OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Corn. I'm looking for a mesh/prim/scuplted cooked corn kernel. Not cobs of corn - pieces of corn. If anyone has them or has seen them around please:)

Exciting changes are coming to Home and Gardens! Not only will we have stunning historical homes powered by Bullet physics, but an entire region showcasing some of the finest and freshest properties in the Ubode Physics realm. We've also given H&G Furniture a complete overhaul, with a wealth of brand-new items that will make it easier than ever to find what you're looking for.

All three regions will have their own dedicated beacons, so you can easily navigate to the areas that interest you most. This massive undertaking has been months in the making, and I'm thrilled to finally unveil the new and improved Home and Gardens and H&G Furniture this Tuesday, March 4th at 9am grid time.

These homes are for your personal enjoyment only - no god-modding or unauthorized redistribution allowed. I work tirelessly for the people of the Open Sim, not for any individual grid. I can't wait for you all to experience the incredible transformation we've achieved!

LisaLandar: I am also looking forward to the opening and am excited - thank you very much for your tireless work ! 14 days ago
Tipi Tacos Truck Freebie. I know, more Tipi Tacos are an Indigenous fusion cuisine and very popular. Sometimes called "Indian Tacos", Navajo Tacos or Bannock Tacos. Open tacos made on bannock with all the fixings and very delicious. The Tipi Tacos truck is over by the gas station and free to copy/buy for 0 for anyone who wishes for one for their region. In the contents of the object are some separates. this build uses the old Airstream camper trailer from Arcadia Asylum as well as a cool generic soda fountain I found on sketchfab and some veggies:

"Generic Soda Dispenser" ( by Glowbox 3D is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (

"Tomatillo (Game Ready / 2K PBR)" ( by Meerschaum Digital is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (

"Red Onion (Game Ready / 2K PBR)" ( by Meerschaum Digital is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (

"Red Bell Pepper" ( by Meerschaum Digital is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (

"Low Poly Cutlery with knife, spoon, fork" ( by singingstranger is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (

A bunch of Linda Kellie stuff is in the mix and modded including the shapes used in the food. And of course I made a gluten free option!

I just realized I forgot to put a cash till in it so feel free to add the ones you like or assume Chef June has a secret little cash box or a fanny pack hidden under her apron:)

Marianna : I made delicious tacos yesterday and guess who I was thinking of when I did? Taco Time!! 14 days ago

FULL LATIN NIGHTS STAGE AND KIT By Virtual Vignette- FREE AND FULL PERM - Available at the OpenSim Worlds Fair landing zone. hop:// Worlds Fair/102/102/23

11 август 1877

Нека носим йоще срама по челото,
синила от бича, следи от теглото;
нека спомен люти от дни на позор
да висне кат облак в наший кръгозор;
нека ни отрича исторйята, века,
нека е трагично името ни; нека
Беласица стара и новий Батак
в миналото наше фърлят своя мрак;
нека да ни сочат с присмехи обидни
счупенте окови и дирите стидни
по врата ни още от хомота стар;
нека таз свобода да ни бъде дар!
Нека. Но ний знаем, че в нашто недавно
свети нещо ново, има нещо славно,
що гордо разтупва нашите гърди
и в нас чувства силни, големи плоди;
защото там нейде навръх планината,
що небето синьо крепи с рамената,
издига се някой див, чутовен връх,
покрит с бели кости и със кървав мъх
на безсмъртен подвиг паметник огромен;
защото в Балкана има един спомен,
има едно име, що вечно живей
и в нашта исторья кат легенда грей,
едно име ново, голямо антично,
като Термопили славно, безгранично,
що отговор дава и смива срамът,
и на клеветата строшава зъбът.

О, Шипка!

Три деня младите дружини
как прохода бранят. Горските долини
трепетно повтарят на боя ревът.
Пристъпи ужасни! Дванайсетий път
гъсти орди лазят по урвата дива
и тела я стелят, и кръв я залива.
Бури подир бури! Рояк след рояк!
Сюлейман безумний сочи върха пак
и вика: "Търчете! Тамо са раите!"
И ордите тръгват с викове сърдити,
и "Аллах!" гръмовно въздуха разпра.
Върхът отговаря с други вик: ура!
И с нов дъжд куршуми, камъни и дървье;
дружините наши, оплискани с кърви,
пушкат и отблъскват, без сигнал, без ред,
всякой гледа само да бъде напред
и гърди геройски на смърт да изложи,
и един враг повеч мъртъв да положи.
Пушкалата екнат. Турците ревът,
насипи налитат и падат, и мрът; -
Идат като тигри, бягат като овци
и пак се зарвъщат; българи, орловци
кат лъвове тичат по страшний редут,
не сещат ни жега, ни жажда, ни труд.
Щурмът е отчаян, отпорът е лют.
Три дни веч се бият, но помощ не иде,
от никъде взорът надежда не види
и братските орли не фърчат към тях.
Нищо. Те ще паднат, но честно, без страх -
кат шъпа спартанци под сганта на Ксеркса.
Талазите идат; всичките нащрек са!
Последният напън вече е настал.
Тогава Столетов, наший генерал,
ревна гороломно: "Млади опълченци,
венчайте България с лаврови венци!
на вашата сила царят повери
прохода, войната и себе дори!"
При тез думи силни дружините горди
очакват геройски душманските орди
бесни и шумещи! О, геройски час!
Вълните намират канари тогаз,
патроните липсват, но волите траят,
щикът се пречупва - гърдите остаят
и сладката радост до крак да измрът
пред цяла вселена, на тоз славен рът,
с една смърт юнашка и с една победа.
"България цяла сега нази гледа,
тоя връх висок е: тя ще ни съзре,
ако би бегали: да мрем по-добре!"
Няма веч оръжье! Има хекатомба!
Всяко дърво меч е, всякой камък - бомба,
всяко нещо - удар, всяка душа - плам.
Камъне и дървье изчезнаха там.
"Грабайте телата!" - някой си изкряска
и трупове мъртви фръкнаха завчаска
кат демони черни над черний рояк,
катурят, струпалят като живи пак!
И турците тръпнат, друг път не видели
ведно да се бият живи и умрели,
и въздуха цепят със демонский вик.
Боят се обръща на смърт и на щик,
героите наши като скали твърди
желязото срещат с железни си гърди
и фърлят се с песни в свирепата сеч,
като виждат харно, че умират веч...
Но вълни по-нови от орди дивашки
гълтат, потопяват орляка юнашки...
Йоще миг - ще падне заветният хълм.
Изведнъж Радецки пристигна със гръм.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
И днес йощ Балканът, щом буря зафаща,
спомня тоз ден бурен, шуми и препраща
славата му дивна като някой ек
от урва на урва и от век на век!

***NEW*** Bad Bunny Back Pack for Legacy f [rigged] in 3 different Colors. OUT NOW !!!

Happy Sunday from the Grid of the Wolf

Outworldz Dreamgrid - Create, explore, and own your virtual spaces with ease on a private server. Perfect for roleplay, education, or building your dream universe—no coding required.
Join the community of creators today at
Image featured is @FerdFrederix Alexandria Alexandria

Marianna : Invest in your creativity, not in rent—DreamGrid empowers you to build without limits. 14 days ago

a look into the future but I remain silent

Adorable "Youth Chairs" by Tansy Fields. Assorted themes like baseball, icecream or flowers.

Come get them now in the Family Living store on Ardent Lake.

EQG Steampunk Festival is now open to the public.
Edison & Steamy's Anniversary Party begins at 3pm, however until then, you may wish to come by and attempt the Scavenger Hunt, or just check out the region. Steampunk Festival

AdrianaDarkheart: great party , wonderful people ♥ 14 days ago

Massive Mangroves which leads into the huge marshlands..

The Sambel Bay for fun & amusements..!!

“Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.” – Dorothy City

One of Opensimulator's Longest continually running Dance Parties! 12 years and counting!! LIVE DJ and Dancing!! Music from the 60's to current day!

Tonight at 8pm Pacific!

Get ready to turn up the volume tomorrow, Sunday, March 2nd at the OpenSim Worlds Fair!

11:00 am grid time Aphra Hendrix brings the beats that will keep you moving! Don’t miss a second of this electrifying performance! The show will be on her own stage at the fair:
hop:// Worlds Fair/623/821/25

12:00 pm grid time on Stage 2 give it up for Khiron Ametza who's ready to take us on a 1980s musical journey you won’t forget!
hop:// Worlds Fair/1279/1175/22

5:00 pm grid time Get ready for some hip-shakin’ as DJ Spirit spins high-octane Rockabilly tunes from the 1950s. Dance to a sound like no other!
Stage 3: hop:// Worlds Fair/732/804/22

Hope to see you there. Remember there are also exhibits, tech, education, fashion, rides and more.

Bollywood Coming up next! Bollywood (stage 1) 12:00pm and 5:00pm
hop:// Worlds Fair/1276/1183/23

Bollywood coming up next!!!
Bollywood (stage 1) 12:00pm and 5:00pm
hop:// Worlds Fair/1276/1183/23

Happening right now! Come to the OpenSim Worlds Fair Opening Party
hop:// Worlds Fair/1245/804/22

Kimm Starr: Motown (stage 4) 11:00am and 4:00pm hop:// Worlds Fair/1245/804/22 Latin (stage 2) 11:30am and 5:30pm hop:// Worlds Fair/1276... 15 days ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/151/278/3462
( tp ----->Animations )

Still an hour to go....

St David' Day Dance.

HG Address:

Then follow the signs to the Clwb Y Gath Du - The Black Cat Club.

Starting in 15 minutes...

St David' Day Dance.

HG Address:

Then follow the signs to the Clwb Y Gath Du - The Black Cat Club.


The Latest Edition of Bla Bla Bla Magazine is Out Now!

Dive into the newest issue of Bla Bla Bla Magazine, packed with exciting March events, special features, and community highlights
from the Alternate Metaverse Grid! and some Opensim Grids.

Read it online now:
Bla Bla Bla Magazine
Alternate Link
Archived Issues: Find past editions here! (Click the dropdown tab above the magazine)

and also on:

Don't miss out—discover what's happening in the Opensim community today!
Be sure to join us at the Opensim World's Fair and see all of the magnificent displays, and plenty of exhibits and lots of entertainment and fun. And don't miss the Genesis Roleplay Grid's exhibits showcasing some of our regions and builds. I look forward to seeing you there. Blessings and much love, Lavia
It's finally here!! The OpenSim Worlds Fair starts today! There are fabulous exhibits (The mermaids are there too!) Art installations, vendors, entertainment and more!! It's been a year in the making and I know you are going to love it! I am very honored to be able to host for some of Opensim's most incredible talent today! Come join me in the festivities!! I'll be watching for you!! Worlds Fair
Tenth Dimension Grid is a dynamic and immersive OpenSim world featuring a diverse range of unique regions. From the tranquil residential retreat of Mystic Pines Estates to the artistic showcase of Le Beau Retrouve Art Gallery, each region offers a distinct experience. The grid includes entertainment destinations like Heaven & Hell, home to an outdoor movie venue, and Electric Vortex, a modern, futuristic club. Celestial Veil, a 6x6 transit region, serves as a key hub for travelers under development with Hypergates, planes, bikes and all things transport to have fun with, while Raven Gate, an 8x8 mysterious and otherworldly region, is evolving as a collaborative community project. With creative sandbox spaces like Big Bang Theory, Tenth Dimension is a realm of endless possibilities, innovation, and exploration.
Rock music party of Nikopol club tonight at 1:00 PM pacific Time (21:00 GMT), an alternative mix through time by Dj Slid'r, with for example Death in Vegas, Pixies, PJ Harvey, Sonic Youth, the Cramps, The Stooges, Motorhead, No one is innocent and more. Station
Step into a futuristic and retro-fantasy world for a couple of hours of mesmerizing Rock music!
A Steampunk & Sci-Fi ambiance, hypnotic lights, and deep bass await you… Get ready for a timeless sonic

Trying my hand at putting together avatar looks. This is my first one shape made from scratch.

It's time for ROUND TWO of the Bollywood Invasion! 5 pm GRID TIME!!!

It's the OPENING DAY of the OpenSim Worlds Fair!

DJ Xenon Darrow will be playing two sets of frisky & fun Bollywood and Punjabi!
Come be immersed in the passion and vibrance of the east!

The OpenSim Worlds Fair is a massively vibrant & gorgeous demonstration of immersive art and original designs and builds! Free to all, open for the next 30 days! Experience the best OpenSim has to offer!

Saturday, March 1st, noon & 5 pm grid time Worlds Fair
@the Bollywood Stage!
Today @ 12:00 PST (20:00 GMT 21:00 CET) St David' Day Dance.

March 1st is St David's Day, the patron saint of Wales. It's also Wales' national day where children traditionally have a half-day at school and the day is spent in celebrating our identity with both girls and boys dressing up in the national dress.

The set will include the music of Welsh performers, some of them famous and well known some not, and will definitely NOT include Shirley Bassey or Tom Jones! Dress informal, no topless men!

HG Address:

Then follow the signs to the Clwb Y Gath Du - The Black Cat Club.

Good morning.

JamieWright: Not smiling but it goes with the classic art style of it. 15 days ago
@FerdFrederix created the Tin Man of Emerald City Thank you Ferd!

"I shall take the heart. For brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world." Tin Man in Wonderful Wizard of Oz-L. Frank Baum City

JamieWright: The textures are suberb! The whole build is delightful:) 15 days ago
EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT - BLA BLA BLA MAGAZINE's MARCH ISSUE is hot off the press and ready for reading!
Read it on our website or use the main site listed below it.
EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT - BLA BLA BLA MAGAZINE's MARCH ISSUE is hot off the press and ready for reading!
Read it on our website or use the main site listed below it.