~Home to Monentes Jewelry~
"Exclusively designed jewelry by a copyrighted jewelry designer."
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Step into the immersive world of Mars in this stunning OpenSim region. Feel the crunch of red soil beneath your boots as you explore the rugged Martian landscap...
Rez Zone is a shared creative space where users can freely build. Please be mindful that all items left in the sandbox will be automatically returned every 24 h...
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In the heart of a breathtaking mountain wilderness lies an observatory perched atop a floating mountain, offering unobstructed views of the stunning landscape a...
We have learned the Salem Witch trials began because a group of girls cast a spell then shortly after they became Afflicted which some were led to believe by th...
Beautiful building gifted to me by Cat @ AMV thank you Cat! I am currently working on the landscape as time progresses it will illuminate an etheral glow.