It's amazing how many experts OSW has.
They can see on a new grid what pod is and what newbie is, that's really remarkable. Especially at RAKis World Office. This is our welcome sim. This is largely assigned to 0 users online in your system by OSW. So is El Nido freebie shop. They ignore the sim first ava Rakgrid Owner grid first. We are friendly and patient. But we are slowly wondering, with everything we offer OS compliant, whether we still need OSW. We are one of the 10 most successful grids worldwide according to the jury musician Maria Korolov at Hyperica Business. There are too many in OS to rest on their dusty laurels. And now see the chance to take advantage of newcomers. We are the ones who will shape the OS for the future. You and me. Please help. Not the same mistakes as in SL and RL. Opensim must remain unique. A place where love and warmth live. Give and take and NO $! Opensim means creating and passing on freely, so that the next one can live out their OS and imagination freely. We are OS please no SL2 no need.