I've just posted a script to the scripts libary for a Personal Ad Board.
This is the current script in use at the MatchMaker region (
hop://grid.sub-version.space:8002:MatchMaker) and the Adoptions service at Ardent Lake (
hop://grid.sub-version.space:8002:Ardent Lake).
Currently this script allows someone to get your notecard and optionally like your board. Likes will be attempted to be IMd to the owner (but HG being what it is - this mostly wont work unless they are local).
Board owners can click their board to see how many notecards have been given out and how many likes they have and list the last 20 people to like their board.
It has a way to go - but it "works" for what I need it for at the moment. I will update the script when I make more modifications.
Posting it in case its of any use/interest to anyone.