Role playing

◉ Offline 1 2 1,690th
As the gods are being restored in Asgard, they restored Midgard for the people of that world to start over, these people are called "Earthlings" by some, but th...
Lush Isle
1 Users 8 0 106th
Exotic Bodies Body Shop, Club Exotic, The Exotic Institute of Adult Education, and much more coming soon! "hop:// Isle/388/2...

Moonrose Shopping
0 Users | 175 likes 0 comments A

Moonrose a shopping experience of a special kind we are diverse offer women as well as men clothes Mesh body for women Arthemis as well as for men Chonsu body. We are always looking for new challenges. We are everything, but not simple

GOR Sardar Fair
1 Users 6 0 158th
Sardar fair, shopping and more on the counter earth grid (Gor)
1 Users 13 0 202nd
Start your roleplay here among the hobbits, satyrs, fairies and elves. Hope to see you there!! There are free homes here for all those interested in rp. Con...
Fantasy Avatar Island
1 Users 24 1 550th
A collection of fantasy avatar fan art from DC, Marvel, Science Fiction and a variety of others. Over 100 FREE avatars never to be sold. All free for personal u...
Asgard Folkene
◉ Offline 3 1 1,690th
WANTED: ROLE PLAYERS who love Norse Mythology education and role play. Here you can become one of the Norse Gods, A Light Elf, a Dark Elf, a Dwarf, a Giant or...
◉ Offline 3 0 1,690th
Private world for our group
0 Users 8 1 98th
Fantasy & Vampire Roleplay
Westeros Medieval RP
0 Users 9 1 139th
Medieval roleplays (Got based) - Come and have roleplay adventures and fun in good company
0 Users 48 7 152nd
Carima, an Medieva Fantasy Roleplay once foundet at SL by Linde Kronfeld. Rised there from an half-sim up to 9 Islands and was well known there. Due to the rai...
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