OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Alright, I have an update about how some grids can teleport into my grid and some cannot. We had a rebranding of the grid, and some grid's DNS cache is still showing the old continuum address. A clearing of the grid DNS cache should help clear up those failed teleports. I have tested with many grids and it works flawlessly to and from said grids. There are just a couple whose residents cannot teleport into our grid, after all the research it isn't our end. We have no bans on any avatar or grid. If you are at a grid and cannot teleport into VHG maybe try teleporting to Osgrid and then into VHG cause there are no issues with Osgrid to VHG. Thank you, everyone, for reaching out to me and letting me know you would like to visit, it isn't VHG end this time.