Ever since 2015, it has been the same. Almost everyone wants the newest and best content possible. For free. No matter how. And yes, it has to be SL content.
And, of course, almost every freebie sim owner wants to have the newest and best SL content in their stores, otherwise people won't come and shop there anymore.
Back then, things were easy. There was a bunch of people copybotting everything they could possibly copybot and another bunch of people importing and packaging it. Everything was full-perm, and you were actually demanded to take it and put it into your own freebie store to obfuscate how exactly all that stuff came into OpenSim. That's what "Sharing Is Caring" actually means.
Some years later, the methods changed. People still copybotted, but only for their own stores. They slapped their store labels on the boxes and implied or outright claimed that they had made all that stuff. And they wanted to offer it exclusively. It was no longer about cooperation. It was now all about who had the coolest exclusive stuff in their stores.
Remember when "drama" only meant criticism of or any other opposition against illegal content? It seems that the dominant kind of drama nowadays is between two different factions.
On the one side, there are the "boutique" store owners who still copybot from SL (I wouldn't be surprised if "I've bought it from the Marketplace" is actually a lie, and all that stuff was actually botted straight out of other avatars' inventories) and offer their prey exclusively and no-transfer as their own creations. Whoever wants that stuff has to come and get it from their stores. It's all about popularity, visitor numbers and OSW ranking.
On the other side, there are those owners of big freebie stores who lose customers to those "boutiques" because all they have is stuff from the 2010s and boxes with Sacrarium brands on them. Their owners are jealous of the "boutiques", but they're also too chicken to go botting themselves and/or too cheap to go to SL in the first place and/or too lazy to put what they've stolen back together afterwards. They want the same hot shit as the "boutiques" with next to zero effort.
In-between are other "boutique" store owners who otherwise are like the second faction. They want new hot stuff in their stores, they want to imply or outright claim that they've made it, but they don't want to copybot it from SL. So they go to other "boutiques", copy everything by hand, god-mode it, make themselves the creators and change the box art, and be it by plastering their own brand logo over the existing brand logo.
One more reason to try and go all-legal: You'll stay out of all this drama. In fact, I think all this would be different if legal content, especially made in and for OpenSim, was more well-known and more popular. Not only, however, are there many creators who don't want their works to spread across the big freebie sims for various reasons, but legal freebies can't compete with having a free-of-charge complete luxury avatar that'd cost you L$15,000 in SL, and I'm only talking about one outfit. Just like a legally-acquired SEAT is nowhere as cool as a stolen Lamborghini. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the currently on-going "rejuvenation" of the content available in OpenSim through massive mass-copybotting will make it more likely to be ridiculed or attacked for using legal content instead.