oh HELLO | Outfits with Options, The Body Shop, and The Outfit Challenge.
(Say that 10 times fast!)
oh HELLO offers curated outfits for the Athena body. Each vendor has all of the items pictured. PLUS, if the item is part of a fat-pack, you get the entire pack! Either customize your look, or, if you want wear exactly what is pictured, the vendor gives you the picture to serve as a guide. Think that's convenient? Well, the vendor also gives you a preset body alpha HUD. One click and you are ready to go!
You need something to hang your outfits on. Our Body Shop offers the Athena 6 Baked On Mesh body, 8 Bento BOM mesh heads, over 100 premium skins , and plenty of BOM eyes, make-up and tattoos.
Each month you will find a new display of a dress, a skirt, pants, and shorts in The Challenge Shop. Make use of any of these to create an outfit. Then come to our weekly fashion show to display your outfit and distribute it to other participants. Your outfit may end up in the Challenge Accepted Shop for a month and then included in the main collection, with a note-card giving you credit for your work.
Join the Xinashi group to get notices about the oh HELLO fashion show and other events, news about new outfits in the shop, and access to my super-secret outfit-making workshop to get pre-release outfits.
oh HELLO | Outfits with Options, The Body Shop and The Outfit Challenge.