with Opensimulator scripts or LSL in general.

It would be interesting to understand, since there is no declared company behind this grid, with what legal premise (with servers based in England and therefore under English jurisdiction) they can be sure to be compliant.

But what surprises me the most is that the internal team is the same as AviTron's, and the modus operandi is the same; they take ideas from other platforms (and propose them in a borderline absurd way) both technically and architecturally.

So, I don't understand how their region is still allowed to be listed for advertising if they have little to do with HG.

Do you think they can be trusted? Not for me.

I have advised many to block incoming and outgoing connections from this grid, just as it happened with Avitron; users won't suffer from it since they can't travel in HG, only their staff members who go around taking things from Opensim and then passing through other grids will be affected, so blocking them to some extent seems reasonable, and if I were you, I would do it.

I would like some explanations on this matter, perhaps, so if I am mistaken, they can demonstrate their truths here.

Panthera Mayor: AvatarLife Grid is a closed grid and cannot hg there or out of there. 8 months ago
Thursday 29 February 12-14

90's Hits - DJ Ruth at Angels Club

Dance and chat at legendary Angels Club.

18+ AVs from all Grids welcome, large or small. Ask Jeanne if you wish.

Shemales Ladyboys 18+ M and F Adult Males Females Fairies All are welcome.

Safe for all 18+ - LGBTQAI Adult Region.

The Best Free Shops. Hard to find Athena, Petite, Reborn, Legacy... GRIMM. Free of Course.

No groups are needed as the whole region is 18+. Shop Love Live Play among 18+ Adults.

Homes, Islands, Hideaways. Ask Jeanne.

There is room for Gypsies now.

Tranquil quarter-region parcels with waterfront access are available for rent. Enjoy the peaceful water views from your own private sanctuary for just $39 per year.

Just opened, apartment living at Boston!

Come rent a flat, 300 prims allowed, enjoy living in Boston with all the wonderful sights and sounds, so much to do! Side windows with great views, tinted for your privacy, you can see out, no one can see in!

Get the Residents Group at the location here.

hop:// Of Boston/821/1369/22
Was eine Nacht …
Volle Bude, volle Bässe, voller DJ 🙂
Es kommt ja vor das meine Mukke den Leuten die Schuhe auszieht,
aber in der verruchten Zappelbude zieht es den Leuten immer die Klamotten aus. 😀
Eine Stunde Vorprogramm, zwei Stunden reguläres Set, eine Stunde Zugabe, man war das geil.
Danke Leute, das wiederholen wir.

... aber seht selbst >
Due to rl issues mainly my internet going in and out i am rescheduling tonights seaside karaoke ,,, i will most likely hold it on next monday if they fix the issues completely thanks for your understanding !!hugs Mystic

Oh good lord. I thought the image was an ad. :)

Jamie Wright: There you are! Welcome Xenon:) 8 months ago

Join us at Seahaven for two hours of Rock with Rice Tyler @ 3:00pm and John Rocky @ 4:00pm today hop://

The Star Jinn Palisade Mall at dusk - come visit, shop, talk to me about setting up a small shop or even a land transaction because Genesis is where creating starts!! Blessings and much love, Lavia

Chez Hans.. star restaurant in Port of Morgan :) for the ones who like dining while having a good convo!


Today is an excellent day to explore the metaverse! SkyRealm Observatory invites you to come see a spectacular observatory perched high on a floating mountain. While there make sure to pick up the gifts like this beautiful charm bracelet. Check out the teleports as they take you high up onto a tower for dancing. Comets streak through the heavens here, come check it out

where can i find real working games and skating rinks and the likes thereof

Nico Kalani: You can make a skating rink. Someone here should be able to tell you where to find ice and/or roller skates, which usually come with animations. For an ice skating rink, find a thin mesh surface in th... 8 months ago
The cat is out of the bag for advertising purposes. We are holding a surprise Birthday Party for our lovely co-creator Faith and you are all invited. Putri Solo will take to the stage between 9pm and 10pm on Saturday February 24th 2024.
All welcome - come along for a fun time of dance, laughter and enjoyment!

Omy2024: Let the party begin! Looking forward to celebrating our much loved friend Faith on Saturday. Damn it we should celebrate her every day! 8 months ago
Live Show with Putri Solo singing live this SATURDAY 24 FEBRUARY @ 9PM. Everyone is welcome and the event will be held at the Twiztid Timez grid Timez Welcome Area
Follow the color - you won't miss it!
Everyone is Welcome! collect party hats, balloons, drinks, relax, have fun and enjoy the beautiful voice of Putri Solo
This event is to honor and celebrate the amazing Faith Fromund, amazing friend for many years now. It was to be a "surprise party" but guess the cat is out of the bag now! Surprise Faith!
It is also a timely opportunity to showcase the amazing Twiztid Timez grid - you will not be disappointed. It is such a beautiful grid for all to enjoy!
So come along and dance the night away with us while we celebrate Faith's birthday!

Omy2024: This will be a fantastic night! Thanks for sharing! ♥ 8 months ago

Marlis2: Danke Scarlett, wie immer geile Musik mit tollen Leuten und super Stimmung:) 8 months ago

having a great time enjoying the Love Songs from the Movies.. come join us Formal dress code

Little piece of farmland in Italy. Farmer Guiseppie is up at the crack of dawn. Mamma Maria and her sister are still passed out from the night before in their chairs. Freshly baked bread made the night before is slowly being eaten by the crazy chook who is running wild in the kitchen! With farmer Pappa with his back to the vegie garden the madcow is eating all the vegies. Never a dull moment at OMG. Vineyards, sunflowers and treck up the hill to little Tuscany!

OMG Art Gallery - collection of artwork by CL. This is only one of several Art Galleries located at OMG. Drop in grab a champagne and listen to some classical music played by the talented Pia Concerta. The beautiful Black Winged Goddess proudly takes center stage at the Gallery.
Eine Klasse Unterwasser Party mit lieben Leuten.
Schöne Mukke dazu, so muss das sein.
Danke für Euren Besuch, wir sehen uns. :)

12ᴩᴍ | DJ HOWIE
ᴡʜᴇɴ: MONDAY@ 12PM GT

Take a trip back to the 50’s - 70’s music. Dress up in your fancy clothes come out for a really kewl ballroom dance at Club Maj3sty Blue Ballroom!


hop:// Maj3sty Syrian Aram Empire/82/123/3517

Bohe'me - Store and Gallery MiriamRose Designs and Twilight Star Designs

Darci Viper: cant seem to find the store, please help.. ty 8 months ago

Glossy Island Home Rentals


A new range is coming to Zoey's Boutique for the Legacy Perky. To get you all started I have a few packs that include one item each. I have:

~ Legacy Perky Push Up Boobs - Dress in picture goes with this
~ Legacy Perky Soft Arms - Comes with the arm ribbons worn in the pic
~ Legacy Perky Soft Thighs - Comes with the garters worn in the pic

If you like what I'm doing, please stop by regularly for new items in my store!

Zoey ♥

Tonight at 01:00PM SLT/22.00 ITA Zeno Live Singer in Concert!

Kimmy Cullein: Grande Zeno!!!! 8 months ago

Eine 512er Sim (Greenworld Seasons) bietet nun mehr Platz für saisonales Ambiente und Freebies. Gerade aktuell: Ostermarkt, Frühlingsambiente, "Hexenkram" und Magie, sowie Elfen, Feen und Drachen.

This lounger is available in no less than 16 colours/textures! Sits 1-2 avatars, and headrest will change depending on the pose. Some specific submenus on spanking and feet 😛 And TONS of cuddle anims!
Local Uber: hop:// Boutiques/388/384/23
Other TP options:

Just finished working the reception desk at WT grid. I love it here!! If you need help I am a PeaceKeeper here too.

#indigo #wolfterritoriesgrid

DJ Riker's Mardi Gras Blues Showcase at Rockin' the Blues tonight at 6:00PM!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou N'Awlins
Event begins:2024-02-10 18:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
DJ Riker spins the a special blues set for Mardi Gras...Bring your dancing shoes cause we we will be taking over the streets of N'Awlins for this celebration. Old blues, new blues and blues you didn't even know were blues!! Riker will also have some Cajun and Zydeco music in his coffers for this event ! Totally awesome, totally unexpected...totally Blues!!! Join us tonight as Riker starts your Mardi Gras with a BANG!! And come early for Riker's famous Pre- Set! Bayou Rockin
HG Safari came to visit us at Paragon Park on Jan, 31 2024 here is a link to the HG Safari page of their visit Than you Thirza Ember for bringing the tour to Barefoot-Dreamers !
Zeno Live Singer in AviVerse

Questa sera alle ore 01:00pm SLT nella splendida location "Forever" in AviVerse, Zeno Live in Concerto!

This evening at 01:00pm SLT at the beautiful location "Forever" in AviVerse, Zeno Live in Concert!

Esta noche a las 01:00pm SLT en el hermoso lugar "Forever" en AviVerse, Zeno Live en Concierto!


AviVerseGrid: bravo Zeno! 8 months ago