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The Tate Modern comes to The Art Factory

The Bankside power station was designed by Giles Gilbert Scott for the City of London Electric Lighting Company in 1891 and along with Battersea (See Pink Floyds Animals cover) served power to London for nearly 100 years.

Since 2000 'The mother of all Loft conversions' has been used to house the Tate Modern art museum and gallery which is now officially the most popular attraction in the UK.

This is a scratch build and recreates my 'Happy Place'. I typically visit the Tate 4 or 5 times a year and I'm never happier than when sat reading a show guide and drinking a coffee beneath the silver birch trees that flank its exterior. I have missed it so much during the Pandemic I had to recreate it.

The Tate is linked to the Art Factory via the Millennium Bridge and will initially house contemporary British Artists including Bacon, Hockney, Hirst and Emin. But let us know what you would like to see, when you think British Art who comes to mind?