OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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I'd like to share a famous word from a well known person. "Hello.", Adele.
Also I'd like to repost some pictures of the magic huds for those that still don't know about them yet...

Well appointed Tiki Hideaway offers luxury seclusion for that private special moment or celebration. Drop by and you may even be tempted to stay in this fully furnished rental.

Boho Haven, a nostalgic little campsite with an ocean view awaits you. Furnished and free.

Le marché de Noël francophone vient d'ouvrir sur France RP à

Il est le fruit d'un travail collectif, commencé il y a bien longtemps par Falene et Freddy puis enrichi pendant plus de 10 ans. Le marché de noël continue cette année grâce à la collaboration de résidents de plusieurs grilles francophones. Pour plus de détails voir la description détaillée de Bleuzenn Segrov à la page de la région:
Eröffnung der Adventsjagd in Novale

Die Novale-Adventsjagd ist eine Art Hybrid aus traditionellem Adventskalender und Schatzsuche.

Wenn Sie in unserem Kalenderbaum auf die Weihnachtskugel des Tages klicken, erhalten Sie einen Hinweis, der Ihnen hilft, die irgendwo in der Region versteckte Geschenkkugel des Tages zu finden. Dies ermutigt unsere Besucher, die Schönheiten von Novale weiter zu erkunden. Es braucht ein wenig Suchanstrengung, um an ihr Geschenk zu kommen, aber es lohnt sich. Jeden Tag ein neues Geschenk bis zum 24. Dezember.


Opening of the Advent Hunt in Novale

The Novale Advent Hunt is a kind of hybrid between the traditional Advent calendar and a treasure hunt.

When you click on the Christmas ball of the day in our calendar tree, you will receive a clue to help you find the gift ball of the day hidden somewhere in the area. This encourages our visitors to further explore the beauties of Novale. It takes a little research effort to get his gift, but it's worth it. A new gift every day until December 24th.
Ouverture de la Chasse de l'Avent à Novale

La Chasse de l'Avent de Novale est en quelque sorte un hybride entre le calendrier de l'Avent traditionnel et une chasse au trésor.

Lorsque vous cliquez sur la boule de Noël du jour dans notre arbre calendrier, vous recevez un indice pour vous aider à retrouver la boule cadeau du jour dissimulée quelque part dans la région. Cela encourage nos visiteurs à explorer d'avantage les beautés de Novale. Il faut faire un petit effort de recherche pour obtenir son cadeau, mais cela en vaut la peine. Un nouveau cadeau à chaque jour jusqu'au au 24 décembre.
◂◄◀ 1st Thursday @ Eternity Night Club▶►▸
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴6:00p ∵∴ ❈ ROGUE GALAXY
» Шhat: • LIVE SINGER •
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ Casual ∵∴ ❈
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸ City
Das Winterspektakel ist eröffnet. Am Landepunkt findet ihr einen Adventskalender wo ihr euch jeden Tag ein Geschenk abholen könnt.

The winter spectacle is on. At the landing point you will find an advent calendar where you can pick up a present every day
I love the Arthurian legends. Pictured here is my version of the round table, engraved on top with the Knights' Oath, and sitting on a platform with Merlin's triskelion symbol upon it in white, symbolizing a kingdom based on law and founded by magic. One of the chairs is called Siege Perilous, that would take the life of anyone who dared to sit in it save one: Galahad, who would find the Grail. On the walls are the Pendragon Shield and the Grail Tapestries. Unseen is King Arthur's sword Excalibur. All of these can be found at my stores along with a selection of castles.
Ich kann es nicht lassen.^^

Leider musste ich die Kommentarfunktion blocken, da eine Person, die sich hier Funara nennt, meinte mich beleidigen zu müssen. Keine Ahnung wessen Alt, das nun ist, aber das muss ich mir nicht geben, sorry.

Our newest rental, a refurbished old sub hauled up from Davy Jones' locker. Great location, just a stone's throw from the pub.

Bonjour et merci d'avoir créé ce groupe !

Salut tt le monde. Bisoux!

Dear Hyper Grid Friends , Are You Having Issues Getting To Digi ? Hope This Helps

Usually a failure to access digiworldz from HG is due to people either not using the correct Auth page (hg'ers should use this one) If you are a HyperGrid visitor, meaning your avatar was created on another grid and you want to come to DigiWorldz to visit, go here:

And/or not filling in the form correctly. Make sure they are not putting in any leading http: or ending// characters. they can just copy and paste the info we have listed if its a common grid.

See you inworld!

Also, they can send in a support ticket to our support email:

Noxluna Nightfire
Assistant Grid Manager
We are not closing down while we make changes which are being done in an effort to make your shopping experience more enjoyable and less laggy. We plan to make a few changes and we will not have ALL of the homes on display, just the beset of the best and our original creations. We will have one building for all of the other's to be displayed in boxes only. We're greedy we want our prims for our original builds because, after all, that's what Open Sim is about! Original creativity in our development and design. So we'll work around your shopping and....if you need anything or can't find it, just ask we'll do what we can.
Premier décembre 2022 - Rencontre mensuelle des francos

Rencontre de francophones et francophiles le premier jeudi de chaque mois, à 21h00 (heure de Paris, soit 15h00 heure de Montréal, ou 12h00 SLT)

Discussion informelle et visite en groupe d'une région.

L'événement se passe de vive-voix et en français.
Wie auch im letzen jahr gibt es auf der Shopping mall ein Advents kalender.24 Geschenke warten auf euch

Like last year, there is an Advent Calendar on the shopping mall. 24 gifts waiting for you
DINKIES 70s Disco at Dinkies

(DINKIES ONLY EVENT) - 9:00am - 11:00am Dinkies 70s Disco at a Special Event on Funsize Dinkies
DeeJay Ted takes you Dinkies for a 70s Adventure on Funsize Dinkies World Resort at Funsize Dinkies
HG: Dinkies
Region: Funsize Dinkies
Grid: Alternate Metaverse
Wer verfolgt mich da?
Who is following me?

Leider musste ich eben die Kommentarfunktion blocken, da eine Person, die sich hier Funara nennt, meinte mich beleidigen zu müssen. Keine Ahnung wessen Alt, das nun ist, aber das muss ich mir nicht geben, sorry.

DJ at Adachi Wednesday 1pm Grid Time
EBM Industrial EDM Dark Wave Aggrotech GOA
Other genre as the mood strikes me. I take requests

ATTENTION! On December 3rd at 7pm EST, the grid will be offline for maintenance I am getting a bigger server so we can update to OpenSim the new version also want some extra space so we remain lag-free it will be off all weekend and probably Monday too depending on how fast technical staff can move I will message you when it is back up that is it that is all thanks.

I have set up a couple of cozy fire pit MONITORS so you can bring your friends from around the world and share together some classic Christmas treasures.
Come join us for a live stream of "SCROOGE" 1951 classic
YES! We're open and all are welcome to come and explore what we have for free which is almost everything. There is a lot to see and more to come as we're adding daily. Come and see for yourself. When you arrive on the landing spot, just go to the dock and rez a raft and move to the main dock, but be careful of the sharks they like to try to upset the raft. :D Original creations and others we've picked up from all over hypergrid. Some places we have avoided for obvious reasons. We want to offer the widest and best variety for everyone, from homes to hats we hope to offer it all! Modern to Medieval to Ancient we would like to provide for all of your role playing needs. Come and explore! Al Kahov that is the region where the Star Jinn Palisade Mall is found

Brrrrr, kalt..
Brrrr, cold....

Even though it says "Offline", the region is up and running


Banner Pic

Christmas Town

Diese Woche das grosse opening Wochenende auf OFFWORLD .. Sonntag ab 18 Uhr Rock Abend mit DjGenie & Djane Bella .. kommt und seid dabei .. HUGs

This Week .. great opening Weekend at OFFWORLD .. Sunday from 9AM SLT Rock Evening .. with DJ Genie & Djane Bella on the Turntables .. come on and join the great Party
Diese Woche das grosse opening Wochenende auf OFFWORLD .. Samstag ab 18 Uhr Country und Oldie Abend mit Dj Genie, Djane Loru und Djane Bella .. kommt und seid dabei .. HUGs

This Week .. great opening Weekend at OFFWORLD .. Saturday from 9AM SLT Country and Oldie Evening .. with Dj Genie, Djane Loru and Djane Bella on the Turntables .. come on and join the great Party

Gnome Invasion

GramZ's barn down on the farm by Gramzy Nang.

GramZ's house by Gramzy Nang

Floating Fantasy Elven home - It's Thor's by Thunder

A very beautifully detailed fantasy manor built by Thundergod Thor.

DJ Kith's "60's and 70's Hippie Tunes!" Tonight at Hot Daddy's--6:00PM!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Hot Daddys
The fun begins at 6:00PM tonight!! 2022-11-28 18:00 SLT

It's DJ Kith's turn to spin at Hot Daddy's and he's got some "60's and 70's Hippie Tunes" locked into his play list! That's right all you Dead Heads! Whether you're into folk, psychedelic, or acid rock, Kith's got the tunes that will make you groove! Come to Hot Daddy's on the Wyldwood Bayou Grid and join DJ Kith and The Tribe for some peace, love, and rock n' roll! Bayou Hot Daddys
