
0 Users 2 0 269th
Welcome to The Second Sanctuary's public sandbox for everyone. You get a 256m by 256m working area (1x1 region) with a small jetty, surrounded by 512m by 512m...
◉ Offline 7 3 327th
Space Force Sandbox. For teaching building/scripting classes and for migrants to use freely.

Moonrose Shopping
0 Users | 175 likes 0 comments A

Moonrose a shopping experience of a special kind we are diverse offer women as well as men clothes Mesh body for women Arthemis as well as for men Chonsu body. We are always looking for new challenges. We are everything, but not simple

Nautilus Sandbox
0 Users 7 0 334th
Nautilus Sandbox is for all to enjoy. This 3x3 region has a 4 hour return. Has some tools and textures and some free starter avatars and freebies. Teleport boar...
0 Users 1 0 600th
tables de jeux DE GRAND SANDBOX , rez zone.. shops free pour kid furry homme femme CAKIN DETENTE
0 Users 1 0 759th
EIne Sandbox
0 Users 4 1 840th
Rez Zone is a shared creative space where users can freely build. Please be mindful that all items left in the sandbox will be automatically returned every 24 h...
OSCC Sandbox
0 Users 3 0 945th
Sandbox region for the OpenSimulator Community Conference The OpenSimulator Community Conference is an annual conference that focuses on the developer and us...
Julian Beach
0 Users 3 0 1,013th
Sandbox region with BulletSim physics and XEngine scripting. * Large water area * Damage enabled * Two day return Has region crossing to Sandy Island (XE...
Stefanies Sandbox
0 Users 7 2 1,057th
Öffentliche Sandbox mit 4 Stunden automatischer Rückgabe. Hier finden Sie alle Ihre Anforderungen an die Gebäudeversorgung. Texturen, Formen, Skripte, Kleidungs...
0 Users 2 0 1,181st
With some objects that I have collected for construction
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