In general, there is something like this. In fact, things are much more complicated and in order to understand what is happening in Ukraine and Russia, you need to know the background of the conflict and be able to read Russian and Ukrainian sources.
The beginning is NOT in 2022, it is not in 2014 or 1991!!!
Even during the former USSR (when we Bulgarians were also part of the socialist camp) Ukrainians hated Russians and when we wanted to insult a Ukrainian, we supposedly accidentally called him a Russian. The result was guaranteed - a hysterical reaction! Accordingly, the Russians, although calmer, still treated the Ukrainians with undisguised disdain and irony. I will not discuss the Russian and Ukrainian versions of Ukrainian history - both are fake, but that does not matter!
Remember this and do not believe people who wave these dates and fabricated "facts" and "maps"! You want a real map of what is happening there and why? Well, take a close look at the Ukrainian map published on an American website:
Let me just explain the colors:
Red is what the Russians have conquered from the territory of neighboring independent states.
Pink is.... did you guess? What Ukraine and NATO wanted to have in addition to Ukraine and as a zone for the deployment of NATO military bases.
Don't believe it: There is a measuring tool on the map. Check it out:
From Ukraine to Moscow it is almost 300 miles, but from THIS PINK zone to Moscow it is 200 miles!!!
And so in 2022 the fisherman hooked the worm Ukraine on the hook and cast the line...
Please, hater group to ask some of neighbors to read them text above before start to copy/paste propaganda...