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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Ooops! My blunder! I found that none of the huds would teleport to hypergrid visitors or look to (spy) on hypergrid visitors. So... Today I repaired the Elven Magic Hud first. Now, Finally, Drum Roll.... It actually really does work.
Over the next few days, I will fix the same problems in (1) The Witches Hud, (2) The Fae Hud, and (3) The Vampire Hud in that order, and I will post an update as I fix each one. So if you want to get an idea of how the huds Teleport to, and Spy on someone will work, just get the Elven Magic Hud. Enjoy! Please don't grief people with the hud! Remember be friendly, and have fun!