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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Morning everyone, as of this moment the Fur Valleys are officially on it's own grid! We're running Diva Distro 0.9 on a single ten-core server and we've brought a total of 63 regions online. With this we also have a new pricing model to introduce to folks:

Full regions are still $10/mo however instead of a 45,000 prim cap, I've capped them at 60,000 prims now.
Half regions are now $5/mo for 30,000 prims
1/4 regions are now $2/mo for 15,000 prims
1/4 regions are also FREE for 5,000 prims

We're welcoming to every walk of life and a perfect solution if you run a club, farm, business, etc... and I'd wager that $10/mo for 60,000 prims is still the best deal for land in all of Opensim and Second Life. Interested? Take a walk over to our website at http://furvalleysos.tk sigh up, log in, and join the community!

NOTE: The signup form's a bit iffy at the moment(when you click submit, the form doesn't do anything but the account has been created so click it once, then go log in). Name is Avatar First and Last name. Nickname is for the website. Ignore the bottom fields as they'll be removed at some point(sent a ticket about it) and certain web account features will be prettied-up but yeah i'm excited to be in control of a grid and double excited to see what 2019 has in store for the valleys as a grid.