OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Like, I dont have enough to do.... silly me...takes on another project.... this is the "bones"... a wind power generating station .... 10 more just like it, all tesla transmitting linked to generate power for my huge-ass shipyard

Luna Lunaria: I have a fusion substation I can pass on to you for help in generating power: My main starbase needs a lot more power though. Here's the... 3 years ago
Suite à une panne des serveurs FrancoGrid hébergés chez Scaleway Online , et l'absence de volonté de la part de l’hébergeur de trouver une solution viable, nous sommes en incapacité de remonter la grille.
L'association perdure, et reste en veille.
Les assets sont perdus après 2020, les assets datant d'avant 2020 sont saufs. Notre admin technique réfléchit à une solution pour fournir des .iar aux personnes le souhaitant, pour toute information, veuillez contacter ssm par mail :
Pour toute information concernant la trésorerie, ou pour un hébergement (payant) sur un serveur pour monter des simulateurs sur la grille de votre choix, veuillez contacter Nino par mail :
Following a breakdown of the FrancoGrid servers hosted at Scaleway Online, and the lack of will on the part of the host to find a viable solution, we are unable to rebuild the grid.
The association continues, and remains on standby.
Assets are lost after 2020, assets from before 2020 are safe. Our technical admin is thinking about a solution to provide .iar to people who want it, for any information, please contact ssm by email:
For any information regarding cash, or for hosting (paid) on a server to mount simulators on the grid of your choice, please contact Nino by email:

Kashi Takeshi: Big loss... wandered a lot at FG. Let me know if I can help Cherry. 3 years ago

Peace! Be Kind! Be Thankful!

We ended the winter season of Novale yesterday.
Novale will be closed until late March.
We are preparing for Spring!

Old installation reworked

The trial run of Inworld Review was filmed yesterday. Still got to work on the poses, and this first episode really long, (90 minutes!) but if you want to get a general idea of how the show works, with a view to being a guest in the future, take a look here
Hopefully many people sign up at join in, it's a great way to let people know about your work in the hg! Contact MAL BURNS on DISCORD

River: Now I want to know what the horrible things were that was said! lol 3 years ago
AETHER doesn't have line dancing. It has has a club with synchronized group dances on an airborne shade-shifting rotating cube. How wild is that? Aether also offers the use of adult furniture and the viewing of artistic B&W photos, all in modern, minimalist structures. The residents of Aether? They all vanished. All they left behind were shadows. Aether: a world of black, white, shadows and wild sky.
DUALITY: They have black outfits. They have white outfits. Sometimes they go wild and offer black and white outfits. Duality is on Aether: a floating world of black, white, shadows and wild sky. (Set world to "Shared Environment" for the best experience). Come dress, express, and experience your Duality.

Nico Kailani: Duality is a sister shop to "oh HELLO" on the Xinashi region, and it's complete opposite. In keeping with the minimalist approach of Aether and it's theme of black and white, there are no fatpacks wit... 3 years ago
sorry desolée
Yes oui, ja, my land, mon terrain is kaput, broken
that is ein big probleme
Wait, calmos, server out !
is the life, relax
Thank for waiting merci de patienter
Il y a du soleil
and happy new year

iekocatnap: Il revient quand ton terrain ? 3 years ago
I appreciate everyone coming out and picking up the new Rigged mesh avatars! As I make updates to them will post here! ROXanne mesh avatar has been updated with Medhi Henna tattoos

Marianna : ROXanne has just been updated to include red, black, blonde hairbases~ 3 years ago
New arrivals to Redlight City Annemarie Fallon and Jordan Maine have opened a store
called "Petite Female" Featuring Outfits, Lingerie, Fetish and Accessories for the Petite Female.
Everything in the store is Free to purchase.
Please note that items available have been sourced from all around the Metaverse.
If anything you feel should not be here please let me know."
On the other hand if you would like to donate Petite items to the store
please drop them at the side of the building.
I Plead The Fifth
Knit cap and headphones? I get that. It's cold and, instead of ear muffs, you have "hear" muffs. Biker glasses. Um, OK. A thin robe, almost entirely open and with apparently nothing on underneath? Wait. What? I thought it was cold out. I'm confused. Open-toed platform shoes! You ask, "who in hell put this outfit together?

I plead the fifth.

Oh HELLO: Now conveniently located real close to the Xinashi landing zone, and far, far away, I hope, from the fashion police.

Nico Kailani: Two things should be added to this outfit to make it complete -- and maybe even make sense. I should be carrying bags, like a bag lady, and have cats, like a cat lady. I'll be a bag cat lady. 3 years ago
Phantom Rose Grid, Steam Region's Water power Clock, with Chateau du Coeur, in the background. There is a lot to explore on this region. You can use the steam powered boats to explore via the massive water ways or ascend to the Conservatory and use the public balloons offered for guests to float over this beautiful region. You can go to the main dock and start an Adventure Quest to Mysterious Island and win a great prize or explore the undersea beauty of Mermaids of the Mists. There is a hidden cavern under the Graveyard, with some interesting challenges! There is no need to be bored in your virtual life, when Phantom Rose Grid offers many interactive activities 24/7! Hop to Steam via Opensimworld, or use your viewer and paste in:, which brings you to the public Welcome Region. From there you can use the Interdimensional Portal (IDP) to travel throughout the Grid.

Steampunk Siouxsin: I havent been, but this looks fantastic, very well done! 3 years ago
"No Outfit For You!"
Shopper: "It's warm enough for shorts but cold enough for a down-filled vest? Why are there down-filled vests anyways? And why doesn't the outfit have more color?"

Me: "Too many questions. No outfit for you!"

Dear reader...the hair is color-change. The shorts are color-change. The vest is part of a fat pack. The boots are part of a fat pack! Want more color? Well, that's a DIY thing. The warm/cold thing? Don't ask.

oh HELLO: Outfits with Options. And, today only, mangled Seinfeld quotes"

Lilastone: such a sweet person who helps you out and i will tell others about here 3 years ago
The other day I walked past a fitness place named The Beast. That makes sense. They are going to pump you up into some kind of muscle-bound monster. What didn't make sense was their logo. It was...a unicorn. Ah yes, who doesn't associate unicorns with buffed beasts? Why, when I was a child, my favorite movie was "Beauty and the Unicorn." Or something. In any case, I made this outfit. It's got horns. Wear it and prowl around, searching for what? Unicorns?

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options. And now, a baby unicorn in every box!

Nico Kailani: This outfit has been replaced by Beast 2, which has a more out-door forest-living Beast look. Come get it, and the special baby unicorn gift as well. hop:// 3 years ago

Kimi Outfit

es gibt auch Zwerge auf der Fairysim

Winter at River Run, reflecting RL right now. BRRR!

Jamie Wright: Love it:) 3 years ago
What do the magic huds look like?
NOTE: you MUST have OSSL enabled in your sim.

Well depending on which magic hud you got they can be very different.

The witches hud has purple buttons that turn blue when you click them to cast a magic spell.

The vampires hud has red glassy buttons.

The fae hud has light green buttons.

Remember, to end all spells simply close the HUD menu button. This retracts all the buttons and ends all the spells. :)

Each hud has a part you have to wear as an attachment. The vampire hud requires the vampires magic ring to be on your finger to work, the witches hud requires you to wear the witches heart, and the fairy hud requires you to wear the fairies necklace.

Of course you may GOD MODE these and take the guts out and put the magic into any ring, necklace, or object you prefer.

These huds tend to work best for people that own a dream grid, or own their own region setup with npc support. I did go back as a special favor and make the vampire hud runnable on osgrid. Changing some of the original spells so they would work there.

Please note: If you go to my region, go with no scripts, and as plain an avatar as possible. This is because there is a device there now that will kick you if you are wearing too much stuff, if your avatar is too new, or too small. This device has become a necessary evil, due to a few talentless people who insist on editing the things I've made and destroying them so no one can get a copy. Currently they have found a way to delete textures inside my unlocked objects, and they can kill scripts. So if you get something that is not working, just ask me, and I'll give you a full working version. This also helps to let me know when the talentless jealous b/c they can't make anything, people, have been back to my sim damaging my creations.

Thirza Ember: Magical! 3 years ago
Novale winter region is back online

Because of a hardware failure, the grid Creanovale has been offline since January 8th.
We came back online on January 19th. The region Novale is currently in its winter state, featuring several winter activities: alpine and cross-county skiing, skating and sleigh rides.
It is a large 4x4 region with lots of scenic viewing points, ideal for landscape photography.

Thirza Ember has published a nice review of Novale on her blog recently: [**Frost Burn**](
Are you searching for love but can't find it? Do you long for someone to hold and enjoy a passionate romance with? I've taken satyr aeon's opensim npc framework and stuffed it in a genie jar just for you. What? in english. I've made a genie jar you touch, and select men or women. There are about 10 in the genie jar, and they are very very beautiful. You can command them to do anything you wish, as long as you have the ability to rez npc's, and you can allow scripts and object entry. Example: Cindy follow me, and cindy will follow you until you say Cindy stop. Cindy use ~ball0 and Cindy will use whatever bed, chair, or other that you can imagine. What's more is you can use it with her. For the ladies, the men do the same things. There are many commands, please feel free to contact me for a list. You can say Cindy seen all and she will list all the people she has seen on your sim. Cindy light and cindy will turn on a light for you. Cindy movetovr and cindy moves to that location. Cindy flywith me. Cindy come. and Cindy will come to you anywhere in the sim (as long as you don't have teleport routing set)(( you may also have to region shout in order to be heard). You can also control the men's parts. Contact me for the list of commands. The possibilities are endless... Come to Free Magic and get your impossibly perfect love today. Your better half is waiting...

CyberGlo CyberStar: Thank you to all the many many people coming to get this item. I never expected such a huge turnout. Wow. Now if you would be so kind as to upvote my region please. :) 3 years ago

Free purple BOM dinkie available inlcuding the outfit.
The Bom-dinkies are free gifts from White ;-)
Available at the store now: DinkieTown

Happy New Year

Blog post about Metropolis

Jupiter Rowland: And this is what happens when you (read: I) can't shut your (read: my) yap at OSCC. Don't ask. That said, I have to agree: Metro has got one of the most gorgeous landing sims out there. It's still my... 3 years ago
Koburk - Church & Cemetery
Be careful - this place is haunted! The church bell rings every hour and can be heard throughout the region.
Koburk - Kirche & Friedhof
Vorsicht- hier spukt es! Die Kirchenglocke läutet jede volle Stunde und ist über die ganze Region zu hören.

Soul, living with friends wünscht euch allen einen wunderschönen 4. Advent.
Bleibt gesund und genießt die besinnliche Zeit !

Just taking a break from the holiday items.
Out of the Woods Trees, some additional foliage for your woods. Known to be loved by squirrels and birds alike!
They are available in 3 shape versions, also, you'll find them in both the summer and fall areas of the shop.

Novale's Grand Tour
A 7 km cross-country ski tour system

Novale's WINTER 2021 2022 is finally ready and open to hypergrid visitors!
Come and enjoy its new Christmas Market!

I created "Decorating Doves" when Freda Frostbite asked me to decorate her venue one year. Doves carrying different ornaments and ribbon when placed about look as if they are doing the decorating, it is a beautiful effect. I have created a few for you to add, please create your own ideas using doves to decorate, it really is lovely. Can be found in the foyer of Monentes Jewelry Jewelry
Hello folks. I just wanted to know if outfits look so cool in real than on the pictures. So I asked a friend of mine to put a special outfit on. And yes it looks as great as on the picture. I could not take my eyes away lol.. But should have covers for special areas in your inventory! They are not included lol

Das Team vom

Welcome home, Master, Mistress, My lady! (お帰りなさいませ、ご主人様(お嬢様)!
Please come visit our Maid café (メイド喫茶 or メイドカフェ) in the Tokyo area of Factory North Sea. Maid cafés are cosplay restaurants found predominantly in Japan. You can find ours at Shibuya Crossing, next to the Tokyo Tower! Enjoy some kawaii food, and dance the Pon Pon Pon with our maids!

Disco 90s
In the Starting Blocks are Dj Mick and Djane Chrissy
The Best Music

Sorry for inconvenience, the sim should be accesable now. Yeah, I forgot sometimes the applybuttons lol. Grab the new Leopard outfit including funny pipe! All freebie.

Enjoy this time of the year...

Arkham MocapMotion
Enjoy, and Share!
Teleport in Arkham City, wear group Grid

Happy weekend folks. Please stay safe , healthy and enjoy your weekend...If you see Santa flying around ,you can be sure that you had at least one hot wine punch to much..

NEW RELEASE - Chubby s little Boutique- Winterkollektion