OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Le depart d'Ieko
qui en a marre des problems d'assets non trouvรฉs d'un jour sur l'autre, des textures qui partent en vancances des non visites , chaque jour.
elle s'en va, et je ne suis pas loin de la rejoindre .
Opensim n'avance pas mais recule , toujours des trucs "mieux" incompatibles entre eux , des objets meshs d'un seul tenant, ne permattant pas comme autrefois la recupรฉration d'un รฉlement , et puis cette maie de toujours casser ce qui marche bien, mais lร , c'est gรฉnรฉral . donc un jour je ne serais plus la non plus.

falene hawks: bonjour oui c'est faรงile, je l'ai fais en 2012 en 1/2 heure, j'ai retentรฉ il y a pas longtemps avec les mรชmes elements; la kata ! rien ne fonctinnait comme il fazut, je preles pas de Hg ue fo... 2 months ago
Dear friends! We are pleased to announce that on February 1, our virtual world SouthGrid will undergo significant changes! We are planning a rebranding, during which the logos will be updated and, most importantly, the name of the world will be changed to RussianGrid. In particular, we will be available at the new address We understand that these cardinal changes may affect many of you, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. We are confident that the new name and updated style will allow us to better reflect our mission and values. Thank you for your understanding and support during this important time for us. We will definitely inform you about the new features and functions of the new world RussianGrid additionally.

SouthGrid Team
Out Now At -Secret Willow Fashion- Shapes for -Avalon Head & ReBorn Body- there are about 7 of them. I will be adding other shapes soon so here is your ride hop:// Cove/95/126/215

NEW Release SN Adam Shorts

- Gianni
- Athletic
- Legacy
- Unpacker

Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Lynnestra Parker & On The Rocks present TGI Thursday!

Thursdays from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Pacific time

DJ Maldrul will be playing a mix of classic and contemporary Rock & Roll and his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

Come check out Rocky Shores where you can dance, surf, play Greedy, hang out and explore!


Wolf Workspace - Welcome Region at night

Xenon Darrow: Such a brilliant idea, Lone! Such gorgeous work, Jimmy! 2 months ago

Doing a few upgrades on E Grid.

Will be offline till tomorrow at least.

Revamping regions for Rentals and adding new, upgrading old ones :) Bear with :)

Sometimes black and white.

Hicks: Lovely 2 months ago

Zoree Jupiter singing LIVE @ Speakeasy Swinghard
11:00 am`12:30 pm
Come and have a great time with us ๐Ÿ™‚
Map us at: Events

Freitag 24.1.2025
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

Glรผck im Spiel

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Friday 24.1.2025
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 p.m.

Good luck in the game

Ends as always at midnight


Dear Music Lovers,
do you like the 70ies and 80ies?
In the playlist are also some funkrock, hardrock and punkrock songs....
If you are free on Sunday Evening in Europe, try out Djane Aphras Mix!

Construction of the region continues with Garden Offices, in the distance is what will be part of our park that will allow you to go on massive horse rides over hundreds of regions

Xenon Darrow: Soooo excited to set up offices for Virtual Education Journal! It's amazing how this has taken OFF! 2 months ago
Come join us at high noon! Hyacinth will be spinning mostly indigenous and tribal metal, pagan tunes and traditional stuff that just f*cking rocks.

Sam will be playing his mix of metal, funk and celtic rock!

12PM - Thursday!
DJ Yana - Yana loves the old rock sounds like the 60`s but the 70`s & 80`s are her favorite. When she DJ`s the roof will blowing off and the walls are shaking from their foundations. If you like a good partytime and wake up with those sounds, your so welcome to join in at Yana`s spectacular stage, where it all happens.
AMVs Welcome area is the landing point for HG visitors and new residents, come and make new friends

Put on your dancing shoes and come on down to AMV Welcome!
We are looking forward to seeing you all here :)
Welcome Stage: hop://
If this taxi is not working properly yet, just TP to the old Welcome and grab an LM from there on the boards!
Old Welcome Stage hop://
Because ieko closed her tabula rasa sim with her gallery today, I want to advertise that all her rl oil painting work is not lost inworld. Most of her expostulates you can still see in the Expo Center of Big City Life. Of course, the HG portal to her gallery is not working anymore.
Biographie ieko

Aprรจs une carriรจre de graphiste et responsable de l'atelier de dessin d'une imprimerie publicitaire, ieko se consacre ร  sa passion : la peinture ร  l'huile.

Elle peint depuis 30 annรฉes.
Les premiรจres oeuvres furent figuratives.

Admiratrice de Zao-Wou-Ki, Pierre Soulages, Antoni Tร pies, Hans Hartung ,elle se dirige ensuite vers l'abstraction lyrique.

Recherche incessante d'un รฉquilibre entre lumiรจre et matiรจre,
sa peinture est aujourd'hui le reflet poรฉtique et profond de ses รฉmotions.


Biografie ieko

Nach einer Karriere als Grafikdesigner und Leiter der Zeichenwerkstatt einer Werbedruckerei widmet sich ieko seiner Leidenschaft: der ร–lmalerei.

Sie malt seit 30 Jahren.
Die ersten Arbeiten waren figurativ.

Die Bewundererin von Zao-Wou-Ki, Pierre Soulages, Antoni Tร pies und Hans Hartung bewegte sich dann in Richtung lyrische Abstraktion.

Stรคndige Suche nach einem Gleichgewicht zwischen Licht und Materie,
Sein Gemรคlde ist heute die poetische und tiefe Widerspiegelung seiner Gefรผhle.

ieko's biography

After a career in graphic design, responsible for the in-drawing studio of an advertising printing office, ieko has now dedicated herself to her passion, which is oil painting.

ieko has been painting for 30 years, and the first works were figurative.

Admiring the work of Zao-Wou-Ki, Pierre Soulages, Antoni Tร pies, Hans Hartung, then she moved into lyric abstraction.

A ceaseless search and research for a balance between light and material, ieko's painting process is the poetic and deep reflection of her feeling today.

NayaPinazzo: Te reciben muy bien, funciona perfectamente. Llevo mรกs de 1 aรฑo y estoy encantada 2 months ago

Mon terrain ferme ses portes le 23 janvier 2025. Merci ร  tous les amis qui m'ont aidรฉe !!!. My land closes on January 23, 2025. Thank you to all the friends who helped me !!!

falene hawks: Bonjour Ieko triste ton depart mais je sais pourquoi tu pars . Je suis sur la mรชme pente en ai plus qu'assez des assets non trouvรฉs, des textures qui disparaisent, des compteurs remis a zรฉro. D... 2 months ago
Kitty_Shirt-&-Off with Ur Shirt - Bear Black

New Exclusive!
Top with Hud Colors
Cute Animesh Bear

Nuovo Esclusivo!
Top con Hud Colori
Simpatico Orsetto Animesh


Arielle: Very cute but how can I make the top pink and the bear white? Is that a seperate box? 2 months ago

Out Now At -Secret Willow Fashion- Nova Shape -Avalon Head & ReBorn Body- I will be adding more soon so here is your ride hop:// Cove/199/125/22

Cataplexia Numbers: Shes adorable Layla! Send me the LM and logo for your shop so we can ass it to the shopping and TP boards :D 2 months ago

Little progress xd

Khiron will be on stage at 3pm singing LIVE for you at the Train Station Complex Come and join us

Khiron Ametza Live
Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025
Join us for a great hour listening to good music among nice people!

3 pm @ Train Station -Casual Attire

Hello, come to my new shop in Nabila world. I have some clothes for the legacy body :-)

This is now starting my 15th year of trying to improve Opensim with the DreamWorld and DreamGrid systems. I haven't done an OSCC talk for several years so I thought I'd give a quick review of some Opensim stats that I track. This data is based on anonymous data from the DNS servers and and the publicity checkbox, which generates XML for the function. I am also able to count some stats from known 'other' grids via a web crawler that runs hourly scans.

There are now 259 free OARs, and that includes 63 exclusive regions for DreamGrid owners. I licensed these from the creators, and collections are copyrightable. The most popular Public OARS are at and sorted by popularity are IARS at I have many more to upload still.

I do not have access to any of your assets, backups, OARS, IARS, or any personal data. My servers periodically crawl the web looking for Opensim servers from publicly available sources such as my visitor lists, the data I publish and from Hypergrid Business.

DreamGrid goes back to 2011, when it was called DreamWorld. I didn't always track much back then and periodically flushed the database. Since 2018 (6 years) , there have been 5,180 distinct DreamGrid instances. People created 12,280 different grids with it. and 3,378 were online in 2024. In that same time period of six years, I've located 2,935 standard grids. In 2024 alone, there were 2,762 unique DreamGrids online.

Sl has 18,326 private estates, which are equivalent to the 12,334 regions in Dreamgrid. However, we have much larger regions, the equivalent of 73,341 SL regions. An SL region costs $349 to set up, and $209 a month to rent (not own). The first year, one region costs $2,857, the second year $2508.

When you compare DreamGrid with the SL private estates, we've collectively saved $209,535,237 in the first year, and $183,939,228 per year after that.

~ Fred

Racci: Wow, amazing stats Fred. Thank you so much for all you have done, your Dreamy software is totally amazing. So easy for anyone to get on the hypergrid with their own regions, and we all save and share ... 2 months ago


Another Bar b q? what will Ooma Bar b q next?

CandM World: Probably the timber frame above / around the fire. Once the middle of the top piece is burnt out, the weight of the remaining pieces will bring the side ones down toward the fire. Should probably text... 2 months ago
NEW Release SN Alan Shorts

- Athletic
- Legacy
- with HUD

INFO : Gianni is no longer produced much but we are still trying to get Gianni...sry about that

Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach
NEW Release SN Jack Trunks

- Athletic
- Legacy
- with HUD

INFO : Gianni is no longer produced much but we are still trying to get Gianni...sry about that

Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

One of the tower blocks at Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Region - Home to Wolf Software Systems Ltd, a real life software company that makes web sites, mobile apps and more.

Luna Lunaria: I have my office there, and we've been discussing a website for me 2 months ago

Like every Wednesday at 6:00 am
Same today: 01/22/25 Welcome

L รฎle aux vampires, prenez garde ร  vous...

Out Now At -Secret Willow Fashion- Storm Tumbler and Butterfly Tumbler I will be adding more soon so here is your ride hop:// Cove/211/141/22

Ok... New world, new land , new lifestyle? xd I'm not in love with working on a beach sim... but here we go! soon I will upload pictures of my new little world finished.

Frank Hurt: Looks like good progress so far! 2 months ago
Harmony Isle Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting NOW to 6pm Grid-Time
60's to Today! Mix Night :)
Danger Lytton
Starting 6 to 8pm Grid-Time
Blues, Classic Rock, Country, Mix
Taxi: hop://

something new will emerge. there will be no zombies or futuristic cities. maybe area 51 or a junkyard. I don't know. who knows ?

Zoree Jupiter Live
2-3:00pm SL Time
Club Fire
Gentle Fire Grid
Semi Casual attire