OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Hey, if you have a future/space/sci-fi/cyberpunk/industrial goth region you want to auditorily spice up, or you just like that cyborg sound or being immersed in cosmic wonder or wearing all black every day, here are some music streams you can use, curated and regularly updated by me:


and if you want to give your shops a nostalgic feel, like when your parents dragged you to Kmart. only with a healthy dose of relaxing jazz and bossa nova, here's another one:

... and this one's just some electroswing and other dance music:

Each one offers endless hours of continuous music with almost no repetition. Just plug them into the sound tab on your land and enjoy! Minimal ads (usually just one when you first enter the parcel or whatever starts the stream) because I'm pumping out 5 radio stations on one account without paying. I get no revenue from the ads, I just don't want to buy an upgrade because I'm cheap :p