
Santas Winterwunderland
0 Users 22 1 1,050th
Christmas allhrough the Year with a lot of Presents to Collect and to be entertained...And don't forget to visit the small Village of Winterbergen: https://vime...
Santas Planets
0 Users 4 2 1,056th
Enchanted Forest - Zauberwald Pirate Island - Pirateninsel Underwater Crystal World- Unterwasserwelt mit Kristallhöhle Abandoned Cathedral - Verlassene Kathe...

Cloudburst Roads
0 Users | 12 likes 1 comments A

The coolest roads in opensim and brand new. Developed by the Neverworld build team, but specifically Nexus Storm and mr smokes, with some additons by the rest of us. You will get stuck in rock slides, and you may run into weather. this MASSIVE 3x3 region is open to all for touring, but is home to t...

Bellmar Islands 15
0 Users 2 5 1,071st
Keita's Newsagency - Freebies Keita's Korner - Bulk FREE items
Eternal Ice
0 Users 39 0 1,088th
Seasonal Winter region with Xmas Market, Advent Calendar, Fireworks, Dance Floor, Ferry, Snow Saucer, Ice Skating, Toy Train, Carousel ... A region for explori...
Spooktacular Wood
0 Users 6 3 1,125th
Halloween Comes to Virtual Beach. Come visit and enjoy what the region has to offer. Stroll through the corn maze or shop in the Halloween Market . Spooktacu...
Catena di Isole
0 Users 13 0 1,146th
Because every day should feel like a day at the beach...
Haven Guitar
0 Users 2 1 1,152nd
Have a club or are or want to be an entertainer? Drop by and choose an instrument stage or dj board. Truly fun to do. All welcome, all free.
0 Users 3 1 1,158th
Speculoos welcome area: here you can find the stuff to start your virtual life. Mainly a selection of the best avatars found on the grid. Make yourself at home.
0 Users 4 1 1,231st
Hier auf der Alanya Sim findet man den perfeckten Urlaubsort. Es gibt Hotels, Shops, Cafe, Frisör,Teppichladen und einen riesenStrand zum erholen. Ein kleiner ...
0 Users 1 0 1,243rd
serveur Français pour tous gay bie furry feral neko de nombreux chops free [ un club trans hardtek housse ] vous pouvez vous balade en moto voiture vous p...
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