OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Sei stanco della solita vita monotona? C'è un mondo che fa al caso tuo ed è CloneFantasy Grid. Qui potrai trovare tanti outfit per il tuo avatar, tanta musica, tanto divertimento, tanti nuovi amici e uno staff pronto ad accoglierti. Cosa aspetti, vieni a trovarci. Lo trovi a questo link :

Are you tired of the usual monotonous life? There is a world that's right for you and it's CloneFantasy Grid. Here you can find many outfits for your avatar, lots of music, lots of fun, lots of new friends and a staff ready to welcome you. What are you waiting for, come and visit us. You can find it at this link: