GeoPerez @GeoPerez

United States Offline

Joined 3 years ago

About Myself

I will tell you about myself, I am a lover of life, a crazy dreamer, a writer of beautiful stories to make life better and spend time in a cruel and ruthless world without limits, I experience new challenges, I invite you to be my friends and we will see if you will open your life to me and I am looking for a friend to make life more enjoyable and real, let's live this second life.

My Interests

I want to live every inch of life to the limit and dream your dreams open your mind and teach you the reality of real life and the second life

I'm Looking For

peace that elevates my soul to its next level.

Favorite Quote

We have never been alone.

Music I Like


Films I Like

action fantasy and fision.

Books I Like

All my book -Portal code rhn-g the trilogy.

My Heroes

My grandfather

Viewer Version



gamer pc

My Regions

OutOfThisWorld Welcome
1 2 Welcome 1 Users
Geo Portal Un gran comienzo de Gid Alinijena Biembenidos quienes le interesa la verdad alinijena Universal y el futuro en Hipergrid Opensim el futuro ya esta aqui con muhas cosas para elevar nuestro conocimiento ayudaremos con entretenimiento sano pregunten si desean pertenecer a nuestro grid...
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Dream of Wishes
1 1 of Wishes 0 Users
Dream of Wishes Well isla Nude, Adult, sex, Dance Surf wave and more Toy if need area Boat tier Water Navigable 4x4 full sim
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Dream of Wishes2
2 0 of Wishes2 0 Users
Beach , Waves surff,Disco ,theater Ballroom Fiesta and more.
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Tropical Okina
2 1 Okina 0 Users
Tropical Okina come see the beautiful sands ride the waters. Okina Bay has a nude beach and many islands. Fusion Fiesta is top of the line Techno Club. Soon to be opening up a store.
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4 0 0 Users
Alpha Centauri 2 is an entire continent, it is not a region, it is a navigable 10x10, bring your boats, let's play a futuristic navigable world, everyone welcomes, let me know so that the group can pass by, it is a futuristic world, in addition to other alien regions such as the Orion 2 constellatio...
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Out of This World
1 0 of This World 0 Users
Contacto con naves de seres de otros mundos a los 13 anos de edad 1973 Nació en Santa Isabel, pueblo al sur de Puerto Rico. De cuna humilde, con sueños de superación. Con capacidad para derribar los límites de las fronteras impuestas
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Insterestelar Galactico Blue City
2 0 Galactico Blue City 0 Users
Contacto con naves de seres de otros mundos a los 13 anos de edad 1973 Nació en Santa Isabel, pueblo al sur de Puerto Rico. De cuna humilde, con sueños de superación. Con capacidad para derribar los límites de las fronteras impuestas
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Constelacion de Orion 2
7 1 de Orion 2 0 Users
GeoPortal We have never been Alone Constellation of Orion 2 Theme Alinijena Pleiadian History contacted if you want to know about my question and I will explain it to you, it is my purpose to coincide with the human being that we are not alone and that ou
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Alpha Centauri 2
1 0 Centauri 2 0 Users
Alpha Centauri 2 es la casa de los hermanos del espacio Lugar donde vienen a manifestarse Bailar pasear en sus naves descubrir el futuro de nuestra especie los seres humanos lejos de todo lo que hace dano habierto a todo quien quiera disfrutar de un mundo diferente solo en osgrid opensim no dramas ,...
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Constelacion de Andromeda 2
7 1 de Andromeda 2 0 Users
The constellation of Andromeda 2 is really my first Alien Futuristic site with various objects from different creators. We appreciate their effort in creating beautiful alien things and we capture it in the theme of the regions, Orion 2 constellation, shops, discs, and items outside of this world.
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1 1 0 Users
"Insterestelar Galactico Blue City" Contiene edificios de sala de conferencias area dedicada Tesla elon Mush y sus inventos naves area recreativa futurista area de Mis libros en Ebook Area mall Tematica futurista sala conferencias para charlas alinijenas o otros eventos disponible para que...
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Dinkie Forest Park
4 3 Forest Park 0 Users
Grupo Fuera de este mundo ,historia real desde 1973 un nino de13 anos avisto unas tres naves espaciales alos 59 anos pudo montarse en ella saber la verdad de lo que vio esa noche en puertorico y los sercretos detras de las naves visto en suenos atral,Lugar Alinijena Tematicas Disco futuristas T...
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GeoPortal Entrevista para HG Safari con Thirza ember,Signs and Visions on Now in Outof This World Grid /Hora en OutofThisWorld grid

GeoPerez: Welcome to our new futuristic OutofThisWorld network in Spanish and English, all welcome free members and free subscription, we have the fi... 18 days ago

Welcome everyone to Dream of wishes 2 Disco, ballroom, surf waves, Beach, boat, jet ski, and more fun

Open sim brings us a lot of diversity and here we contribute with "Tropical Okina" Adult area Latin music, mix techno, regeton, salsa, rock, and exclusively a surfing year for those who enjoy the nudist beach plus other places 5 crowded islands full of emotion a theater for movies , concerts, live performances and much more, everyone is very happy, it is not a beach, but it is the meeting place. Thank you Att.Geoperez
Contacto con naves de seres de otros mundos a los 13 anos de edad 1973 Nació en Santa Isabel, pueblo al sur de Puerto Rico. De cuna humilde, con sueños de superación. Con capacidad para derribar los límites de las fronteras impuestas

GeoPortal We have never been Alone Constellation of Orion 2 Theme Alinijena Pleiadian History contacted if you want to know about my question and I will explain it to you, it is my purpose to coincide with the human being that we are not alone
Alpha Centauri 2 is an entire continent, it is not a region, it is a navigable 10x10, bring your boats, let's play a futuristic navigable world, everyone welcomes, let me know so that the group can pass by, it is a futuristic world, in addition to other alien regions such as the Orion 2 constellation. and more.
Alpha Centauri 2 es todo un continente no es un region es un 10x 10 navegable traigan sus botes barcos agamos un mundo navegable futurista todos biembenidos me dejan saber para quee les pase el grupo es un mundo futurista ademas de otras regiones alien como constelacion de orion 2 y mas.

Good evening to friends and visitors of the Orion 2 constellation and out of this world we have more than 20 regions ready to have fun disco area games parks 10 x 10 navigable waters we have futuristic discs roleplay areas zonbies we have stores avatars and costumes we have stores clothing and necessary advice all sbiembenidos visit us for free, thank you.
Alpha Centauri 2 es todo un continente no es un region es un 10x 10 navegable traigan sus botes barcos agamos un mundo navegable futurista todos biembenidos me dejan saber para quee les pase el grupo es un mundo futurista ademas de otras regiones alien como constelacion de orion 2 y mas.Alpha Centauri 2 is an entire continent, it is not a region, it is a navigable 10x10, bring your boats, let's play a futuristic navigable world, everyone welcomes, let me know so that the group can pass by, it is a futuristic world, in addition to other alien regions such as the Orion 2 constellation. and more.
Contacto con naves de seres de otros mundos a los 13 anos de edad 1973 Nació en Santa Isabel, pueblo al sur de Puerto Rico. De cuna humilde, con sueños de superación. Con capacidad para derribar los límites de las fronteras impuestas
GeoPortal We have never been Alone Constellation of Orion 2 Theme Alinijena Pleiadian History contacted if you want to know about my question and I will explain it to you, it is my purpose to coincide with the human being that we are not alone .
GeoPortal We have never been Alone Constellation of Orion 2 Theme Alinijena Pleiadian History contacted if you want to know about my question and I will explain it to you, it is my purpose to coincide with the human being that we are not alone and that ou

GeoPerez: Welcome to hop:// Biembenidos a constelacion de Orion Disco, Portales juegos ,fincas futuristas ecenarios de Historias sobre portalcod... 1 years ago
Para mis amigos de osgrid y opensim tengo Gratuito en ebook kindle por 5 dias mis libros solo buscar en el enlace les dejo .For my friends from osgrid and OpenSim, I have a free ebook kindle for 5 days of books search the link I leave.
Historia plasmada en la tematica de mi regiones ,Constelacion de Orion 2
Para mis amigos de osgrid y opensim tengo Gratuito en ebook kindle por 5 dias mis libros solo buscar en el enlace les dejo .For my friends from osgrid and OpenSim, I have a free ebook kindle for 5 days of books search the link I leave.
Historia plasmada en la tematica de mi regiones ,Constelacion de Orion 2
Alpha Centauri 2 es la casa de los hermanos del espacio Lugar donde vienen a manifestarse Bailar pasear en sus naves descubrir el futuro de nuestra especie los seres humanos lejos de todo lo que hace dano habierto a todo quien quiera disfrutar de un mundo diferente solo en osgrid opensim no dramas , ubicado en el mar habierto de Alpha Centauri 2 Por Geoperez desde el dia 15 Jperez tendra por 10 dias todos sus libros Gratuitos en la plataforma tendra un panel con el link de Ebook kindle hay buscan su copia gratuita para todos Muchas gracias los esperamos "Nunca hemos Estado Solos".

GeoPerez: Este Lugar esta Fuera de Este Mundo Welcome All. 2 years ago

Gracias mis regiones son futuristas y estan "Fuera de este Mundo ".

GeoPerez: Disco GeoPortal At Constelacion de orion 2 2 years ago
Good Morning My My regions in osgrid are thematic of Alien Futurism and more thematic created from the inspiration of one of my books and from the Free Book Promotion of more than 7 of my other books in Free Ebook.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022, 12:00 AM PST Sunday, December 25, 2022, 11:59 PM PST Schedule will be free for my osgrid friends in my region "Orion Constellation 2" everyone welcomes There you can see the connection between parallel worlds and real life and second life in metaverse OpenSim attGeoperez /Jperez.

PortalCodeRHN-G Spanish version / English version
free promotion especially for "Constelacion de Orion 2 "
Good Morning My My regions in osgrid are thematic of Alien Futurism and more thematic created from the inspiration of one of my books and from the Free Book Promotion of more than 7 of my other books in Free Ebook.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022, 12:00 AM PST Sunday, December 25, 2022, 11:59 PM PST Schedule will be free for my osgrid friends in my region "Orion Constellation 2" everyone welcomes There you can see the connection between parallel worlds and real life and second life in metaverse OpenSim attGeoperez / Jperez.

PortalCodeRHN-G Spanish version / English version
free promotion especially for "Constelacion de Orion 2 "? de Orion 2

GForces GeoPortal PortalCodigoRHN-G 1,2,3 rilogia,Personaje principal Superhero.

GeoPortal Nunca hemos estado Solos Constelacion de Orion 2 Tematica Alinijena Pleyadiana Historia contactado si deseas saber de mi pregunta y te esplicare es mi proposito coincientisar al ser humano que no estamos solos y que nuestra humana alma vive en nuestro ser .

"Nunca hemos Estado Solos" Tu Que Piensas

📝 "Nunca Hemos Estado Solos" GeoPortal By JPerez.

As the whole future has arrived Santa will no longer use reindeer or sleighs we have a more effective method of traveling a faster holy spaceship so Santa can rest thanks tina bey creator Of Constella...