OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Liebe Clubtänzer und Musikzuhörer,

am Dienstag den 4. März lädt die Musikalische Rumpelkiste wieder zum Musikhören und Tanzen ein. Ab 20:00 gibts wieder eine gehörige Portion Musike aus der gemischten Soundtüte - Vormusik ab 19:30. Und das ganze Faschings-/Karnevalsfrei. Versprochen.

Wir freuen uns schon auf Euch alle.
Dear club dancers and music listeners,

on Tuesday, March 4th, the Musikalische Rumpelkiste invites you to listen to music and dance again. From 8 p.m. there will be a good portion of music from the mixed sound bag - pre-music from 7:30 p.m. And the whole thing will be Mardi Gras/Carnival free. Promised.

We are looking forward to seeing you all.
Why not?
Because Putin is afraid that if ukraine gets into nato as a full member they will put a nato base in ukraine. This is about 200 miles from moscow. An ICBM could be at moscow before they could knock it down. Putin is afraid and feels cornered, and like any rabid dog, He will bite. Because Putin is insane, he can and will use Nukes on ukraine if pressed too far. Like if he feels certain He is going to lose with his troops (and let's face it, he's not losing with his troops.) But say he was losing with his troops, He would definitely use nukes. This is why Ukraine cannot win this war. So now what? Do you think we should keep pouring money into a bottomless pit or seek peace? If we do not seek peace, more and more of ukraine will fall until Russia has control of it anyway. (Like what is happening now.) I say give him the land he wants of ukraine so that he at least has a chance in minutes to knock down the ICBMS so he is no longer afraid. If you don't do this, He will kill everyone anyway. Do you see now?

CherylFurse: I seriously ask, from where the EU has so much money just to go in war? For all other things there is never money but now for the war the EU will spend now 800 bio Euro. 12 days ago
Pending asset deletion of inventories:

We are really getting agitated with the asset losses , nearly everyday Osgrid goes offline and when its back online , more is lost At least 50% of all we try and transfer to another grid arrives here either broken mesh or asset loss. Boxes we have packed and left rezzed on our single sim also loose assets now.
Our avies have lost their bodies ,heads etc and our inventories are totally corrupted , what is the point in giving us time till 25th March to save what we need ? there is nothing left to save.
Even saved IARs that have been created will be completely incorrect under the circumstances.
This is not only annoying Osgrid Residents,but also is giving a bad impression of the grid in whole.. People will loose confidence in Osgrid management and will move to other grids as a result, which is probably not in the interest of OS grid management.
You should flip the switch and get it over with as quickly as possible.

Wir ärgern uns wirklich über die Assetverluste, fast jeden Tag geht Osgrid offline, und wenn es wieder online kommt, geht noch mehr verloren. Mindestens 50 % von allem, was wir versuchen, in ein anderes Grid zu übertragen, kommt dort entweder aufgrund eines Meshfehlers (broken mesh) oder eines Assetverlustes an. Die Boxen, die wir gepackt und auf unserer einzelnen Sim gerezzt haben, verlieren jetzt auch ihre Assets.
Unsere Avatare haben ihre Körper, Köpfe usw. verloren und unsere Inventare sind völlig zerstört. Welchen Sinn hat es, uns bis zum 25. März Zeit zu geben, um das zu retten, was wir brauchen? Es gibt nichts mehr zu retten.
Auch angefertigt gespeicherte IAR´s werden unter den gegebenen Umständen vollständig fehlerhaft sein.
Dies verärgert nicht nur die Osgrid-Bewohner, sondern hinterlässt auch einen schlechten Eindruck vom Grid insgesamt. Die Menschen werden das Vertrauen in die Osgrid-Verwaltung verlieren und infolgedessen zu anderen Netzen wechseln, was wohl nicht im Interesse des OS – Grid Managment ist.
Man sollte den Schalter umlegen und es schnellst möglichst hinter sich bringen.

Arielle: Just seems to me that over and over again, large Opensim grids are just not feasible. Too many eggs in one basket that sooner or later the bag rips and spills all it contents. So many grids in the pas... 12 days ago
Frutti Music Bar (AI Powered Animesh Experience)
Frutti Music Bar – An AI-Powered Animesh Experience!

Step into the Frutti Music Bar, where cutting-edge AI-powered Animesh and advanced scripting create an immersive dining experience beyond anything Second Life has seen!

✨ Fully Interactive Waitress System – Order your favorite meal and watch as our AI-driven NPCs serve your food and drinks with lifelike precision.
🗣️ Lively NPCs with Unique Personalities – Engage in conversations with chatty staff who feel like real people, each with their own quirks and charm.
🎶 A Dynamic, Living World – Watch as NPCs seamlessly navigate the space, cleaning tables, delivering orders, and adding to the vibrant atmosphere.
🌿 Relaxing, Immersive Ambience – Enjoy beautiful surroundings, a soothing soundscape, and music that makes the experience feel like a next-gen video game.
⏳ Open 24/7 – Whether you're dining solo or bringing family and friends, our waitresses are always ready to serve you!

📺 Watch the experience here:

🚀 Visit now:
hop:// Music Bar/128/235/25

New in the Cassandra store! Cute Ecstasy bracelets and Autumn bracelets for Reborn, Lara X,LEGACY.


New in the Cassandra store! Cute Ecstasy bracelets and Autumn bracelets for Reborn, Lara X,LEGACY.


I'm excited to share that I've successfully completed the Assess for Success: Marketing Analytics and Measurement course from Google and Coursera! 🎉

This experience has equipped me with valuable knowledge on how to assess marketing performance and measure its impact using analytical tools. A great step in my professional growth!

Now, it's time to share this achievement with my network! 🚀

#MarketingAnalytics #Certificate #Google #Coursera #ProfessionalDevelopment #LifelongLearning
Lone Wolf tidying the garden at welcome ready for another busy day. , very mindful, very demure. We're doing a rolling restart right now to clear the cobwebs a bit.

Here's a video on how to set a custom texture on your maptiles with our control panel at the grid
♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME


all bits are to be covered
OSGrid goes Bang.

Not on 21st March 2025.
Today. Gone.
Raising a glass to all that was beautiful and, like a dazzlingly magical ice sculpture, has today melted away into nothingness.

Legends at Legends!!

Join us at Legends Blues Bar!!

We're thrilled to be finally opening a blues venue, and we think it's come along very nicely ;-)

Every Friday from 4 'til 7pm grid time - we'd love to see you there!!

Come dressed as you are (but the smoother, the better) :-) Town
Khiron Ametza Live
Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Join us for a great hour listening to good music among nice people!

2 pm @ Majestic Island Ballroom

PamellaEaston: NIce! 12 days ago

New waterfalls and gorge that we worked on this weekend. It has already turned into the skinny dipping spot. :D

Koshari Mahana: So pretty! 12 days ago
Pinball Game ready in Opensim Network, Ill be inviting some of you to try it out so you can give me some advice in what else should we able to achive a better game.

Video =

DJ Melanie Auxifur is playing now: Stage 3: hop:// Worlds Fair/732/804/22
Kimm — Today at 3:21 PM

ARE YOU TIRED OF STICKING YOUR FINGERS? Enter the pain free genteel lancet device. A pain free way to stick your fingers. This product is AWESOME!

Pagane: But I've been doing this to men's necks for years, and when they get home, the wife immediately sees the purple stain and knows what happened:) 13 days ago

The Circular Alien Computer. Get it at

Coming up at Noon!!!
Mon. March 3rd at 12:00 PM GT, under the glow of the Worlds Fair, let the pop, rock and 80s tunes of DJ Melanie Auxifur transport you to a place where the beats never stop.

Stage 3: hop:// Worlds Fair/732/804/22

Come and join us at the Carnival Parade
19.00 Uhr / 10 AM SLT

FinjaFlux: Tonight/ Today CARNIVAL PARADE at Monday 3.03.2025 PANGEA GRID 19.00 Uhr / 10 AM SLT 13 days ago

hi folks if you are ready for a nice warm day at the beach then here is the place to be at beach paradise debuts tonight at five come on over for a great time woooohoooo

Alternate Metaverse Grid Opensim
DJ Dragon heute 17 bis 19 Uhr im Bikers Heaven mit Klassik Rock, Rock und Metal.
Nehmt Eure Freunde und kommt rüber zu Bikers Heaven.
Freu mich auf Euch
bis gleich

DJane Dragon at Bikers Heaven 8 to 10 am gridtime playing
Classic Rock, Rock and Metal.

Take your friends and come over to Bikers Heaven and lets have some fun.
See you there

hop:// Noctem/209/221/1496

or im for a teleport

VENHA Conhecer

Hypergrid travelers, mark your calendar for Tues. March 4th for 12:00 PM grid time at the Worlds Fair. Blues music lovers of all kinds, we’ve got a special treat for you! Spinning the best beats and dropping the hottest tracks, let’s give a warm welcome to Rogue Galaxy.

Stage 2 hop:// Worlds Fair/1279/1175/22

#OSWF #opensim
Jamibogbat just now
Greywolf is a fantastic region with some awesome trails for riding horses, their native American village is amazing they have a event every Wednesday 3pm to 5 pm grid time come dance and have fun with some amazing people

6-8 pl is dj Dave with manic Monday nighttime please come and have fun he loves taking song requests

The Phantom of the Forums

A shadow lurks with many a face,
A master of disguise, yet leaves no trace.
Posts appear like ghosts in the night,
Burying truth, dodging the light.
One name? Two? Perhaps even three—
A puppet dangles, yet claims to be free.
Echoing loudly, drowning the room,
Spreading division, sowing the gloom.
No regions to share, no art to create,
Just endless chatter, laced with hate.
Hijacking boards with a flick of the key,
Yet pretending to be part of "we."
But riddles unravel and masks grow thin,
A hollow voice cannot truly win.
For those who build, who craft, who dream,
Will always rise, while shadows scream.
So let the puppets dance and play,
Their tangled strings give them away.
We see, we know, and we stand tall—
Truth and creation outshine them all.
the test phase of the water race has been completed for some time now and nothing stands in the way of holding a race there
now it's a matter of finding enough people who want to take part
how the whole thing will work is not yet certain but we won't make it as complicated as on the go-kart track :)
I don't have anything else to say at the moment, more information will follow as soon as we see that there is interest in a race
it won't work without practice, you should practice a bit beforehand :))

die testphase der water race ist schon länger abgeschlossen und es steht nichts mehr im wege dort ein rennen zu veranstalten
jetzt liegt es daran das wir auch genügend leute finden die daran teilnehmen möchten
wie das ganze ablaufen wird steht noch nicht fest aber wir werden es nicht so kompliziert machen wie auf der go-kart-bahn :)
mehr habe ich im augenblick nicht zu sagen weitere infos werden folgen sobald wir sehen das daran interesse besteht an einem rennen
so ganz ohne üben geht es aber nicht...... man sollte schon etwas üben vorher:))

hop:// Race/110/117/21

Tailor Nova: BIN DABEI 13 days ago
*~* Alphabet Karaoke using BAND NAMES Sunday's 2m - 4pm Grid/PST

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Come on down and share your talent with us!

Today you will each sing two songs but in Alphabetic order. The first singer will sing a song by a band whose name starts with the Letter A and a song from Band Name that starts with B. The next singer will do C & D, etc. Sing on our house stream or using voice in local chat.


SheaButter: Always so much fun here. This group sings their heart out. Enjoy my Sunday nights partying here. 13 days ago

Have a nice start to the week.

OpenSim Network Triumphs in Developing Virtual Pinball Game

Developing a virtual pinball game within the OpenSim platform presented a series of intricate challenges, primarily due to the platform's inherent limitations in simulating complex physics and dynamic object interactions. The OpenSim Network team embarked on this ambitious project, fully aware of the hurdles ahead.

One of the primary obstacles was replicating the fast-paced, real-time physics that pinball games demand. Traditional game development environments often provide built-in physics engines optimized for such tasks, but OpenSim's capabilities required extensive customization and optimization to achieve the desired responsiveness and accuracy.

Moreover, scripting the interactive components—such as flippers, bumpers, and the ball itself—necessitated a deep dive into OpenSim's scripting language. The team had to devise innovative solutions to emulate the tactile feedback and precise control mechanics that players expect from a pinball game.

Despite these challenges, the OpenSim Network's dedication and expertise culminated in a fully functional virtual pinball game. This achievement not only showcases the team's problem-solving prowess but also highlights OpenSim's potential as a versatile platform for complex game development projects.

The successful creation of this pinball game serves as a testament to what can be accomplished when pushing the boundaries of OpenSim's capabilities, paving the way for future innovations in virtual gaming experiences.

#PinballGameDevelopment, #OpenSimChallenges, #VirtualPinball, #GamePhysics, #Scripting, #3DModeling, #OpenSimNetwork, #GameDesign, #Simulation, #InteractiveEntertainment

Here is the video

Arcfury: That looked amazing. Keep going. I can't wait to try it. 13 days ago


Please come celebrate the Nautilus Community here at Wolf Territories on the Nautilus Inclusive Keys region at the THROB Dance Club. with BRIT DJ ACEN8
Monday March 3rd 12:00 to 2:00 GRID TIME ( Two Hours to Celebrate THROB Club now on Wolf Territories Grid !
Main Welcome at Wolf Territories
Nautilus Inclusive Keys
Honored to participate in the Opensim Worlds Fair this year :-) I have two areas: parcel 10 - Lunaria Emporium which is a sim-sized area, and a display in the tech area talking about pbr. Hope to see you there :-)

Here's the hop: hop://

Come ride the waves on jet skis and grab a ride on a horse. Wander the island and find all the cool spots to hang out with friends or loved ones.

Come have dinner with that special someone and dance the night away on the Atlantic Star!

Our very first skybox for your twisted fantasies! More coming soon!

TPs to the Atlantic Star aka Titanic!

5:00 pm grid time Get ready for some hip-shakin’ as DJ Spirit spins high-octane Rockabilly tunes from the 1950s. Dance to a sound like no other! Come as you are or don your 1950s attire!

Stage 3: hop:// Worlds Fair/732/804/22
5:00 pm grid time Get ready for some hip-shakin’ as DJ Spirit spins high-octane Rockabilly tunes from the 1950s. Dance to a sound like no other! Don your 1950s attire or come as you are!

Stage 3: hop:// Worlds Fair/732/804/22