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Eröffnung der Gallery Path of Glory – Candoranien

Erlebt die faszinierende Geschichte Candoraniens in einer beeindruckenden Bildergalerie!!
Feiert mit uns diesen besonderen Abend!
Am 05. Dezember 2024
um 19:00 Uhr öffnen wir die Türen für die Gallery.
Ab 20:00 Uhr sorgt DJ Draupnir mit epischen Beats für die perfekte Atmosphäre.
Ein Abend voller Kunst, Geschichten und Musik erwartet euch – lasst euch verzaubern!

Kein Dresscode ;)

Cosa: cooole Musik .... 1 month ago
Planned Maintenance this morning took out 3 nodes of our High Availability Cluster. the cluster moved things around to keep things online. We lost 2 nodes out of our Mariadb 5-node Galera cluster and brought them back automatically total down time I reckon 5-10 minutes for what for some grids would have ben a catastrophic failure.

Luna Lunaria: One of the many reasons my home is here 1 month ago

NEWS !!!!
My Contribution for the Holidays
for Bodys Reborn Lara X Legacy
have a wonderful and peaceful Time
Hugs Chrissy

Walking in a Winter Wonderland over at Trianon-World Welcome.. a beautiful romantic ice skating rink in the back with all the games ( the roller rink is away for the winter)

MidnightRain Glas: that is so pretty, cant wait to see it \ 1 month ago
DJ Yana at Welcome in AMV 5 years Anniversary

Come on over!
And enjoy lots of dancing at my stage.
The roof will blown off again!!

Starts at 6AM gridtime
Your limousine for today: hop://

News!!! Danceroom hop:// De Volcanes/125/277/3462

Good morning. :-)

Hicks: Hi! 👋 1 month ago
Freitag 6.12.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

Sant(a) Ana
und anderen seltsamen Heiligen Rolleyes

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht

159 / 5.000
Friday 6.12.2024
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 p.m.

St. Nicholas
Sant(a) Ana
and other strange holy Rolleyes

Ends as always at midnight
Friday 12pm PST, OSCC24 will kick off with 4 Hours of music!

12:00 pm Music with DJ Kathryn Yer
01:00 pm Live Music by Wytchwhisper Sadofsky
02:00 pm Live Music by Maximillion Kleene
03:00 pm Particles and Music with Tuna Oddfellow

Saturday morning, the Conference starts off proper at 7:00 am with a discussion with the OpenSimulator Core Developers.

Check out our whole schedule here:

If you want to support OSCC you can do so by registering here:
No ideal individuals were being prohibited from Dallas. When I checked my email this morning, I saw that someone had been blocked. Listen, I don't ban anyone. The only reason I do so is if they treat me disrespectfully. In that case, I'm unable to communicate with you, so I say goodbye. I only ask that you talk to me if you have problems with me and not criticize me behind my back if you don't know me. Hell, even though I don't do what I do for myself, I still do it because I enjoy being active, if not for myself in real life. In any case, I prefer to see others happy. Have fun and happy holidays! When I started using OpenSim, I remember that people greeted and helped each other. It's an open sim with too much squabbling, rumors about who took what, and so forth! If you ban me, I won't lose any sleep.
Since I've met more individuals here than I have in my 20 years in Second Life, we make a lot of things here rather than bringing them over. As I mentioned, I felt that people were more considerate and grateful when I first started OpenSim. What is going on? :(

Mona725: When I log into this site, there is always someone bitching about something, people are bickering back and forth. Feels like some people have no life on their own, they have to stir the pot to feel ha... 1 month ago
Winter Wonderland @ Twiztid Timez OMG 2 region is open 24 hours a day 352 days a year! Come explore the magic, there is so much to explore here you just might need to stay over in a cozy cabin.
A Christmas market stall area, Santa's magical Village Town. Grand ballroom where Santa and Ms Nutcracker dance away.
Cozy cabins to explore where yummy treats will make your mouth water.
There are two ice skating areas - you can warm yourself with a hot chocolate at the open air café.
Explore the old town square with Santa's Train.
Escape the hustle and bustle and relax around the lake, while exploring the wild wilderness covered in snow with more cabins to escape to.
Explore the captivation of specially designed Snow Globes that feature throughout the sim.
Not to forget the birth of baby Jesus nativity scene.
Winter Wonderland is a photographer's paradise.
Zoree Jupiter Liveat EC 80s!
Today,2:00-4:00pm at The 50s Diner
Best in 50s colors!
Music and Fun!
Come join us and bring your friends!
I would love to entertain you :)
We look forward to seeing you!
We apologize that this event has had to be cancelled. There will be a Christmas New Years Eve celebration instead and also the celebration birthday of Twiztid Timez Grid. Details to be posted shortly.
Come join us at Twiztid Timez Grid and celebrate the Festive Season. Saturday, December 21st 2024 @ 6pm.
Event will be held at Winter Wonderland located at OMG 2 at the open air stage area.
Explore the magic of Winter Wonderland and pick up some gifts along the way.

These are the residents of Fort Sand. A peaceful bunch of people.

Simple idea. Get a region from Wolf Territories Grid, use the terrain generator to make some mountains then flatten a bit and put a house on it.

Hicks: And with the tide system it gives a lot of creativity 1 month ago

Greetings from me from the Christmas market. :-)

Winter Wonderland in Eden !
Snowballs fight, ice skating, snow bikes riding,
You can take a pic with Santa, listen to the singing dinkies band,
play greedy or whack a game Christmas, have a ride on the carousel.
And don't forget to grab some of the gifts boxes!
let's feel the magic of Christmas! :) Pangea-Grid

----- NEW -----

----- NEW -----

Who brings me my breakfast coffee?

Suzi_Avonside: OMG, I'm in love!!!!! 1 month ago

Hicks: Encore une jolie région d aphra .bravo 1 month ago
▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀Party im Roadhouse▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
Wer: DJ Winni
Wo: Roadhouse
Was: Ü-Party
Wann: Mittwoch den 04.12.24
Ab: 19 Uhr --- 10 am
▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀Party im Roadhouse▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
Wer: DJ Winni
Wo: Roadhouse
Was: Ü-Party
Wann: Mittwoch den 04.12.24
Ab: 19 Uhr --- 10 am

Today 04.12.24 = 6 -8 AM

Early Morning Breakfast Party

Taxi: Welcome

❤️Everything for you.❤️

Just keep in mind that every day brings a new gift. Some are treasures, some are fresh. They are only enjoyable.

Ellen: I could not enter with my AMV avatar and I love your gifts!!! 1 month ago

Hello! I'm looking for a skate rezzer for a skating rink, both ice and roller blades. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Jupiter Rowland: You mean something that rezzes a pair of skates which an avatar can slip into and go skating? Works like a driveable vehicle, but can be worn like shoes? I don't even know if that's possible. 1 month ago

Zoree Jupiter Live
2-3:00pm SL Time
Club Fire
Gentle Fire Grid
Semi Casual attire

The project +Woman ZeroViolence
Piu Donna Zero Violenza

Un paseo por las nubes, mi cielo de Avalon

Aurora Starchild: Ohhh que bonitoo, yo tambien estoy montando un sim asi rollo angelical 1 month ago

Find my Winter Island @
Your are always very welcome at my land
"Happy Holidays" Love Bebe

SheaButter: It's winter for a very long time. Am sure we can view when Osgrid is back online. 1 month ago



OSG is down its sad
But we have fun so dont be mad
Cajun Tex Mex Henk will play
so come n dance with us today

Join Henk Bobbi Safine and the gang at Friends Party Mountain.

Location: Party Mountain on Friends Region
(avec un minimum de manipulations !!! )

1 - Il faut télécharger sur

2 - opensim demande .NET version 8 ! à télécharger ici :

3 - Pour être en mode "Grille" simple (Standalone sans ROBUST) avec HyperGrid, dans le fichier OpenSim.ini tout à la fin vers la ligne 1356 il faut avoir ça :
; Include-Architecture = "config-include/Standalone.ini"
Include-Architecture = "config-include/StandaloneHypergrid.ini"
; Include-Architecture = "config-include/Grid.ini"
; Include-Architecture = "config-include/GridHypergrid.ini"
Commenter la ligne 1356 et décommenter la suivante (commenter = mettre le point-virgule ';' au début de la ligne, décommenter = l'enlever)

4 - Dans bin/config-include il faut renommer GridCommon.ini.example en GridCommon.ini

5 - Toujours dans bin/config-include dans StandaloneCommon.ini décommenter la ligne 50 pour avoir :
GatekeeperURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

(Ce qui fait 3 changements dans les lignes des .ini !)

Enfin en étant dans le dossier opensim/bin, lancer le serveur OpenSim.exe !
Bien valider l'alertes du pare feu pour opensim.exe, sinon il faudra aller le faire manuellement dans les paramètres.
Des lignes vont défiler puis normalement ça doit poser des questions (nom de la grille, de la région, du user ...)

Pour la connexion :
- Dans le NAT de la box il faut ouvrir les ports 9000 et 9001 tcp et udp (dans le doute on ouvre tcp ET udp)
- Ajouter localhost:9000 dans la config opensim de Firestorm !

BINGO ! on peut se connecter avec le user défini plus haut et partir dans l'HyperGrid !!
Et s'envoyer des objets et même en faire des sauvegardes (IAR) aussi.

Cette configuration minimal ne permettra surement pas d'avoir des visites ou bien de pouvoir revenir après une téléportation en HG mais comme le but est d'avoir une base pour se promener dans l'HG ça ne devrait pas être trop génant.

Mais voici les compléments de config à faire si on veut plus s'approcher d'une grille "normale", aux points notés plus haut par un *

- Pour permettre des visites facielement sons devoir indiquer le nom de la région il faut dans StandaloneCommon.ini ligne 114 :
Region_Nom_de_Votre_Region = "DefaultRegion, DefaultHGRegion, FallbackRegion"
(en remplaçant les éventuels espaces dans le nom par des 'soulignés' _
Dans le dossier opensim/bin/regions il faut modifier la ligne ExternalHostName = SYSTEMIP par votre IP externe ( ) ou un domaine ou sous domaine pointant dessus.

- Si vous ne voulez pas garder le nom de la grille par défaut ( "the lost continent of hippo" ) modifier les lignes 229 et 232 dans StandaloneCommon.ini

- Après pour avoir les groupes et les messages ... il y a d'autres modifs à faire dans opensim.ini
Infos ici : (made by @Ludo_Davis !)
Chercher "Edit OpenSim.ini"

- Bien vérifier dans les Paramètres réseau et Internet de Windows que la carte réseau est en profil de Réseau privé !
- Des infos pour ouvrir les ports selon votre Box Internet :
- Si vous avez cette erreur lors d'un TP HG :
Teleport falled Cant teleport to a regjon on same map position. Try going to another reyon first. then retry trom there
Dans le dossier OpenSim/bin/Regions editez votre fichier Regions.ini ligne 3 Location = 1000,1000 et changez légerement ces coordonnées, comme 1010,1010 et relancez OpenSim.

Comme dans ce domaine je suis persuadée que ça ne va pas réagir partout pareil, merci de me donner vos retours...

Hicks: merci Ankh :p tu vas presque me donner envie de lancer ma mini grille . :p en plus si je suis sure que tu hésiterais pas à m 'aider ...où pas .. 1 month ago
Liebe Clubtänzer und Musikzuhörer,

die Musikalische Rumpelkiste ist wieder zum Überlaufen gefüllt - darum muss am Dienstag den 3. Dezember dringend wieder der Deckel aufgemacht und die Musik darin "befreit" werden. Kommt Ihr ab 20:00 Uhr (Vormusik ab 19:30) zum Zuhören - wir freuen uns auf Euch alle.
Dear club dancers and music listeners,

the musical junk box is once again full to overflowing - so on Tuesday, December 3rd, the lid must be opened again and the music inside "freed". Come and listen from 8 p.m. (pre-music from 7:30 p.m.) - we look forward to seeing you all.

Good evening everyone. :-)

Hicks: good evening too 1 month ago
AMV5B - Alternate Metaverse Grid Celebrates 5 Years!

All of you are invited to our 5th Birthday celebration on the Region AMV Birthday, A Co-Creation of Ted Junior and Chris McCracken, two excellent builders and landscapers! There are a few touches by the talented Lilie Finesmith and by Cataplexia Numbers as well. We will start off with a Short Grid Address to open and the Re-Inauguration of our Grid's Mayor, The lovely Taffy Star. After the Inauguration we will celebrate at the main stage with a Live Performance by Mavenn Live & Joao Frazao!

We will have 3 more days of parties & Events, and wrap it up on December 8th. Live Performers, DJs & Storytelling, Free gifts, and Free portraits by Zelle Mist are available throughout the 4 day event!

We are so fortunate...Cliff & be able to call so many incredible people Our friends and family! Love and Light to all of you and a most gracious THANK YOU for helping to make this grid the wonderful and diverse place that it is! Birthday (235, 174, 23)

Alternate Metaverse 5th Birthday Schedule of Events

Thursday, December 5th

9:30 AM - 10:30am - Grid Address & Inauguration At Cafe' Espresso Stage
10;30am - 11:30am Mavenn Live @ The Living Stage
11:30am - 12:30pm Joao Frazao @ The Living Stage
12:30pm-1:30pm DJ Baby Miller @ The Butterfly Stage
1:30pm-2:30 DJ Naya Pinazzo @ The Butterfly Stage
4 - 6pm Maldrul Smith @ The Butterfly Stage

Friday, December 6th

10am-11am DJ DragonLadyShinobiaa Carpenoctem @ The Butterfly Stage
12noon -1pm Storytelling by Yichard Muni @ The Garden Of Journeys
2pm-3pm Dave King Live @ The Guitar Stage
3pm-4pm DJ Anys @ The Guitar Stage
4-5pm Zoree Jupiter @ The Guitar Stage
5pm - 6pm Beccca Baxton @ The Guitar Stage
6pm - 7pm DJ Maia Antarra Electronica / Trance @ The Butterfly Stage
7pm - 8pm DJ April McKenna Electronica / Trance @ The Butterfly Stage

Saturday, December 7th

9am - 10am DJ Tyler Mathews
10am -11am Mr Mikie String @ The Living Stage
11am - 12noon Clan Escotia & Clans Band Live @ The Living Stage
12noon - 1pm Ernest Moncrieff @ The Living Stage
1pm - 2pm Icky Thump Live @ The Living Stage
4pm -5pm DJ Jordan Melody @ The Butterfly Stage
5pm - 6pm DJ Chris McCracken @ The Butterfly Stage


Sunday, December 8th

10am-11am DJ Yana Dakota @ The Butterfly Stage
11am -1pm Dave King & Wintermyst Tangerae's Video Party @ The Butterfly Stage
1pm - 2pm Ian Kitsilano Live w Mr M & The All-nighters @ The Guitar Stage
2pm - 3pm Khiron Ametza Live @ The Guitar Stage
As the snow fell softly around us at the Funsize Dinkies World Resort, the excitement in the air was palpable. We are having a great time by the Lake, having a friendly fishing competition, with everyone eager to see who would catch the biggest fish first.

Armed with fishing rods and bait, we settled in by the frozen lake, each determined to outdo the other. The tranquil setting was interrupted only by the occasional sound of a fish splashing in the icy water.

Despite the chilly weather, we were kept warm by our shared enthusiasm and the snacks we had brought along. Hot cocoa, marshmallows, and freshly baked cookies fueled our competitive spirits as we waited for the fish to bite.

An hour passed, with each of us trying different techniques and lures to attract the elusive fish. Laughter and friendly banter filled the air as we recounted past fishing adventures and shared tips with one another.

All Dinkies on Opensim are welcome to hangout and join in the Funsize Winter Fun and also today is Day 3 of the Advent Calendar (its not to be missed by any Dinkie)
All Dinkies are Welcome to have fun and explore.
