Cartref City Adult

Cartref City
Wolf Territories
Added by :
Liam Lunarmyst
Created :
1 years ago
Traffic Rank:
Avatars in Region:

Cartref is home to LunarMyst Designs, Zivago and many other stores, we may have events as well.
Here is just a small list of items we have on our region:
Car, Trucks, Motorcycles, boats, aircrafts
Tress, plants, Flowers, Landscaping items
Kitchen sets, Living room sets, beds, couchs
BDSM stuff and other adult things
Furry Avatars and clothes for Furry Avatars
Human Avatar Parts (Mesh Bodies, Mesh Heads, Hair, etc.)
Mesh Clothing for Adonis, Ares, Apollo, Athena & Athena Flat Chest Bodies
BOM Tattoos
A Script Library
Pets & Animals
DJ Supplies & Musical Instruments
Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Boats, Skidoos, ATV

Region Status:
Avatars in region:
Last checked:
16 minutes ago

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Reviews (1)
Overall Rating:
Passion Jumanji WOW! Stevie & Liam! Your Halloween region is fantabulous! :D Thank You for all the freebies too :D That's so generous of you! :D Your Christmas region is awesome too! I spent close to two hours at the Halloween region. I went over and had a quick glance at your Christmas region but then had to...

Region Comments

Hmmm, ble i gychwyn? Cyrhaeddais i gan disgwyl lle hyfryd Cymreig a chartrefol, ond cefais sioc enfawr wrth sylweddoli bod y lle fel America - enfawr, gwastad ac yn llawn llefydd bwyd cyflym ac ardal siopa cymharol diflas a didrefn lle mi oedd hi’n amhosib prynu beic modur a thynodd fy sylw. Mae'r man glanio yn bell o unman, sydd yn iawn, ond ble mae'r arwyddbyst i gyfeirio rhywun at y siopau ayyb? Roedd un peth braf beth bynnag, roeddwn yn falch i weld yr arosfan bws a'r loriau a wnes i ryw ddeuddeg mlynedd yn ôl!