RRD Fashion Exclusives Adult

RRD Fashion Exclusives
Added by :
Trizzy Hunter
Created :
2 years ago
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RRD Fashion Exclusives is a new region dedicated to everything created or uploaded for Rayvn's Roost Designs. While eventually most of the content will be clothing related, other designs made by or uploaded by Trizaria Hunter can also be found.

I realize I'm a bit late in these releases but real life just gets in the way of things sometimes. Here are 4 Valentines Day outfits assembled from different mesh I have in my mesh collection Now available in the Valentines Fashion Shop at RRD. . Also a new Shoe Store release the RRD Ankle Boots in 4 colors..

** Another New Release **

Lorna Lace Lingerie

Available in 4 colors.


Shirley Casual Slacks


Valentine's Day Lingerie & Gowns
Virtual Beach Apparel
Arianna Short Sets
Triffina Lingerie
Bernice Lingerie
Madison & Scarlet Gowns


Davida Skirt & Top Set
Capri Pants
Riley Jumpsuit
Fringe Bikini

New Release at RRD Fashion Exclusives will added shortly.

Trizzy Hunter: Just adding them to the shop now 2 years ago

New Release at RRD Fashion Exclusives will added shortly.

New Release at RRD Fashion Exclusives will added shortly.

New Release at RRD Fashion Exclusives will added shortly.

Men's Fashion will soon be arriving to RRD Fashion Exculsives. Can't forget about the boys now can we? ...... Well maybe sometimes......lol....sorry fellas

Jupiter Rowland: By the way: The tracksuits work well on Roth2 v2. https://opensimworld.com/post/85730 One fewer excuse not to work out... *gulp* 2 years ago

Sorry I didn't post earlier buit the good ol sandman got to me and made me face plant my keyboard. All Virtual Beach and all Rayvn's Roost regions are back online

All Virtual Beach Regions including all of the Rayvn's Roost Regions
Christmas Dreams
Spooktacular Wood
Dagger's Edge
RRD Fashion Exclusives
& Rayvn's Roost Concourse

are down temporarily due to technical difficulty with the server we hope to have it repaired and reinstated later tonight into the early morning hours.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Mistressdalgato: thank you for posting this, saves me a post :) 2 years ago
New Realeases at RRD Fashion Eclusives

Mini Dresses

Yvonne Knit Mini
Leah Glitter Mini
Rhiannon Cotton Mini
Charlette Mini w/Shirt
Charlene Mini
Sharyl Long Sleeve Mini

Lots of colors to suit different tastes.

New fashions recently made available

Danica Dance Oufit - pants & Shirt
Briar Dance outfit - skirt & Top
Daphne Mini Dress
Daphne Mini - Done in Halloween Prints

More on the way

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Reviews (3)
Overall Rating:
Marianna What I love about Triz is her clothing is consistently well-created with beautiful textures too. Thank you Triz for all the work you put into your clothing-I love the styles too.
Milly Money Excellent. Thank you for offering ladies some truly beautiful outfits!!
rayne great job on the textures, i can't wait to see what else you will create... i will keep your landmark handy, i'm sure i will be asked where i got the clothes and will point people in your direction. thank you for sharing !

Region Comments

Great selecton at RRD! Going through it as I type this. Also love how fast the deliveries are coming to my inventory, nice work! :)
Thank You Jerom we try to keep the use of server resources low so everyone has an enjoyable visit.
Pro tip: if you have a Kitely account, for some strange reason you can't TP out of a Kitely grid if you have RRD clothing on. What I do in that case is wear a non RRD take, and then try to find a safe place to change back to a RRD outfit after TPing to a non Kitely grid. IDK why that is, it's annoying but I've gotten around it OK so far.
Ah I can't access it, I really wanted to go see the grid :(
from what grid are you trying to access Lyah?
I haven't yet been in world today so any help would be appreciated so I can look into the issue
Sorry folks the issue has been resolved.
No access also from Craft...WTF do you place such a destination if unreachable ? Make yr own site only....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why no access at all from ZetaGrid ?