The recent "knicker twist" (a *very* ugly and overly dismissive way to blow off what I read as being well-thought out and reasonable points raised by Marianna) does bring up a couple of questions:
Are there amateur builders left in Opensim?
It would be useful to define "amateur" -what do we mean by that term? Myself, I mean "self-taught", someone who has not been to art school or taken formal (not counting Builder's Brewery etc) courses on building. Other people may have different definitions -let's hear them.
It would also be useful to define "builder". When I say 'builder' I mean someone who makes creations with prims or mesh (Blender). (I'm excluding scripting, that's programming.) I'm aware that others define it in such a way as to refer to making modifications on pre-fab/pre-made mesh. Basically a "modder". In my mind it's a valid thing but it's different than building.
But language shifts and definitions change, "hacker" used to mean "someone who comes up with clever approaches to computer problems or design" -but for roughly 30 years it's been used to refer to people who break into computer systems and/or write viruses. As I say -definitions change.
So how do we define "builder" now? What constitutes "building"?
I can only think of a small handful of builders in the sense of making something from nothing, there's a larger pool of people who modify pre-made content -and unless I'm mistaken Marianna and Luna Luneria do a mix of both. Again, one isn't better than the other and both are forms of creative expression. But they are different.
The point of all this is to assess *need.* Do we need an organization? By "we" I am referring to "amateurs", I'm not referring to AuroraAsteria's group.
Moreover with the extremely low user numbers of Opensim would there be a point to creating an organization (beyond a collection of friends -I mean, if you already know each other knock yourselves out)?
I suspect -and have for years, that any such group would wither on the vine from lack of interest. Otherwise I'd be trying to start something myself.
I reserve the right to delete obnoxious comments and lock the comments entirely if it looks like they're going to simply be a shit-show. Show me that you *can* adult, OSW. Don't post insults (I'll delete them), paranoid rants (I'll delete them), off-topic diatribes about how somebody done somebody wrong songs (again -will delete). If there's a question about what the topic is intended to be -ask.
Make this a pain in my ass and I'll delete everything and lock the comments.
| HarperHeld: Complaining about trans folks
1)In a post written by a trans woman
2)after said trans woman's already said "no paranoid rants" very, very silly.
I'm going to wrap this up, before things slide i... 3 months ago |