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The gallery walls are waiting to showcase the amazing art you've all been creating! Please message me here so we can schedule a time for you to bring your artwork over. I'll need to add you to the appropriate group role to allow you to rez your work. For those with sculptures, I’m excited to find the perfect spot for your pieces as well.

There’s still time to create something for the fall exhibit if you’re inspired!

Theme: Dreamscapes

Art inspired by dreams and surrealism.
Focus on imaginative, otherworldly scenes.
Incorporate elements of fantasy and abstract expression.

The exhibit will open on Sunday, September 29, starting at noon grid time, featuring the vibrant and gorgeous Rogue Galaxy, followed by the beautiful Forest Azure at 1 PM. We had a third performer scheduled, but they can’t make it. If anyone is interested in filling that slot, either as a singer or DJ, please reach out to me.

Also opening is a collaborative exhibit by visual artist Cherry Manga and audio artist Nico Kalani on the Special Projects region, connected to the gallery. You can walk over or take a raft to explore their work.

At Le Beau Retrouvé, one of our goals is to bring the community together to appreciate and create art in Open Sim. We believe in supporting all artists, whether you're well-established or just starting out. Your work will always be handled with respect and displayed to its best advantage.

We encourage everyone to participate in this exhibit and future ones. I can’t wait to see what you’ve created! Thank you for being part of this journey.

Love, Light, and Big Hugs!