Wolf Mountain

Wolf Mountain
Wolf Territories
Added by :
Wolf Territories Grid
Created :
2 years ago
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Please note this grid is over 3 years old, we had to reset our opensimworld membership 6 months ago.

Wolf Territories Grid has the largest land area of any OpenSim Grid. We have some incredible places for you to visit. All our regions are joined so you can travel by boat, plane, hang glider or that strange space ship you have in your inventory.

Come on over and try out our stargate system and Bobby our AI Robot

Bobby the AI robot at Europa Region - now with his new charger we "borrowed" from an electric car place.

Lone Wolf: Now with text to speech. 1 years ago

Europa Moon of Juipter ( 4x4 regions )

Xenon Darrow: Another amazing work of art from Jimmy Olsen! 4 months ago

Lone standing next to a PBR version of our new logo. We even have t-shirts and mugs (RL) available at https://www.wolf-grid.com/

Pagane: Since I'm blonde and obviously don't understand, just asking: What does PBR have to do with flat pre-rendered images? In my blonde brain, PBR should have an effect on the light shadows of the charging... 7 months ago

IndigoQueen King: Love it!! 7 months ago

More photos from Wolf Territories Grid.

Jared Seda: Such a lovely grid. 8 months ago

Please remove if not allowed. We've got a land sale on!!!


JayR Cela: I joined Wolf Territories Grid April 1 2024, just to check it out. May 1 2024, I leased some land. I am more than happy. 9 months ago

Been working on some mesh rivers... on region WT Atlantic 01

Lillysparks: Wow beautiful!!! 1 years ago

Come and meet Bobby our AI chat bot - start the sentence with Bobby so you know you are talking to him.

Lone Wolf: Please try and be kind to him, I found him hiding behind a sign. 1 years ago

How to produce 3d Textures on Prims.


IndigoQueen King: Pretty Neat Lone, thank you! 1 years ago

Taking the "kitten" for a walk. I was told it was kitten when I bought it off a guy in a pub but it seems to be growing...

KrisTina: What's a few fleas between friends. 1 years ago

Wolf Mountain our Welcome Area - https://www.wolf-grid.com - regions for sale.

Luna Lunaria: Love this grid 4 months ago

Europa Colony by Jimmy Olsen.

Good morning all - Since the number one questions I've been getting for the last 2 days is about our infrastructure, here is a video! Enjoy https://youtu.be/bTO4O82AtWg (have a lovely day!)

IndigoQueen King: Thank you Lone. Very informative. Very Mindful. Very Demure. LOL I always learn something new about this grid watching one of your videos and this one was no different. You have a lovely day too! 4 months ago

Lone working at his desk...

Pagane: Great work 4 months ago

Lone working on his stand at Wolf Winter Fest this weekend!

ToniaKara: Very Handsome Indeed xx 4 months ago

Wolf Territories Grid

Sodasullivan: Wow, you can almost hear the wind in the trees. Love the sky setting! 9 months ago

Testing PBR textures and Terrains - we will be rolling this out to the whole grid very shortly - currently only on a couple of regions.

Susanna_Heller: PBR is good for floors, for example (glossy laminate floors, for example) and it only looks good with a reflection probe. 1000 textures are disfigured with PBR in OpenSim. And if you have watched the ... 9 months ago

Wolf Mountain

Lots of new users, lots of fun. Come on over! https://www.wolf-grid.com

Star Ravenhurst: Pretty Ad! 1 years ago

Video Here > https://youtu.be/SvQbXV-UGKw

Luna Lunaria: Just some of the many, many reasons I love this grid. There are so many unique and wonderful things about being here :-) 1 years ago

Control Panel Update Video with our new security scanner - https://youtu.be/fYT5GMlxWLQ

Jimmy Olsen: Does it detect fleas? lol 1 years ago
We have found an ancient stargate and hooked it up to our new Destination Guide system https://youtu.be/ZIYUxLB6W6Y < information - https://www.wolf-grid.com - note only works on wolf territories grid at the moment.

https://youtu.be/zPLI_XpxcGg < new custom map tiles at Wolf Territories Grid. Instead of using the generated map tiles, you can replace it with your own custom version through our control panel.

Mal burns Interview with Wolf Territories Grid


Thirza Ember: Thanks for being such a gracious guest Lone! 1 years ago

Chilling at Luxor

https://youtu.be/5uBiEfgg7Tg < Check this out if you want to see the latest viewer that is on the way! Being tested on our grid this weekend

I asked Bobby if he'd come up with a Christmas poem in the style of "The Night before Christmas about the grid", I don't think he did too bad. Happy Christmas everyone https://www.wolf-grid.com/

Frank Hurt: Hey, that's actually pretty impressive! And: long time no see, Wolf! Hope all's going well with you. 3 months ago
Planned Maintenance this morning took out 3 nodes of our High Availability Cluster. the cluster moved things around to keep things online. We lost 2 nodes out of our Mariadb 5-node Galera cluster and brought them back automatically total down time I reckon 5-10 minutes for what for some grids would have ben a catastrophic failure. https://www.wolf-grid.com

Luna Lunaria: One of the many reasons my home is here 3 months ago

Handsome Wolf

New Loadbalancer Dobby is running our maxscale database cluster. Go Dobby! (sorry no picture of servers).

A visit to Blindside Estates 2

An afternoon nap at a lovely home.

Mountains were created with our Terrain Generator. https://www.wolf-grid.com

wicked: I bet there is a youtube video for the terrain generator.. ;) Can't wait to see it. 5 months ago

Building Huge new Horse Riding Trails accross around 12 4x4 regions in the middle of the grid. You can ride the from welcome but it's a bit of a way. Great Lakes region.

Jimmy Olsen: Greedy wolf, I`m sure he `s planning on have more SIMS in Moon lolol :_) 7 months ago

A demonstration of our terrain generator-generated mountains. FREE for our region owners to use.


We have just upgraded our 3 node mariadb cluster to a 5 node cluster.

Check out Lone Wolf's Wolf Territories Grid for the best Modern Virtual Land!
Yes folks! Come on down to Lone Wolf's today for some amazing offers, tools and fun!


New user boards at the Welcome Area

Another demo of tidal water, so this stream appears and disappears depending on the height of the tide. 99% of the regions on our grid use tidal water and there is a server that keeps them all in sync. You could have a castle with a tideal area around it that sometimes is under water and sometimes is not etc.

Product Marketplace is Live at Wolf Territories Grid -> https://youtu.be/VXKznfvhTmk

Luna Lunaria: Thanks Lone! It's just amazing how many great tools you have given us on your grid 1 years ago

Visit the Wolf Art Gallery at Wolf Mountain

ToniaKR: Really worth a visit and you could also meet Bobby there OpenAI ChatBot nearby! 1 years ago

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Reviews (7)
Overall Rating:
Xenon Darrow Love me some WT! Wolf Mountain is gorgeous, but the entire grid is exceptional! The tech and tech development is incomparable! Nowhere else can you get a real 1.2 M prim usage on your region AND IT IS REAL! Super great community! I cannot say enough good things!
RoddieMacchi I have been watching this grid for sometime and i truly believe this grid will be THE grid to be on in opensim. Even the tech behind it is beyond any other grid that I have seen. I was hesitant about even being in opensim again but this grid is truly remarkable. And Lone is exactly the perfect pers...
GMinteractive Resident I love it here with Lone Wolf. He is Very helpful when it comes to our REGION. I've met so many new friends on Wolf Grid and everything is finally working GREAT. Colorado Glasswing & I give a THUMBS-UP. We have found our final home!

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