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Lynnestra Parker & On The Rocks present the debut of DJ Mvnsta Hallow!

Mondays from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Pacific time

Join us at On The Rocks where DJ Mvnsta Hallow will Rock you with her Excellent selection of tunes!

Come check out Rocky Shores where you can dance, surf, play Greedy, hang out and explore!

Join us at the Piazza at 3 pm grid time, for a couple of hours of fun and music while Rockin' Robert spins the tunes for us via his radio station Wax Radio.
The Piazza, where good friends and great music always come together. Lagoon

----- NEW -----

I'll be performing LIVE at Black Sun today!
Come over to Kitely Grid & join us for some fun!
WHEN: 3:00pm OST/1500HR
MAP: hop://

=Onryo Unisex Tattoo in 3 tones=
Last one today!
The Onryo Unisex tattoo: comes in Fresh, Faded, and Worn 'tones'.
Uber: hop://

=Zion Hairbase for EvoX OUT NOW=
Another one (more one to come today!) matching the Zion skin look.
Comes in 9 different colours.
Uber: hop://
==Zion Skin Fatpack for CAMDEN EvoX OUT NOW==
Hi everyone, been out for a few days but back with some fatpacks!
Starting with this amazing new skin for the CAMDEN EvoX head
Comes in 9 different tones matching the 'Jupiter' body skins at the stores
Brow and browless options

Uber: hop://


I really appreciate everyone dumping at the Gracie and Dexter dump thank you! I have a nice spot for all of you dropping off houses, we love them too but they are taking up lots of room in the main dumping area so if we could please move the larger builds to the area shown here with the heart 💗 home is where the heart is. And, thank you!!!
Alternate Metaverse Grid Opensim
DJ Dragon heute 17 bis 19 Uhr im Bikers Heaven mit Klassik Rock, Rock und Metal.
Nehmt Eure Freunde und kommt rüber zu Bikers Heaven.
Freu mich auf Euch
bis gleich

DJane Dragon at Bikers Heaven 8 to 10 am gridtime playing
Classic Rock, Rock and Metal.

Take your friends and come over to Bikers Heaven and lets have some fun.
See you there

hop:// Noctem/209/221/1496

or im for a teleport

Nuovo outofit per il Guerriero rosso striato

This is now part of the west side (for sunset experience). There are two bays with two yachts at anchor. The first bay close to cemetery and Congress Center has a yacht to live on. You can choose, if you want to have the yacht as phantom without physics but then have to lay out all floors and walls with invisible Lego prims or you get the same yacht with physics optimized for opensim by Prince of Amor in Blender. The box to buy is on jetty. For some people the non physical is better solution if you want to use it with engine. The new physical yacht has much less prim impact and can be used for anything. It is your choice what you like better. For Houseboat Yacht to live on, I would recommend the physical Yacht.
The other bay is in front of the Seaside Hotel and was my very first project at old Copycat times 2022. This yacht was created by Silver Mare (alias former Captain Hook) with all BDSM stuff (under deck). I made out of it a fetish party Yacht inspired by the rl existing Torture Ship at Bodensee in Germany.
You can reach the yacht by the red helicopter that is also landing at landing point. So you have the feeling to take a ride like Christian Grey to a party lol But you can also swim or float with boat to the yachts from jetty and beach at seaside hotel.
Caribbean Shores is a peaceful place of many rental properties and a lush Caribbean sunset that just takes your breath away.

If you are renting with us there already please make sure to keep your rental box up to date! :)

Rent an Island or a Hut, many choices here for sweet seaside living.

Adult Region, NO Child Avatars.
NEW Building By Numbers - Mesh Building Supplies, doors, Windows, Roofs, Fences, Columns, Arches, Domes, Decorative meshes & So Much More! Located on the "By Numbers" region at Alternate Metaverse Grid next to Cats Meow - His & Her Fashions & Textures By Numbers

Builders Mesh, Building, Building Supplies, Stairs, Doors, Windows, Rails, Gates & Fences, Arches, Roofs, Decorative mesh, fancy architectual decor, moldings, , floors, walls, textures
The ORIGINAL Latex Lounge Fetish Dance with live DJ Windrunner Constantine - Tonight at 5pm Pacific!

Come join in for some great music and a great group of people who've been in the BDSM and Fetish business for over 13 years in Opensim! Free LATEX gift every week!!

Starts at 5pm PST!!
Lynnestra Parker and On The Rocks present "No Cover Charge"

Sunday Jan 26th, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific

DJ Maldrul will be playing a collection of covers of Rock hits as well as his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

HeyEveryone 🙂
I'm Performing at The Sky Ballroom tonight!
I would love it if you would join us!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴4:00PM OST ∵∴ ❈
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ SEMI-FORMAL/FORMAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: hop://
Happy Holidays Everyone 🙂
I'm Performing at The Sky Ballroom tonight!
My Holiday set is a walk down memory lane
with songs from the past mixed in with holiday songs!
I would love it if you would join us!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴4:00PM OST ∵∴ ❈
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ SEMI-FORMAL/FORMAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: hop://
Happy Holidays Everyone 🙂
I'm Performing at The Sky Ballroom tonight!
My Holiday set is a walk down memory lane
with songs from the past mixed in with holiday songs!
I would love it if you would join us!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴4:00PM OST ∵∴ ❈
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ SEMI-FORMAL/FORMAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: hop://
It is already 9 months old, but here on this Website never promoted in this way. You get couple walk for opensim created by Sergio Rodriguez. As single script to walk with your real avi partner (AI Bot) or you can even use it with an NPC Companion. You can even walk stairs with couple walk.
Here my promo video for couple walk with different cam adjustments. It is already scripted for smooth cam you can change easily.
Valerie NatureInSim has built Couple Walk in her NPC Companion since her 3.0 Version and you can even build in a script to use AI to make your companion intelligent. Just put the script in the hud and it works automatically. There are many possibilities to create your own AI NPC with different LLMs. (Not to confuse with a Bot as own Avi Account.) You can have a Companion as NPC you can talk with and also can walk as couple at the same time. It is not working for hypergridding as if you would use an AI Bot with own Avi account, but for playing around on your grid it is enough.
If you want to make movies you have to make a lot of compromises, because for fluent changes you need the hud. If Firestorm would support Quicktime of apple it would be no problem and we could record from Firestorm itself like snapshots. So there is only solution to hide huds. The couple walk hud can be removed completely and it still works. If you use couple walk with your NPC Companion then you have to size it very small to have a big screen without hud.
Thanks to Valerie for building couple walk in her NPC companion. This is opensim for open source teamwork. Sharing is caring.

📝 I will be free.

I will be free, I will be free. Come and follow me, don't stop. The wind blows through my hair and I'll be there soon. I will be free, I will be free. The road is long, but I keep going and g...

JamieWright: This looks awesome! Can't wait to visit:) 2 months ago

Big thanks to everyone who attended Friday's event @ Rosies, not to mention the fabulous singers Nazirah Avro, Khiron Ametza and Putri Solo ! - ❤ Pangea-Grid

Club Nakkie Main the rebuild is so visually appealing

Aeris Irides: best grid ever 2 months ago

The Pitt... A Dystopian Cyberpunk/Arcane themed club in the heart of the Shamrock CNWEW Arena

Club Nakkie Poolside a relaxing place to chill and enjoy the scenery and peace of mind

Lots of news and views from around Opensim in the past couple of weeks... like this:
The French-speaking community inaugurated a new garden of memory on Francopholie
Neverworld reorganized their continents
Safari went to see Anachron Young's Mystic paradise
Safine took us swimming
@EllenTiratzo organized a message from us all to Verna Avril
Alien encounters on OSgrid with Geo perez
We found out more about Hogwarts and Animesh from Taarna Welles
A tour of Paris with Ana, Nadir, and friends
Khiron Ametza tells her story
and finally, some background to tomorrow's big anniversary on Craft

Safinemahoe2: Thank you Thirza, it is an honor having you and the Safari people! The coordination for Safari guests, picture taking and article writing is a ton of work! We all owe you a huge Thank you for ... 2 months ago

Born to be wild. :-)

Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon
Long beach is perhaps the longest beach in opensim. More than 2 km long. (For draw distance reason at 1024 I can't take full picture.) Be careful with traffic at the promenade street. Lot of walkers and skaters. So don't stand around on pavement and look in the air lol This part of Big City Life is not leaned on NYC. More inspiration comes from Tel Aviv. But is a fantasy VR city anyway. lol
"Sunday Morning Cinema: A Dinkie Delight!" - Join us for the Last Sunday of the Month Movie Morning at the Funsize Dinkies World Resort. A cozy movie morning for all Dinkies to enjoy together! - Bring your popcorn, friends, and furry vibes. We are all over at: Dinkies
NEWS!!! 42 CHEEK DEFORMERS (UNISEX) These deformers were created to be for LeLutka heads, they are unisex.
Experiment with the different versions so that you can find the perfect match for your desired look. hop:// De Volcanes/120/118/3827
Rental Lands in E Grid are back up and running after a big revamp of the System.

Also, City of New Dublin is back and will stay available, this time the entire Sim is filled with rentals as well as the beautiful Irish villages and countryside areas!

if you rent at City of New Dublin, the flats or a home, please come re rent at your box again!

We will be adding more rentals in keeping with our new focus on providing fun, free places for people to live on OpenSim :)
Sunday Brunch Blues with DJ Kith on the Bayou Belle every 4th Sunday Morn at 9:00AM (SLT)!!
Region: Bayou Belle at Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2025-01-26 09:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk✦
Get up, grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle to chill with DJ Kith & The Tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but they are a fabulous blues DJ! They've got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week, put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and some chill blues! See you there!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

Release Now
Lots of women's hair with different hairstyles and 46 different colors
Come and get them!

victorialogan: I loved the store, excellent place to visit 2 months ago
DJane Dragon at The Coffin Club on Carpe Noctem : today 8:00 AM to 10:00

DJ DragonLady - Dragon loves gothic rock, her sets are lively and often feature the less well known european artists

The Coffin Club is a gothic club in a church surrounded by a cemetry, furnished with coffins, music is gothic, rock, metal, EBM and Industrial.

Alternate Metaverse Grid Opensim
DJ Dragon  17 bis 19 Uhr im Coffin Club mit Gothic, Industrial and EBM
Nehmt Eure Freunde und kommt rüber in den Coffin Club
hop:// Noctem/68/169/23

or send IM for a teleport
OK I wanted to share these two outside the dumps and the crap group too as I did a dump run to share new and old crap. I saw the old fashioned desk on the left first and it got me thinking about how much things have changed in terms of what a desk is and how we use it. So I put together and built some stuff to make the modern desk on the right.

Apologies that there is no sit pose in the old fashioned desk chair. But on the modern desk you can get all the separates in the contents including a wearable headset.

They are both available along with many many funs things you can find from many amazing creators at two glorious dumps: Dump

and and Dexter's Community Dump

HarperHeld: I've needed those for so, so long it's not funny! TYSM, @JamieWright! :) 2 months ago

Dump run today to 2 with some new and old crap to share: and Dexter's Community Dump Dump

Hello, come to my new shop in Nabila world. I have some clothes for the legacy body :-) There are new clothes and shoes.

Valentine's Day 💘 #carnivalland #arkhamgrid

I am in search of Indian NPC's and teepees. Also tumbleweeds that move around. Any information and shares ... thank you in advance.

JamieWright: Hi Tay, What is the era of your region/s in time? I'm not going to remotely assume anything about your cultural heritage and the words you chose to use or reclaim. As a white settler with the p... 2 months ago