"Shaggin" on HOT DADDY'S beach with DJ Moonie tonite at 6:00!
Where: Hot Daddys on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
When: Tonite at 6:00PM [31 May 2021 18:00 SLT]
No, not the British slang "Shag", but Shag as in the Carolina Shag! It's a dance!! And we will be doing it to DJ Moonie's Carolina Beach music at Hot Daddy's!!! It's rock, R&B, and pop rolled into a jazzy swing, a "blues shuffle" with a moderate to fast tempo. You can feel it, but it's hard to explain... once you hear DJ Moonie's music, you'll picture yourself at a Carolina Beach Club "Shaggin" like the best of them! Moonie's a Carolina gal so she has got the best tunes! Put on your swimwear, casual clothes, whatever you're comfy in on the beach and you won't be needing those high heels either! Come on down to Hot Daddy's and shag with us to the closing evening of our Summer Opener Beach Party weekend!! This is gonna be awesome!!!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Hot Daddys