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🌿🌌 Welcome to Iknimaya: A Pandoran Paradise! 🌌🌿
Step into a world inspired by the awe-inspiring landscapes of the movie Avatar. Welcome to Iknimaya, where the wonders of Pandora come to life before your very eyes. At the landing, you'll find a box of beautiful Pandoran flowers created in the early days before mesh, we called it torturing prims (a favorite pastime). The region is lush, and enjoyable to explore, “I see you.” Thank you @JoeBuilder and @FerdFrederix for adding to the lovely plant collection here.

Marianna: @JoeBuilder thank you for jogging my memory!! Last year Joe gave me beautiful Pandoran plants AND a direhorse, I got busy with RL working and forgot to put him out! Thank you for reminding me Joe, ... 7 months ago

More fun with the new project

LeonitasLionheart: Awe-Inspiring! 7 months ago

PETITE Graziosa e dolcissima avi 20/4/2024

Antonia Ling: Such a beautiful Avatar 😉 8 months ago

In arrivo la coppia Marghe Hulk


A Valeria's avatars 2 sono arrivati gli ANDORIANI

Base spaziale Solaris moltissimi alieni tutti avatar nuovissimi By Valeria Rossi

Alpha Centauri 2 es todo un continente no es un region es un 10x 10 navegable traigan sus botes barcos agamos un mundo navegable futurista todos biembenidos me dejan saber para quee les pase el grupo es un mundo futurista ademas de otras regiones alien como constelacion de orion 2 y mas.Alpha Centauri 2 is an entire continent, it is not a region, it is a navigable 10x10, bring your boats, let's play a futuristic navigable world, everyone welcomes, let me know so that the group can pass by, it is a futuristic world, in addition to other alien regions such as the Orion 2 constellation. and more.
Contacto con naves de seres de otros mundos a los 13 anos de edad 1973 Nació en Santa Isabel, pueblo al sur de Puerto Rico. De cuna humilde, con sueños de superación. Con capacidad para derribar los límites de las fronteras impuestas
GeoPortal We have never been Alone Constellation of Orion 2 Theme Alinijena Pleiadian History contacted if you want to know about my question and I will explain it to you, it is my purpose to coincide with the human being that we are not alone .
GeoPortal We have never been Alone Constellation of Orion 2 Theme Alinijena Pleiadian History contacted if you want to know about my question and I will explain it to you, it is my purpose to coincide with the human being that we are not alone and that ou

GeoPerez: Welcome to hop:// Biembenidos a constelacion de Orion Disco, Portales juegos ,fincas futuristas ecenarios de Historias sobre portalcod... 1 years ago
Para mis amigos de osgrid y opensim tengo Gratuito en ebook kindle por 5 dias mis libros solo buscar en el enlace les dejo .For my friends from osgrid and OpenSim, I have a free ebook kindle for 5 days of books search the link I leave.
Historia plasmada en la tematica de mi regiones ,Constelacion de Orion 2
Para mis amigos de osgrid y opensim tengo Gratuito en ebook kindle por 5 dias mis libros solo buscar en el enlace les dejo .For my friends from osgrid and OpenSim, I have a free ebook kindle for 5 days of books search the link I leave.
Historia plasmada en la tematica de mi regiones ,Constelacion de Orion 2
Alpha Centauri 2 es la casa de los hermanos del espacio Lugar donde vienen a manifestarse Bailar pasear en sus naves descubrir el futuro de nuestra especie los seres humanos lejos de todo lo que hace dano habierto a todo quien quiera disfrutar de un mundo diferente solo en osgrid opensim no dramas , ubicado en el mar habierto de Alpha Centauri 2 Por Geoperez desde el dia 15 Jperez tendra por 10 dias todos sus libros Gratuitos en la plataforma tendra un panel con el link de Ebook kindle hay buscan su copia gratuita para todos Muchas gracias los esperamos "Nunca hemos Estado Solos".

GeoPerez: Este Lugar esta Fuera de Este Mundo Welcome All. 2 years ago

Gracias mis regiones son futuristas y estan "Fuera de este Mundo ".

GeoPerez: Disco GeoPortal At Constelacion de orion 2 2 years ago
Good Morning My My regions in osgrid are thematic of Alien Futurism and more thematic created from the inspiration of one of my books and from the Free Book Promotion of more than 7 of my other books in Free Ebook.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022, 12:00 AM PST Sunday, December 25, 2022, 11:59 PM PST Schedule will be free for my osgrid friends in my region "Orion Constellation 2" everyone welcomes There you can see the connection between parallel worlds and real life and second life in metaverse OpenSim attGeoperez /Jperez.

PortalCodeRHN-G Spanish version / English version
free promotion especially for "Constelacion de Orion 2 "
Good Morning My My regions in osgrid are thematic of Alien Futurism and more thematic created from the inspiration of one of my books and from the Free Book Promotion of more than 7 of my other books in Free Ebook.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022, 12:00 AM PST Sunday, December 25, 2022, 11:59 PM PST Schedule will be free for my osgrid friends in my region "Orion Constellation 2" everyone welcomes There you can see the connection between parallel worlds and real life and second life in metaverse OpenSim attGeoperez / Jperez.

PortalCodeRHN-G Spanish version / English version
free promotion especially for "Constelacion de Orion 2 "? de Orion 2

GForces GeoPortal PortalCodigoRHN-G 1,2,3 rilogia,Personaje principal Superhero.

GeoPortal Nunca hemos estado Solos Constelacion de Orion 2 Tematica Alinijena Pleyadiana Historia contactado si deseas saber de mi pregunta y te esplicare es mi proposito coincientisar al ser humano que no estamos solos y que nuestra humana alma vive en nuestro ser .

📝 "Nunca Hemos Estado Solos" GeoPortal By JPerez.

As the whole future has arrived Santa will no longer use reindeer or sleighs we have a more effective method of traveling a faster holy spaceship so Santa can rest thanks tina bey creator Of Constella...