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As the rickshaw, its wooden frame creaking with every turn of the wheels, carried a woman adorned in the intricate garments of her dynasty, a delicate sight unfolded before her. A little chicken, its feathers glistening under the sun, innocently pecked at grains scattered across the dusty path. With a sudden jolt, the rickshaw lurched forward, its operator perhaps distracted by the grandeur of his passenger. In a split second, the fragile creature found itself caught beneath the wheels, a tragic casualty of haste and carelessness. The woman's heart sank as she witnessed the scene unfold, a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and mindfulness in navigating the Rickshaws at Zensational's Sakuragawa. In the aftermath, amidst the clucking of nearby hens, a lesson resonated deeply—a plea for caution to all who tread the paths of life, urging them to watch carefully, lest they trample the innocent underfoot.