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French & German OSWRS Radios found at landing point of grid.metaversedepot.com:8002:OSWRS
The shame of it all is that the AllFranceRadio OSWRS actually has 33 24/7 CommercialFree streams found, but only a few of those have url's that can be used in OpenSim. The thing about stream urls is, some use 1 or 2 formats and some many more than that, and finding the exact ones that play inworld is a headache. Really would be great if OpenSim were to accept any and all. And yes, I know, I have no clue as to what exactly, having that happen would entail.
AllFranceRadio OSWRS
France1= http://stream.chantefrance.com/cf-60

France2= http://stream.chantefrance.com/cf-70

France3= http://stream1.chantefrance.com/cf-80

France4= http://stream.chantefrance.com/cf-emotion

France5= http://direct.francemusique.fr/live/francemusiquelajazz-hi...

France6= http://direct.francemusique.fr/live/francemusiqueeasyclass...

France7= http://mediaserv21.live-streams.nl:8000/live

France8= http://cdn.nrjaudio.fm/adwz1/fr/30703/mp3_128.mp3?origine=...

France9= http://direct.francemusique.fr/live/francemusiqueclassique...

AllGermanRadio OSWRS
German1= http://radio.bronyradiogermany.com:8006/daydj


German3= http://internetradio.salue.de:8000/channel2