
0 Users 21 1 716th
This is a recreational sim with lots of things to do, Freebie stores, and free residential, fully furnished homes and beach huts. The sim is open to all hypergr...
0 Users 4 0 719th
Alternate Metaverse's Metasea- Open To All! Metasea is a 12x12 VAR Region (144 sim sized) composed of Numerous islands of varying sizes in a vast beautiful s...

Outworldz Alexandria
0 Users | 13 likes 5 comments

Cleopatra hears that Marc Antony is rushing to her side, barely alive after falling to his sword. The world changed that day from a democracy to a dictatorship, and Egypt was enslaved. A 16 region simulation of Alexandria in 30 BC.

Czech Welcome Centre
0 Users 3 1 802nd
CZ: (English language below) Český virtuální 3D svět Pokud máte zájem pobavit se, posedět s přáteli, zatancovat si nebo spolupracovat a ...
Norwegian Sea
0 Users 2 0 813th
121 sim sized region is a replica of the Norwegian Coastline, with many supersized free parcels *12,000 meters and up** and plenty of fjords to explore, all use...
WW HG Station
0 Users 0 0 858th
A location to travel to other grids via a door port. We also have doors to take you to other parts of WWG.
0 Users 13 0 911th
Accueil Perfect-life, Grille Québécoise sur les mondes de Stargate. Village médiéval chrétien. Ce monde densément boisé abrite un peuple chrétien, probablement ...
0 Users 10 1 954th
*Georgetown has changed from a 3x3 to 3 2x2 regions. They consist of Georgetown, Georgetown Heights, and CFB Georgetown. Georgetown is the main town area of t...
0 Users 3 0 980th
Serenity - Tides
0 Users 1 0 1,081st
0 Users 13 5 1,114th
Parmi les plus célèbres figurent en bonne place le palais des Doges, une merveille d'architecture gothique, ainsi que le Campanile, une ancienne tour de garde. ...
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