Exciting changes are coming to Home and Gardens! Not only will we have stunning historical homes powered by Bullet physics, but an entire region showcasing some of the finest and freshest properties in the Ubode Physics realm. We've also given H&G Furniture a complete overhaul, with a wealth of brand-new items that will make it easier than ever to find what you're looking for.
All three regions will have their own dedicated beacons, so you can easily navigate to the areas that interest you most. This massive undertaking has been months in the making, and I'm thrilled to finally unveil the new and improved Home and Gardens and H&G Furniture this Tuesday, March 4th at 9am grid time.
These homes are for your personal enjoyment only - no god-modding or unauthorized redistribution allowed. I work tirelessly for the people of the Open Sim, not for any individual grid. I can't wait for you all to experience the incredible transformation we've achieved!